I wonder if Mr Gove has any idea of the hostility he provokes, but when I suggest this to him he bats it away. ‘Education secretaries, for a host of reasons, tend to find themselves at the heart of controversies, more than some other ministers.’
I wonder if Mr Gove has any idea of the hostility he provokes, but when I suggest this to him he bats it away. ‘Education secretaries, for a host of reasons, tend to find themselves at the heart of controversies, more than some other ministers.’
It's not brilliant for drama, either. Skills-based disciplines get a rough ride with Gove (all practical and creative subjects, basically.)The knowledge over skills stuff is fucking useless for KS1 though. Down here it's ALL skills. The new curriculum has shit all with regards to appropriate levelling targets etc.
It certainly sounds like that to hear him speak.he's one of those reactionary penii who believe coursework is some hobbycraft nonsense and we should all be leaning dates and monarchs, in fucking Latin
And I am unconvinced over the knowledge vs skills thing - while it certainly shouldn't be all one thing or the other, I do think that equipping people with the skills to research, inquire, and - in this age of Google - critically sift the facts from the dross should be more important than merely learning how to regurgitate facts by rote.
Oh god that was such a leadership bid. All that nauseating stuff at the end.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26587418
Fuck me a stuckclock sorings to mind
Pm has too many posh boys in his cabinet
'tis...but...the more explicitly the pretenders posture, the more it tells us that they know they're not going to form the next administration.It is all nauseating really.
Oh god that was such a leadership bid. All that nauseating stuff at the end.
Not sure what everyone is complaining about. Michael Gove seems like the best candidate for leading the Conservative Party in the 21st century.
from the perspective of the conservative party or the labour party?
Gove is going to have to deal with a major crisis very soon if the above is true, I wonder how he will respond?
I thought his leadership candidate was just a troll attempt of wannabe grandee types from the FT and that Gove as leader would diminish the credibility of modern politics so much that both Labour and the Tories would suffer.
I think it might be well meant but it will make teaching conditions worse. At the moment I waste a good couple of hourse every day purely generating evidence for ofsted. Data is everything. Kids must reach their flight path targets (plus one, in my school). Data rules.What do people following this thread make of the Policy Exchange report suggestions for OFSTED?
I think it might be well meant but it will make teaching conditions worse. At the moment I waste a good couple of hourse every day purely generating evidence for ofsted. Data is everything. Kids must reach their flight path targets (plus one, in my school). Data rules.
If the emphasis shifts more that way, i'll spend even less time being a good teacher.
I'm more interested in what the fuck is going to happen after the abolition of levels. From this september's year seven, there won't be levels. There'll be a year six mark from 1-9, or possibly 10. Then *apparently*, we don't test, assess or grade them til they sit their gcses, when they'll get another number from 1-9, or possibly 10. And we won't be told what the gcse syllabuses will contain, until after the kids have finished KS3. And it's just entirely fucking WTF?
I went to a meeting (unpaid, of course), of all the HoDs in my academy chain the other evening. and here we all were, hundreds of well-informed, experienced teachers, plus one of gove's principal toadies (given a knighthood last summer for his services to buggering education), and not a single one of us could work out what the fuck is going to happen in september. In fact for core subjects, they have to start this shit from this september's year nines for first gcse assessment in 2017!
Fu-cking nora...
are you a teacher?I think that the report is excellent. It reflects the evidence that you can't reliably or validly judge teacher quality in a one off lesson, let alone a 20 minute one. It means in the majority of inspections teachers at the chalkface won't see OFSTED at all. I think the idea of a Tailored Inspection is not terrible, though I think that should also not include observations. Sadly, it sounds like it will. I
I think data is everything. What are we doing if we aren't getting the kids to learn?
I totally accept that teachers are asked to produce spurious data. One of the issues with this is that levels have been terrible. The same piece of work can get a different level on a different day from the same teacher... the reason is levels were never designed to assess pieces of work, or to be sublevelled, or anything like the abomination we have now!
Levels have gone already though (correctly in my view). So as you say, 2019's performance measures are not clear. I quite like the proposals for 2016. I suspect a standardised Year 6 test is coming very soon. I do like the opportunity we have to sort out assessment without the abomination that is levels.
are you a teacher?
So what would you replace levels with that would be more consistent?Yes.
I genuinely don't know, but I'm excited by the things schools are developing. I'll gather some links if you like?So what would you replace levels with that would be more consistent?
And do you believe that the straight-line flight paths of '4 levels of progress' is a sensible way to judge a teacher. Taking into no account what has come before or what is happening outside?