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The Michael Gove File

I'm very conflicted about his glasses because they're pretty fucking stylish. Acknowledging this makes me feel physically sick.
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It's hechler time again, Libertad.

Michael Gove has invited a partner at a global management consultancy and two Conservative party donors to sit on a committee overseeing the implementation of cuts in the Department for Education.
Leaked documents show Paul Rogers, a managing partner at US firm Bain & Company, has a place on the DfE's progress and challenge committee, whose members will quiz senior civil servants on their progress in creating a leaner department. Rogers is working pro bono but Bain will be allowed to apply for future contracts within the department, a spokesman said.
Rogers will join John Nash, the venture capitalist recently given a peerage and appointed education minister, and Theodore Agnew, an insurance tycoon, on the committee. It is believed to be the first time a senior representative from a management consultancy firm has been invited to sit on a committee overseeing cuts in Whitehall.


More here.
Gove really did say this to stop the FoI request identifying "free" school applicants prior to approval:- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/educatio...ol-applicants-subjected-to-death-threats.html

Mr Gove claimed that opposition to the scheme had “gone further than normal healthy debate”, with at least one applicant facing death threats and others losing their jobs.
He also suggested that the release of the latest information – ordered by the Information Commissioner – may subject future applicants to similar treatment.
In a letter to Christopher Graham, the Information Commissioner, he said: “We are aware of personal attacks on individuals who simply want to improve educational standards and choice locally.
“Organisations opposed to free schools have run hostile publicity campaigns. In some cases these have become highly personal, vilifying individuals involved in opening a free school.
“We have been told of instances where teachers have lost their jobs simply by virtue of their association with a free school application.
“One proposer has even told us that they have been the subject of a death threat.
“It is because we wanted to protect public-spirited volunteers from intimidation that we fought against the ruling.”

Desperate stuff from Gove, but at least the Information Commissioner saw through it.

Interesting that Gove makes no attempt to offer any evidence of the origin of the "death threat", and the torygraph reader is, of course, invited to two and two together to suppose it came from one of the left-wing "groups ideologically opposed to the programme".

Seeing as the British Humanist Association's FoI request revealed that, of the 517 bids,....
...around a quarter of applications were by faith-based organisations, including those named as Muslim, Plymouth Brethren, Orthodox Jewish, Sikh, Hindu and Greek Orthodox.
it doesn't take much fathoming to work out what sort of organistion might just decide upon a death threat.

Letter from the Information Commissioner Christopher Graham to gove released:-

Graham wrote back: "While I note your strongly held views, strongly expressed, I will only observe that both the commissioner and the tribunal have taken careful account of all relevant factors in arriving at a balanced judgment as to where the public interest lies. Your department's arguments clearly failed to convince. I note that you chose not to exercise your right of further appeal to the upper tribunal."
Graham added that he did "not for a moment" accept that publication facilitated intimidation. "I will join you in defending the right of anyone to oppose (or support) government policy. But I will also defend the operation of the Freedom of Information Act in the public interest."

I like his tone; Gove pwned!:D
A sensible political leadership would have some well thought out plans backed with research and evidence and launch a pilot scheme.
But apprantly thats tooo much like hard work so we will wank off to ayn rand themed porn take drugs and come up with some shit on the way into the office:(
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one of the governments most objectionable wreckers and thats some distinction given that he's up against some prize winning wankers to take the cunts crown

Yup, and another ambitious-as-fuck tosser with no talent to back that ambition. As a journalist he was a hack. As a politician he's a hack.
Michael Gove is out of his fucking mind I swear to god. All this is him living out his vainglorious miners strike moment with the teachers, getting himself in line for when Cameron goes.

On a totally unrelated note, what newspapers were behind the Lucy Meadows harassment again, I forget? oh yeah it was the Daily Mail and The Sun. I'm sure the timing of Littlejohn's attack piece had nothing to do with Gove's lot.
he really outdid himself with that foreward to the good book, breathtaking arrogance

Doesnt that count as heresy?
Isnt there a bit in the bible where your not supposed to add or remove bits from gods word?
Bit sketchy on the details.

But come the peoples court a charge of heresy might get a cheap laugh:)?
Looks like Gove has penned something for the torygraph today...


Perhaps the biggest laugh I have had recently has been listening to Christine Blower, the general secretary of the NUT, referring to teaching as a “profession".
Anybody following the resolutions and debate at the union’s conference in Liverpool would realise the teachers had more in common with the dockers of the Sixties or the miners of the Eighties than professionals.
Fewer hours in the classroom, more time in the staff room, higher pay. Is that all? Most teachers seem to think work is something you do between your sick days and your holidays. I would be interested to know if the delegates were still being paid by their school to spout this idle rubbish. Perhaps you might email me.

But of course not all teachers are like this collection of Left-wing herberts. Compare and contrast with Malcolm Bailey who is retiring this summer from Charterhouse School in Godalming, Surrey, where he has worked for 38 years. Leaving with him is his wife Angela who has done 20 years at the school.
He has given his life to the pupils. For 33 years he has been 1st XI football coach, a job he is handing over to David Howells, the former Tottenham and Southampton player. Further he was a housemaster for 17 years.
Generously, Tottenham have agreed to allow Charterhouse to stage a match between boys and Old Boys from the school at White Hart Lane on May 22 as a celebration for everything Malcolm has done for football and for teaching.
Clearly Malcolm comes from the private school world but there will be many cases of sacrifice in the state system and I would be happy to hear from their colleagues.
So I salute the Malcolms of teaching while despising the Marxist ranks who appear to dominate our classrooms. Why should our children be taught by such politicised people? Imagine the outcry from their side if a Paulo di Canio popped up as head of history.
Do carry on aggravating these teachers Mr Gove. The parents are right behind you.
Get in touch with Kelvin MacKenzie by emailing [email protected]

Gove's latest 'wheeze' to break the will of the teaching profession:-

The Education Secretary said all schools should follow the example set in the Far East where pupils are expected to follow a longer day and get less time off.
In a speech, he warned that the current shape of the academic year was created to fit the needs of an agricultural economy, with pupils taking time off in October to help gather the potato harvest.
The lack of time spent in the classroom is particularly damaging to children from poor backgrounds, Mr Gove said.
Some of the Government’s flagship academies – state schools run independent of local council controls – are using their independence to reform the school day, he said.
Some open at 8.30am and expect children to remain until at least 4.30pm to undertake sport, music and other extra-curricular activities, it emerged.

Should hasten quite a few more departures of experienced, 'expensive' staff, which is, I'm sure, all part of the plan behind this populist stuff. I'd imagine that many parents will gladly line-up behind this one.
Gove's latest 'wheeze' to break the will of the teaching profession:-

Should hasten quite a few more departures of experienced, 'expensive' staff, which is, I'm sure, all part of the plan behind this populist stuff. I'd imagine that many parents will gladly line-up behind this one.

Yep. Independent schools will of course be keeping their much-needed longer holidays. The more he fucks up the state sector, the more chance there is that teachers will be forced out altogether or start to think about teaching in the independent sector.
Gove's latest 'wheeze' to break the will of the teaching profession:-
Should hasten quite a few more departures of experienced, 'expensive' staff, which is, I'm sure, all part of the plan behind this populist stuff. I'd imagine that many parents will gladly line-up behind this one.

The Mexican education ministry did his a few years back.

They lengthened the school year so that it was exactly the same as Japan's.

It didn't work, obviously.
Yep. Independent schools will of course be keeping their much-needed longer holidays. The more he fucks up the state sector, the more chance there is that teachers will be forced out altogether or start to think about teaching in the independent sector.

I wouldn't be too concerned with that.

Many independent schools "make up" for their longer holidays with longer school days and classes on Saturdays.

Also, they're (by and large) not going to be all that interested in former state teachers unless they "fit the profile".
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