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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

If you want to read it online past your 20 free articles a month then delete all your cookies with Telegraph in and it resets the counter - obviously wouldn't be needed by anyone here.
Cringeworthy crap from Doc Stanley.

The rule in the Zimmerman case seems to be “if you don’t get the verdict you want, try, try and try again.” Ever since George Zimmerman was found not guilty of Trayvon Martin’s murder, the US Department of Justice has been pursuing other ways of getting him behind bars. It wants to nail him for breaking federal race-relation laws – for which it would have to prove that Zimmerman was motivated by racism and that it was his civil rights that he was gunning for when he shot him dead. The DOJ’s argument has already hit some logic hurdles. After examining the case for a year, the evidence hasn’t changed and proof of Zimmerman’s racial bias remains absent. The Sanford police, the FBI and the court failed to find evidence that he’s a racist and, if anything, investigation into Zimmerman’s private life suggests the opposite – this is a guy who took a black girl to the prom and mentored black school kids. There isn’t much of a case to pursue here.

Classic comment too.
1 week ago
You know I just can not understand still WHY all Media can not get it Mr. Zimmerman is of Spanish descent and is There fore SPANISH or HISPANIC. Now what is the Origin of the name Zimmerman (JEWISH) So Mr. Zimmeran is not a white male. He is a minority RACE
The evidence that was squashed by the Judge : Martin was kicked out of School for Drug use, did you note that no Toxicology report on MARTIN was allowed in the Court room as Evidence
Speculation only was it was Marijuana Martin was smoking in School that day. Um what drugs can a Druggie put in Marijuana to smoke. The school officials could not make any comments for violating Martins rights of a Student.
Even the States Expert witness pointed out the ONLY BLOOD was Zimmerman's. So who was bleeding .
A jury of peers found Zimmerman a Spanish Male Not guilty. The jury spoke, and now the Federal Justice department want to Continue calling Zimmerman a WHITE MALE. What ever happened to the Process of Law.

Er, Zimmerman's a German name. Duh.
They're all fucking bonkers. :cool:

They are funny though - its like a window into the lunatic asylum. :D

The columns by Christine Odone are bizarre, and the comments on these religious propaganda articles are a good laugh.

I only ever look at it online, which will come to an end soon when they erect a pay wall.
It's a bit cricket-heavy (for my tastes), but the sports writing can be OK, if inevitably Premiership dominated when it comes to football (all papers are guilty of this though).
Today, Hannan gushes over the memory of Milton Friedman, of whom he says "Today would have been Milton Friedman’s hundred-and-first birthday". Ugh, put it away Dan, you dirty beast.
The chief purpose his blog is to reiterate his attachment to vouchers for schools.

What mattered to him most of all? Oddly enough, it was nothing to do with monetary policy, or indeed with economics at all. He believed that the single measure that would do most to ameliorate society was school vouchers. He had first suggested the idea as early as 1955 – in an intellectual climate so unfriendly that he might as well have been proposing that children be cooked and eaten. But the climate shifted, not least through Friedman’s own interventions and, by the end of his life, a few places were prepared to give his idea a go. Chile had led the way in the 1980s, followed by Sweden in the early 1990s. Milwaukee became the first city in the US to adopt vouchers 23 years ago, and around a quarter of a million American pupils are now benefiting. The idea has been taken up by Pakistan and India, bringing many thousands of children who previously had no schooling at all into the system. Though Britain has stopped short of full-blown vouchers, Michael Gove has plainly embraced the idea that governments can fund schools without running them, and the free schools programme is one of the greatest of the Coalition’s achievements.

This is the man who, like most of his colleagues, attended a top public school. Like them, he projects these values onto the education system generally.

Somewhere in this country there's a lamp post with Dan Hannan's name inscribed upon it.
After 35 years of daily readership, I cancelled the Telegraph about a year ago. I wrote a letter to the Editor, stating my reasons for feeling that the paper had gone down hill.

They didn't print the letter, but I was most surprised to get a phone call from Tony Gallagher, the Editor. We discussed my view, he replied, and the circulation dept sent me out a voucher giving me the paper for a fiver a week. I didn't take it up.

I don't read a paper at all now, and to be honest, I don't miss it.
After 35 years of daily readership, I cancelled the Telegraph about a year ago. I wrote a letter to the Editor, stating my reasons for feeling that the paper had gone down hill.

They didn't print the letter, but I was most surprised to get a phone call from Tony Gallagher, the Editor. We discussed my view, he replied, and the circulation dept sent me out a voucher giving me the paper for a fiver a week. I didn't take it up.

I don't read a paper at all now, and to be honest, I don't miss it.
what was your reason and what was the discussion
what was your reason and what was the discussion

There were a number of reasons. One was the disappearance of 'Social Stereotypes' which I liked, but was deemed too expensive. The curtailment of the 'Honest John' column, and the hiring of Mary Riddell, a very left wing, and frankly lunatic, columnist. The regular appearance of uncorrected grammatical errors was another issue, apparently the number of sub-editors had been cut to save money.

All in all, the paper had been going downhill since Moore left. Riddell was the final straw though.
There were a number of reasons. One was the disappearance of 'Social Stereotypes' which I liked, but was deemed too expensive. The curtailment of the 'Honest John' column, and the hiring of Mary Riddell, a very left wing, and frankly lunatic, columnist. The regular appearance of uncorrected grammatical errors was another issue, apparently the number of sub-editors had been cut to save money.

All in all, the paper had been going downhill since Moore left. Riddell was the final straw though.

To use a phrase from Ricki Lake: Riddell "isn't all that". She's no wild-eyed Trot: she's a tepid social democrat.
Moggy writes drivel for the Torygraph.

Zero-hours contracts: why do Lefties always think they know best?

Zero-hours contracts are also more secure than freelance work or sole trading. These categories have no certainty of employment but also carry all the regulatory burdens and accounting requirements of a business. Freelancers have no holiday rights nor fringe benefits which accrue to those who are employed proportionate to the number of hours actually worked.

My bold. You get the feeling he hasn't bothered to speak to anyone on a zero hours contract and like the rest of his party (and their associated think-tanks like Policy Exchange) he's prone to making things up. He's also produced a false dichotomy.

The "Lefties" in question are, er, Vince Cable and Dave Prentis. :facepalm:
What a prat. And he completely misses the point. As I understand it, one of the problems with some zero-hour contracts is that they demand availability. As a freelance or sole trader you're free to work for whoever whenever, but on a ZHC you're not.

And running a company is not difficult.
Janet Daley seizes on the Centre for Policy Studies evidence-free report a couple of days late.

The Centre for Policy Studies has published an impeccably researched report which offers objective statistical evidence of the BBC's persistent habit of describing (which is to say, effectively dismissing) the proposals of think tanks such as the IEA, the Centre for Social Justice, the Taxpayers' Alliance, and the CPS itself as emanating from "Rightwing" organisations, while offering up material from Leftwing or Labour-supporting groups without any such health-warning. The effect, needless to say, is to cast political suspicion on the published claims or policy suggestions of the outfits labelled "Rightwing", even when the material they contain is factual and empirically indisputable.

This is the 'non-partisan' think-tank that was created by Keith Joseph, Alfred Sherman and Thatcher in 1975. Notice how she claims that left-wing think-tanks are given more latitude than right-wing ones. It's truly barking and only someone living in a parallel universe would accept Daley's thesis that the BBC is labels The Taxdodgers Alliance, for example, as "right-wing". It does no such thing. Chinless fuckpig, Matthew Sinclair, appears on the news without anyone challenging his or his organisation's position. Indeed he is often presented as an ideologically neutral 'expert'.

Wtf is wrong with these people?
Kipper Michael Heaver writes this typically barking piece about Caroline Lucas's arrest.

For weeks now we've been greeted by the sight of the same eco-warriors who seem to have endless amounts of free days with which they can dance, shout at police, and generally chillax on their backsides in the name of defending the environment. Fracking is of course evil. Unless you are a single mum on a council estate who can't afford to pay the bills and feed the kids. Or one of our countless old folk dying because they can't afford to heat their homes properly. For those people, a fracking energy revolution would be a godsend.

Q. How many Kippers would risk arrest for something they believed in?
A. None. They're too busy getting sloshed in a rugby club and swapping racist and sexist jokes with their chums.
Johnson has evidently not spent the summer mugging up on ideology....

The Mayor of London accused Mr Miliband, who defeated his brother in a leadership election in 2010, of being a “socialist” who regards familial ties as “trivial”. He said that Mr Miliband is a “leftie” who sees people as “discrete agents devoid of ties to society or to each other, and that’s how Stalin could murder 20 million people”.
Mr Johnson, who is currently on a trip to Australia, praised his brother Jo, who was earlier this year promoted to become David Cameron’s head of policy in Downing Street. In an interview with The Australian newspaper, Boris Johnson was asked whether his brother could become Prime Minister before him. He replied: “I think it very likely and I think he'd be....blah, blah, blah..."


torygraph pumping out such shite for Johnson.....and the title!
"Boris says he would never ‘shaft’ his brother like Ed Miliband did" :D

Johnson has evidently not spent the summer mugging up on ideology....


torygraph pumping out such shite for Johnson.....and the title!
"Boris says he would never ‘shaft’ his brother like Ed Miliband did" :D

I see that Bozo has got his political ideologies mixed up again.
No, Boris, it's Conservatism that sees people as discrete agents. Socialism is based on collectivity, you tousle-haired rhino's codpiece! :facepalm:
Today's piece from Hannan is your typical, common or garden hate piece. This one hates anti-fracking protesters and sort of ignores the fact that 80% of Balcombe's residents are against fracking.

Actually, I’m not sure that ‘eco-protesters’ is the right word. Balcombe is simply the latest destination for the anti-globalisation crowd, whose sense of geography seems hazy. First, they set out to ‘Occupy London Stock Exchange!’ but ended up ‘Occupying St Paul’s Cathedral!’ Now, they have managed to stage their anti-fracking demo in a village where no fracking is taking place: the drilling at Balcombe is for oil.

This isn’t a protest about pollution; it’s a protest about capitalism. If your sole concern were for the environment, you’d be delighted about shale. Here is an energy source that doesn’t emit soot (as coal does), nor jam estuaries (as tidal turbines do), nor starve Africans (as biofuels do), norslaughter rare birds (as wind farms do). It doesn’t soak up public subsidies (as both nuclear and renewables do); on the contrary, it will generate a healthy stream of tax revenue for the Exchequer. Oh, and it will reduce our carbon emissions, by displacing coal in electricity generators.

Why, then, are the greenies so glum? Their placard slogans advertise their true preoccupation, as do their Twitter streams. For most of them, the main objection seems to be that ‘corporates’ or ‘the rich’ will make money out of fracking. Think about this for a moment. Virtually all economic activity involves someone somewhere making a profit: that’s what drives human progress. If your real objection is to people making money (‘greed!’) you would have opposed pretty much every advance since the Bronze Age.
The only reason Hannan's in Strasbourg is because he's a list MEP. His party won't even have him in this country because he's so loopy. Notice how he claims (without any evidence) that windfarms "slaughter" rare birds. The word he used was "slaughter".:facepalm:
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