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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

Yeah. He's referring to the feared cadres from the Ta Mok-administered Southwest Zone (phumipeak niredey), who moved out to purge other parts of the country and oversee or actively implement the Pol Pot/central government line 'correctly,' when the Communist Party was tearing itself apart.

Teenage girls, trained in party schools, were just as fierce and inflexible in dealing with real or perceived deviations as the men. I don't think they killed people merely for wearing glasses, though. He shouldn't spend so much time at Wikipedia before getting paid to blog shite.
I don't think they killed people merely for wearing glasses, though.

He's half-remembering The Road To Wigan Pier, I suspect. Orwell is musing on the History of the Commune and suggesting that in any revolution the leaders would be people who could sound their aitches.
I've come to dispise both the Fail and the Telegraph for the standard of their science reporting. When you have creationists such as Booker and 'interpreters of interpretations' such as Delingpole sprouting complete delusional bullshit it does tend to deter the desire to read such crap. I tend to view both only for their comic value.
He's half-remembering The Road To Wigan Pier, I suspect. Orwell is musing on the History of the Commune and suggesting that in any revolution the leaders would be people who could sound their aitches.
Your post makes no sense when you place it alongside what he actually said. He's not misremembering anything - he's openly stating the below as fact and he's quite clear about it:

The nightmare of Cambodia (2 million dead) is especially vivid. "Reactionaries" were sorted out from the base population on the grounds of being supporters of the old regime, having gone to school or just for wearing glasses. They were taken to the side of paddy fields and hacked to death by teenagers.
Yeah. He's referring to the feared cadres from the Ta Mok-administered Southwest Zone (phumipeak niredey), who moved out to purge other parts of the country and oversee or actively implement the Pol Pot/central government line 'correctly,' when the Communist Party was tearing itself apart.

Teenage girls, trained in party schools, were just as fierce and inflexible in dealing with real or perceived deviations as the men. I don't think they killed people merely for wearing glasses, though. He shouldn't spend so much time at Wikipedia before getting paid to blog shite.

Isn't it de rigeur nowadays for journos to garner their "facts" from Google generally, and Wikipedia specifically? It certainly seems to be! :D
I believe Private Eye likes to argue that the Telegraph's decline is largely down to the 2009 appointment of Tony Gallagher as editor. Gallagher came to the Telegraph from the Daily Mail.


Some people just have the look of evil about them. Don't let him alone near your gran, that's what I say. :hmm:
Today Benedict Brogan bangs the drum for our glorious free press who, in his words, hold "the elites to account". No mention of how papers (his included) make up stories.
George Osborne likes to tell the story of the time he was returning from a distant conference and boarded a flight with his French counterpart. To this day, he cherishes the look of surprise as he turned right and headed for his business-class seat, while the Frenchman – along with all his officials – settled into the plushness of first. In fact, the Chancellor was lucky in his arrangements: austerity means his junior colleagues usually have to make do with economy. One minister, who should get a medal for the amount of time he has to spend at European summits, is frequently teased for relying on Easyjet by a European counterpart who has an official plane at his disposal.

Notice how he starts his piece with an anecdote about Gidiot.
Today Benedict Brogan bangs the drum for our glorious free press who, in his words, hold "the elites to account". No mention of how papers (his included) make up stories.

Notice how he starts his piece with an anecdote about Gidiot.

As I recall, the whole "no more flash minsterial cars for junior ministers" and "no more 1st class plane seats unless you pay the difference between business and first yourself" was something new Labour brought in half way through their reign, not something that Gideon has instituted.
Trying to dig Drunken Shit out of the cack with this Uber-Mailesque propaganda...

....the figures show that already around 300 households in England, Scotland and Wales have been identified which were receiving more than £40,000 in state handouts a year before the cap.
So far 17 families have had their payouts capped by £400 a week, which suggests they were receiving at least £900 a week in benefits – or £46,800 a year.

In order for a working person to take home that amount of money they would have be on a salary of around £68,000.

Deserve the Hamburg Springer building treatment for shit like this....:mad:
Today, Tim 'I was a teenage Marxist' Stanley defends the indefensible.
But all of this is purely academic if liberals won't even allow us to have a conversation about immigration. Soubry's attack on Farage is a classic example of shutting the debate down by crying "racist". The narrative is (and it was invoked a lot on Question Time last night) that the Right starts by raising questions about border policing and ends by erecting a Third Reich – as if Nigel Farage were an Adolf Hitler in training. The proposition is obviously an insult to Farage but also an insult to the intelligence of the audience and to those voters with entirely justified fears about access to jobs, housing and NHS beds. If mainstream politicians aren't allowed to discuss this in a mature manner then some people will turn to illegitimate, genuinely racist parties to make their voice heard. That's not a threat – it's a word of warning about an awful possibility that everyone on the rational Right desperately wants to avoid

"Us"? Who is "us"?
What's so appalling about this blog is how Stanley casts Farage in the role of victim. Now, I don't like Anna Soubry but Dimblebum allowed him to constantly interrupt and talk over her. Stanley seems to have been watching a different Question Time to me.

They have actually got a petition going, asking for 'leniency' for a convicted murderer. I just don't know what to make of this it's so fucked up. They usually resist any sort of sociological explanation for any kind of crime, and say its a product of morality. In this case, they want to look at the circumstances:

The case of Marine A will go down as a brutal incident in a brutal war. A badly wounded Taliban captive was executed at point blank range by a British soldier on the field of battle in Helmand in 2011.
Sign the petition here
Perhaps, the shaky camera footage will, as warned, prove to be a gift to terrorist propagandists. But the murder conviction - the first time a British serviceman has been convicted of murder during the Afghan (or Iraq) conflicts – needs to be viewed in context.
The pressure cooker of Afghanistan, where soldiers have been subjected to daily sniper attacks and the ever present threat of IEDs and suicide bombings, has placed intolerable mental strain upon our soldiers. Since 2009, the number of Afghanistan veterans seeking help from the charity Combat Stress has increased by an average of 50 per cent each year. For those like Marine A, an experienced sergeant and veteran of tours in Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan, the risk of developing mental trauma is high. As he told the court martial, he took the shot on the spur of the moment because of pent up emotions.
We do not seek to justify Marine A’s actions, nor condone murder. Instead, we call for leniency when he is sentenced by the Court Martial Board on December 6. This is a man seemingly pushed to the brink by a war in which he was fighting for his country - his country should stand by him now.

...and just for extra fun, thieving MP should be let off for an 'honest mistake'. It's only members of his class who get to make 'honest mistakes', though, remember that:


Shall we go for the hat trick? ok, if you insist, here's James Delingpole :
"In every single sphere of British influence the upper echelons of power in 2013 are held overwhelmingly by the privately educated…." former Prime Minister Sir John Major has complained in a speech.
Well the solution is obvious and I'm surprised Major didn't spell it out. We need a cull – a major cull at every bank, barristers chambers, law firm, FTSE 100 corporation, accountancy firm, hedge fund, advertising agency, hospital trust, regiment and aircraft carrier in the land. Only around 7 per cent of Britain's schoolchildren are educated privately and this needs to be reflected, as a matter of urgency, in the composition of the senior staffing at our major institutions. Yes, indeed it may be true that the privately educated may, ceteris paribus, be more confident, self-disciplined, articulate, motivated and academically able than those who have been stuck in the resolutely anti-elitist state system. But just because they have a greater aptitude for Britain's top jobs doesn't mean they should get them. Not in the modern age, anyway. Personally, I'm with Major: we should end all forms of pernicious discrimination by adopting some sort of quota system so that everyone, whatever their race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, class, ability or IQ level gets a fair crack of the whip.
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Why, for example, is there currently not one surgeon in Britain who suffers from cerebral palsy?
Why are there so few disabled people playing in the premier league?
Where are the transgender Apache pilots in Afghanistan?
When, oh, when are our hunts – the Northern ones especially – going to move with the times and finally appoint their first Islamist Master of Foxhounds?

:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: ...what a fucking imbecile. Privately educated people are just more academically able and self-disciplined, it's not their fault they just are. Their private education made them that way. And having institutions that are representative of the people they serve is just the same as insisting that you have to have disabled people in football teams! He didn't choose that analogy by accident, did he? Being state educated is compared here to having cerebral palsy. He seems to be saying that both are terrible afflictions that render the sufferer unfit to practice medicine.

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