No pasaran!
Self-styled intelligence and security expert Louise Mensch offers her professional view of the David Miranda case.
But with the distressing realisation that Snowden looks like a little spy, one who was happy to suck up to the homophobic regime in Russia where he has taken asylum, I kept looking at Glenn Greenwald’s feed –@Ggreenwald on Twitter – hoping to see some condemnation of what many in the US believe is the plain and obvious treason committed by his source. Yet there was none.
I put this down to journalistic "Stockholm Syndrome", that Greenwald was so in love with his story and his source that he had just gone blind and could see no wrong. When Greenwald frenziedly attacked a Wall Street Journal reporter who suggested he, Greenwald, might have aided and abetted Snowden, I supported Greenwald. I honestly did not believe that Greenwald would stoop so low, knowing as he did by then that Snowden was happy to leak US intel operations against repressive regimes.
The Guardian came out with a “story” that GCHQ had spied on Russia at the G8 and it was rightly met with total derision on Twitter, even amongst lefties. #GuardianBond was the hashtag. (They were shocked, shocked that our spies spy! And on Russia, too!)
Well, the sell-out traitor Snowden took asylum with the homophobe Putin, issuing a fawning statement of thanks, and I assumed the story was dead for a while.
Until the “scandal” of David Miranda’s nine-hour detention broke on Twitter. Boy, did it seem pretty bad – the husband of a journalist, nothing to do with this story himself, detained for no good reason for nine solid hours, denied a lawyer, held under the Terrorism Act, purely to intimidate his husband. Wow. I had no idea our security forces at Heathrow were such utter b*******, abusing their power in violation of all professional standards and ethics.