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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

Yes, I could see it too, and learned that certain OEs - Dalyell, Orwell, and Charles James Fox - are some of Galloway's greatest heroes. And the article has this disturbing paragraph:

Despite not being Catholic, we sent our children to Ampleforth where we found the ethos of the Eton I remember. I asked its Headmaster, Father Gabriel Everitt, a wise Dumbledore, whether it mattered that my children were Anglicans. The little monk smiled gently, “You could spend five years here denying that Jesus Christ ever existed. You would find that we are very tolerant. If, on the other hand, you thought foxhunting should be criminalised, that might be different…” That clinched it.
I may not read the Telegraph as regularly as I should, but they appear to to be inching quite close to climate change denial. From today's front page:

Do we think the Telegraph might be running a Opinion Writer Cunt of the Year competition, with fabulous prizes for the winner? I think they must do. Here's another strong bookies favourite


I wonder what she might do when her pacience finally runs out...
Do we think the Telegraph might be running a Opinion Writer Cunt of the Year competition, with fabulous prizes for the winner? I think they must do. Here's another strong bookies favourite

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I wonder what she might do when her pacience finally runs out...
That's positively tame, compared to Allister Heath's blabberings:


Of course, he sometimes gets it right, sort of:

I may not read the Telegraph as regularly as I should, but they appear to to be inching quite close to climate change denial. From today's front page:

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Wow someone came up with an idea for even more toxic referendum than the last one.

We must bring everyone along with us. Even the angry boomers who know they've only got ten years left and clearly don't give a shit what happens after that?
Do we think the Telegraph might be running a Opinion Writer Cunt of the Year competition, with fabulous prizes for the winner? I think they must do. Here's another strong bookies favourite

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I wonder what she might do when her pacience finally runs out...

I dunno if there's any point trying to change or re-educate these people. But I'd settle for no longer giving them opinion columns in national newspapers as a massive improvement.
I've just signed up again for another 4 months free access to the Telegraph. They're really bad at keeping tabs on how many times you've used the same email address to keep signing up for their "free trials" I just rotate between two emails and pretty much have a permanently free access to online and the app.
Not just a crank columnist (clearly is) but editor of a string of papers , city am, spectator and Sunday telegraph.

Seemingly coming originally from the US there's a right wing conflation of rabid Christianity mixed with anti socialism ground into conspiracy theorism.... Has hit Europe in a big way too.... That headline ticks all the boxes: be a good Christian and reproduce, great replacement theory, climate change is a hoax and socialist conspiracy. Far from a niche view I fear
There's a tinfoil hat contingent on Next Door, one of which gave a long technical spiel proving that anthropological CO2 release makes no difference to global temperatures, then proclaims that reducing CO2 levels to zero in the atmosphere will destroy lifeforms including plants because they need CO2. :)
Even though I shouldn’t, I check the Telegraph website every weekday in the morning to see what the deluded cunts are ranting about now. I know there’s nothing to be gained by it, but ultimately it’s not any different to peeps checking what kind of poisonous filth abominable cunts like Lawrence Fox might have spouted on Twitter.

Anyways, one obvious trend that will jump at anyone checking their website regularly is the paper’s hatred of lockdowns. Nearly two years after the last lockdown ended, there are still opinion pieces being published literally every single week, sometimes more than one, raging about the alleged indescribable damage to society the Covid lockdowns apparently caused, and the scandal that is the lack political and social debate about it.

As time goes by they have grown more Daily Mailesque in their outrage and desperation that everyone else, even the other ultra right wing media outlets, long ceased to give a fuck about the subject. The most recent opinion pieces are now entering the ‘ARE WE REALLY NOT GOING TO DISCUSS THE DEVASTATING IMPACT OF THE LOCKDOWNS?’ level of desperation.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with the fundamental humanity of the Telegraph’s owners/ chief editors to continue to desperately and absurdly push a negative agenda against a measure that unquestionably saved hundreds of thousands of lives? That the fuck is wrong with these cunts?
Certainly it is getting hard to justify the “i read the telegraph for the sports coverage” argument these days
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with the fundamental humanity of the Telegraph’s owners/ chief editors to continue to desperately and absurdly push a negative agenda against a measure that unquestionably saved hundreds of thousands of lives? That the fuck is wrong with these cunts?
They don't have owners as such, as they got taken into receivership in June.

They're ramping up their anti-eco rhetoric, with today's lead item on the front page backing airport expansion, very much framed as against net zero.

There's also this bit, also on the front page, claiming ULEZ is about CO2 reductions, rather than particulate matter. As far as I can tell Richard Holt and Oxford Economics are not writers of peer-reviewed studies.

They don't have owners as such, as they got taken into receivership in June.

They're ramping up their anti-eco rhetoric, with today's lead item on the front page backing airport expansion, very much framed as against net zero.

There's also this bit, also on the front page, claiming ULEZ is about CO2 reductions, rather than particulate matter. As far as I can tell Richard Holt and Oxford Economics are not writers of peer-reviewed studies.

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This is quite a common one that I've heard from anti-ULEZ people - "it's not going to help climate change is it?" Well no but that's completely fucking irrelevant because it was never about that in the first place was it you fucking tool.
This is quite a common one that I've heard from anti-ULEZ people - "it's not going to help climate change is it?" Well no but that's completely fucking irrelevant because it was never about that in the first place was it you fucking tool.
Every once in a while one of them says the sane thing of "It doesn't do much if you can just pay to get around it". And that I agree with. If they were serious about air quality, they'd be banned with the first offence being £90 and going up from there.
I suppose we can all guess who the mystery backers for the Barclays taking back control are then.
Private Eye has been running quite long pieces about Fred Barclay's financial travails, and how he's been fucking around the High Court over his lack of divorce payments. Apparently a VIP is going to bail him out, but on the strict condition of anonymity.
Private Eye has been running quite long pieces about Fred Barclay's financial travails, and how he's been fucking around the High Court over his lack of divorce payments. Apparently a VIP is going to bail him out, but on the strict condition of anonymity.
Isn't there a suggestion that the anonymous VIP doesn't actually exist and is just a way of delaying payment to his ex wife again and again and again and ...
Isn't there a suggestion that the anonymous VIP doesn't actually exist and is just a way of delaying payment to his ex wife again and again and again and ...

This one does, the "anonymous VIP(s)" is/are being fronted by Nadim Zahawi. The money is going to Lloyds mind you, not the ex wife.
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