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    Lazy Llama

The most working-class anarchist group is...

Attica said:
Well perhaps maybe you should, 'the flowers in the Attica' you mentioned would be on the working class graves in the biggest massacre by American forces in the USA since the Native American Indian genocide...

But, not only for that reason. The prison movement in America is providing some of the best radical working class organising at the moment, thousands attend their conferences... I don't accept the view that there is nothing to learn from outside 'our sceptered isle' either, that would be a truly pathetic position in this techno global age...

Maybe I should.

As for your last sentence, I have, of course, been saying throughout this thread that there is nothing to learn outside 'our sceptered isle.' Haven't I?

Anybody reading the thread would be able to see that.
LLETSA said:
Maybe I should.

As for your last sentence, I have, of course, been saying throughout this thread that there is nothing to learn outside 'our sceptered isle.' Haven't I?

Anybody reading the thread would be able to see that.

Funnily enough, all my points are not directed at you, although a lot are. They are also directed at other blinkered parochials, such as, but not, you in this instance.
LLETSA said:
I did it to wind certain people up. Like you do, you know? Makes you feel better for seconds on end.

Even though you appear to have been conferring with each other regarding how to refute such issues of world historic importance as somebody saying, 'In my experience Class War isn't seen as very important or relevant,' I didn't really think that you had a politbureau.

Don't delude yourself about your own importance again :eek: :D
I have not conferred with anybody...

Remember in post 241 in this thread I had you sussed - i said this;
"Yawn. Wot a waste of time arguing with Letsa... You're not really interested in debate, you have a record that I have heard so many boring times before..."
Attica said:
Don't delude yourself about your own importance again :eek: :D
I have not conferred with anybody...

Remember in post 241 in this thread I had you sussed - i said this;
"Yawn. Wot a waste of time arguing with Letsa... You're not really interested in debate, you have a record that I have heard so many boring times before..."
So why do you continue doing so?
Pickman's model said:
what a sad, sad life you lead.

So says the man whose sole purpose in life seems to consist of starting up 'scathing'-but ultimately apolitical-threads about what the editor of this site rightly calls 'the S -fucking WP.'
Attica said:
Funnily enough, all my points are not directed at you, although a lot are. They are also directed at other blinkered parochials, such as, but not, you in this instance.

Don't put it in a reply to me then if you don't want me to answer.
How can anybody answer that?

Attica said:
Don't delude yourself about your own importance again :eek: :D
I have not conferred with anybody...

Remember in post 241 in this thread I had you sussed - i said this;
"Yawn. Wot a waste of time arguing with Letsa... You're not really interested in debate, you have a record that I have heard so many boring times before..."

Oh well - that's that then.

What's more -the multiply-named self-proclaimed heir to EP Thompson's throne lectures somebody on his own sense of importance.
LLETSA said:
So says the man whose sole purpose in life seems to consist of starting up 'scathing'-but ultimately apolitical-threads about what the editor of this site rightly calls 'the S -fucking WP.'
and that's another lot of fuckwittery from you.

75% + of the extant threads i've started have fuck all to do with the swp.
icepick said:
100% (all Assisted Places, natch ;))
fuck around!! SERIOUSLY?! ALL of you?

Christ on a tricycle. Actually all the ones i've met were, so its not surprising...
What was surprising is that som chose to STAY in private education even after becoming 'anarchists' and laughing at me for thinking setting fire to policemen was a bit off*

Actually i met one yesterday who went to _____ which is a normal school so no, there's one.

* i've changed my mind now tho :)
Pickman's model said:
and that's another lot of fuckwittery from you.

75% + of the extant threads i've started have fuck all to do with the swp.

So by your own admission 25% of your near-10,000 have?

And I'M the sad bastard?
no i i'm going hard in my old age.

i was pissed of at them for saying they found the following situation funny:
cop comes to evict woman for reant non-payment. Woman pushes cop down stairs, where he lies crippled/immobile. Woman comes down stairs, marinates him in petrol and sets him on fire.

not really that nice.

But now, a few years later, like the letters page in Viz, i've seen the funny side :D
Pickman's model said:
no - that's clearly bollocks. which you'd realise if you read.

Put it this way- the thing that I most associate with your contributions to this board is an obsession with the SWP. An obsession which is, furthermore, devoid of any political analysis whatsoever.
LLETSA said:
Put it this way- the thing that I most associate with your contributions to this board is an obsession with the SWP. An obsession which is, furthermore, devoid of any political analysis whatsoever.
let's put it this way - you've made a claim which is clearly fallacious.

or rather, two claims.
LLETSA said:
Put it this way- the thing that I most associate with your contributions to this board is an obsession with the SWP. An obsession which is, furthermore, devoid of any political analysis whatsoever.

Wanna pint Lletsa? :D

<Runs from Pickman's Model :p ;) >
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