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The Matt Hancock File

Will Hancock be Health Secretary on 19th July

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Power is a bit of an aphrodisiac for some, sadly. And let's face it, it was far more than a snog over the last 20 years or whatever it's been.
I was reading about Mussolini the other day. In his youth he stabbed two boys in the hand at school and once raped a woman. When he was in power it is a wonder he did any governing he was so busy having sex with women. Clementine Churchill the wife of Winston wrote her husband a breathless letter saying how appealing the rapist dictator was.

Salo by Pasolini captures fascism pretty accurately.

Maybe this doesn't reflect well on my part but honestly, this is a tipping point for me in terms of tolerating the Tories. Not that I have much choice in the matter. I have no power over what these venal scum get up to.

Maybe it's the nature of the revelation; a grubby security camera video of a rather unsubtle encounter. Hardly satin sheets and Old Spice :D

I'm actually quite angry at this. After a year of corruption and cronyism, to see this piece of human pate leering at the camera every time he gives a press conference arrogantly brushing aside all question of his conduct isn't something I want any more. I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect better of a health secertary during a pandemic. If he can't abide by his own rules then at the very least he has to go. He won't, of course.

The whole thing is 'back to basics' again. Sleazy, grubby and tawdry. I've no wish to judge the lives of others, humans have messy relationships. But they aren't all senios Tories with a history of the most transparent corruption. This guy's attitude is beyond belief. He'll dismiss questions at the despatch box, but thinks nothing of cheating on his wife. How long have they been carrying on I wonder? They've known each other since uni apparently. I'm willing to assume this wasn't just a 'moment of madnesss' either. I bet it's been going on a while. That's their business, but his conduct has made his position untenable. That's the consequence Matt. Go away now.
Heres one of the replies

It's a very weird thing, as my initial reaction has been generally "well, of course he was breaking the rules, how many of us honestly expected any of them to be observing the rules when they thought people weren't paying attention?".

That said, it must be a different kind of galling and infuriating to have it confirmed and plastered everywhere in the media, and in such a... I dunno, I can only think of adjectives that belong in tabloid headlines that I don't want to use, but yeah, it sucks.

I'd also rather assumed it was recent security footage; the fact it's a secret camera in a minister's office, and the fact someone has held onto it until now, and they went to The Sun... as ever, so many things to hate and despair about you don't know where to start.
the fact he was giving out NHS contract to his Mistresses family and he still get away with this shit
that to me is the main issue here. Of course it's funny, him getting caught red handed, breaking his own covid rules, but ultimately I couldn't care less about people's affairs and who shags what. It's their business. Trouble here is the cronyism and power-inbalance that comes into play that needs serious investigating and stamping out.
Ponders if we get a another governemt review that will find him completely innocent of acting inappropriately

How can Johnson, with his record for infidelity, sack him?
Instinctively started to say "by making it about something else, like breaking the rules or the contracts or something" but yeah, not like that's unique to Hancock in this government either.

Also, as others have said, does Johnson really want to? "Useful idiot" 'n' all that, and lord knows Johnson needs as many of those to hide among as he can get.
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