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The job hunting support thread


one i put the CV in for a couple of weeks ago, haven't heard anything (apart from an automated 'thanks for applying) but job is still on their website (no closing date shown) which could imply they haven't started thinking about it yet.

my friday evening meandering on the internet has brought something else up - something i did not far from here about 20 years, but on an 'outsourced' basis is being advertised as a proper council job. they seem to be putting a proper team together, as looks like the next job up, and a couple of associated things are out as vacancies as well. hmm.
Sadly landing back on the thread before planned.

I'm a part timer.

As always, my job A is amazing but shit pay.

Job B I started a few months back was amazing with slightly less shit pay, useful as career development (as long as I didn't stick around longer than the fixed term contract). Its now turned into a living nightmare due to a new colleague. I don't care if I can "win" over them, I'm too old for this shit and I want out.

Can't bring myself to go back to my old Job B. As bad as the situation currently is, this job is still better than the last job.

I'm due to complete an important qualification by 2025 so was planning on holding back with the job search until then, but its no longer an option.

Currently focusing on things that are a "step up" from current job B. In theory I need something I can just coast in for 6 months but realistically, thats not how the world works. Got an application in today for something that would be a step up but its difficult to figure out what my chances are. Also applied for something extra at Job A I haven't heard back about yet.

Wondering if current job B will sort its shit out before I get an offer, but even if it does, now we're at this point I can't keep hanging around there
Have you spoken to anyone at job B about nightmare colleague?

In my experience of NCs, they usually have a limited lifespan. They end up shooting themselves in the foot or flouncing. "If you sit on the riverbank for long enough, eventually the body of your enemy will float by."
I don’t know about applying for this job. I’m doubting my abilities because I’m having a few difficulties in my current job.
Have you spoken to anyone at job B about nightmare colleague?

In my experience of NCs, they usually have a limited lifespan. They end up shooting themselves in the foot or flouncing. "If you sit on the riverbank for long enough, eventually the body of your enemy will float by."
Yes I have. She's got a very limited life span I could easily wait out, but the stakes are too high if I drop my guard and she actually lands something on me. Also a third person seems to be trying to triangulate us both now so the writing's well and truly on the wall. Honestly she might even be gone by the time I get a job offer for somewhere else
I don’t know about applying for this job. I’m doubting my abilities because I’m having a few difficulties in my current job.


a crappy job can reduce the time, energy and self esteem available to apply for anything else.

i'll go with my usual advice, and if in doubt, put an application in and see what happens...
The application asks you for all your qualifications from GCSE level. But the employment section just asks for previous employment. For jobs you have to list your salary. How far back should I go? I had a lot of short term catering jobs when I was younger, I have no idea of my salary 25 years ago.
I've said this somewhere here before, but not on this thread -- for my current job I was asked to list every job I'd ever had. I didn't apply for it the first time I saw it for a similar reason.

I was unemployed, and sent to some dodgy G4S agency that recommended the same job. I explained why I hadn't applied for it. I was told that all they cared about was the past five years and that you hadn't been in prison. So I applied, only listing my last job (over 10 continuous years) and got the position. Obviously, this might not always work.

a crappy job can reduce the time, energy and self esteem available to apply for anything else.

i'll go with my usual advice, and if in doubt, put an application in and see what happens...
They’re talking about putting me up to the same level as the new job but that will take about a year and anyway talk is cheap.
Have applied to the local boatyard, role is a step down and in office but its a place I actually like, is a 5 minute walk and should be an absolute breeze. Plus they have almost no turnover and the guy who started the company is CEO and has expanded to another site now but still works on the yachts too. Like that the management actually know how shit works on the floor. They also have a big thing about trying to get locals in.

Wrote a whole custom cover letter for them as I do actually have an interest in that area. In my house growing up my dad dug out a dry dock, got the hull and super structure then did the rest himself so I had a 26ft yacht in the garden for most of that time and could add some extra experiences too to show I had indirect contact/experience with the industry rather than working within in.

Just emailed me asking if I want the interview tomorrow or Friday!
Wrote a whole custom cover letter for them as I do actually have an interest in that area. In my house growing up my dad dug out a dry dock, got the hull and super structure then did the rest himself so I had a 26ft yacht in the garden for most of that time and could add some extra experiences too to show I had indirect contact/experience with the industry rather than working within in.

Just emailed me asking if I want the interview tomorrow or Friday!
Sorted for Friday. Now finding out wtf they need, have likely shortages in and the 'onshoring' stock management. This shit is literally what I do at home but wirh different shit and demand. They are booked up for 2 years in advance. Have healthy finances and are expanding while I could get marine experience I need to get higher wages locally or progress in firm. Just need a wage of any kind. Daughter left again, son is unemployed again and that's left us living off savings. SO needs to get PIP sorted but that's a shitshow to deal with.

So annoyed I didn't buy the house off the right to buy market and have an income for this. Having savings seems to be a huge problem. Fucking tax people with 1m+ properly.
The one who just wanted a CV now want to interview me next week.


Is turning up in shirt and tie but no jacket considered acceptable these days? looks like it will be fairly warm midweek...
Fomer job, who have no idea about current job being a shitshow, are suddenly behaving in ways that are more appealing. Wondering if there's stop-gap potential there...
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