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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

Would a Johnson victory be bittersweet for the Telegraph? From what I understand he's their star columnist, to their readership at least.
Will they? They'd support any Tory "to deliver us from the threat of a Corbyn government". And no Tory leader is going to piss on their sweet little tax ruse in Sark/Monaco.
When I lived in Islington, two Waitroses within ten minutes walk, it used to piss me off how far I had to go to get to a Lidl or an Aldi, usually involving a bike ride up to hackney or Walthamstow. These cunts don’t know how lucky they are.
It seems a shame to let this thread die, particularly as the paper is now the official fanzine of the PM:

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This almost reads like a Private Eye parody Telegraph headline. In the print too small to read it'll say "No".
DUP will never go for the all-ireland thing (backstop applies to NI only) so without a change in parliamentary maths no fucking chance. And even if he got it through it would basically accelerate irish reunification. So I'm all for it.
Go fuck your nanny, Charles Moore. A whole upper middle class of poorly educated, effete and anachronistic children. No wonder England is fucked. It's been scammed by private education for centuries.
Madeleine Grant seems to be infecting a lot of the political commentary on telly at the moment. She's been on Politics Live a lot, and was on Marr this morning, and always with the standard Torygraph lines.
If Johnson had actually had Covid19, I wonder if he'd have got more mileage out of it if he'd snuffed it ...
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