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the long-awaited 'why the telegraph is going downhill' thread

"Direct marketing includes promoting particular views or campaigns such as those of a particular party".

Yes, and that's nonsense. Newspapers have been promoting particular views since presses were powered by steam. And that's what recipients of editorial emails have signed up for. There is a legitimate grievance if you sign up for an editorial newsletter and then are spammed for digital subs or newspaper wine clubs, or if third party advertisers then target you. But a political endorsement counts quite reasonably as commentary. Shit ruling.
Yes, and that's nonsense. Newspapers have been promoting particular views since presses were powered by steam. And that's what recipients of editorial emails have signed up for. There is a legitimate grievance if you sign up for an editorial newsletter and then are spammed for digital subs or newspaper wine clubs, or if third party advertisers then target you. But a political endorsement counts quite reasonably as commentary. Shit ruling.
It depends on the form the email took, surely?
Yes, I read the judgement, and I disagree with it. Partly the Torygraph's fault for calling the email an unprecedented step, I suppose.
I went back to my parents at Christmas and so got my annual chance to skim over the Telegraph six days a week. Much the same shit as always, but I do remember a Fraser Nelson op-ed article seemingly attributing the large decrease of malaria in Africa purely to capitalism.
Ah yes, continuing the long tradition of looking at the selfless labour of hundreds of thousands (not an exaggeration) towards helping their fellow man and saying, you know what? unbridled selfishness achieved that.

Fuuuuuuuuck off.
Its tabloid equivalent the Mail is none too impressed, but the Telegraph's headline is more praising of our esteemed leaders on his continental travails:

Cameron wins deal to block EU laws

Are the Telegraph not totally anti-Europe?
ive never read the telegraph but its supposed to be a conservative paper isnt it? i saw someone on the news the otherday who worked for the telegraph and i wouldnt say what he said was a conservative view. more of a leftwing i thought. maybe thats the reason its going downhill. out of touch with there demographic.
From today's front page;

"Huh, she's only famous because of who she's slept with!"
not to mention that canada's first lady is er the queen of canada who happens to be queen elizabeth i (of canada) and elizabeth ii of the uk: a fact unnoticed by the supposedly royalist telegraph.

Heffer of course is better known (before actually writing in a real printed newspaper that Enoch was right) for his assertion in 2012 that Liverpudlians had a "victim complex" about Hillsborough and it was mostly the fault of drunken fans.
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