Again, i do not see anarchism as an end, a goal, the ultimate solution, but a method in which we work.
If we are to recognise class as one of relationship, not only one we have towards the means of production but with every other person who exists, so class articulates itself through a commonality of experience, by means in which common interest is sought & identified, both between ourselves but also towards those whose interests are antagonistic & in opposition to ours. This happens through experience, awareness, realisation & ultimately self-acknowledgement. I am working class not because i choose it as a category but because of the sum total accumulation of my experiences. People experience class culturally, politically, socially & intellectually, but it is experienced as a relationship. Class then is not a position we hold, but one we live through.This is what I believe. And to develop it further, and paraphrasing EP Thompson, and Karl Marx;
'people make history through moral choice, but they do not do so exactly as they please, they make it in conditions inherited and transmitted from the past'....
Go on Letsa, try engaging with real ideas such as the above, rather than the purile repetition that is your usual crap.