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The 'I have some sort of lurgy but don't know if it is corona or just a cold' thread

Think my GP still doesn’t have enough stock of flu jabs as I’ve not been told to make an appointment yet, and did query this a couple of weeks ago when I booked my son in for routine vaccinations to see if I could be done at the same time (in the past whenever I had a nurse or GP appointment for something else they’d ask if I’d had the jab and administer it there and then if needed). Another Brexit bonus I believe.
After all that my walk in centre PCR is negative! Work are now looking at the PCR test stash as I've suggested that might be the cause of the issues.

Still no idea what bug I've had.
My PCR has come back negative. I’ve also been speaking to my boss who tested positive over a week before I did but also had a negative PCR and was the likely source of my infection - her symptoms were similar, and she continued to produce positive lateral flows all week. Something is a bit odd. She said medical friends had suggested that vaccinated people may be infectious for a much shorter time so that by the time the PCR is done they are no longer infectious, but I’m not sure how that tallies with continued positive lateral flows.
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Here's how to tell if it's a cold or Covid.

Except this article doesn't do that .
Sadly it's not a one size fits all.
The symptoms for people that have been double vaxxed are the same as if one has a heavy cold - including loss of taste/smell. If I have a heavy cold I lose taste and smell for a bit.
My PCR has come back negative. I’ve also been speaking to my boss who tested positive over a week before I did but also had a negative PCR and was the likely source of my infection - her symptoms were similar, and she continued to produce positive lateral flows all week. Something is a bit odd. She said medical friends had suggested that vaccinated people may be infectious for a much shorter time so that by the time the PCR is done they are no longer infectious, but I’m not sure how that tallies with continued positive lateral flows.
Two other parents from school now who’ve had positive lateral flows but negative PCRs. False positives are supposed to be very rare. What is going on here? LFTs picking up something else (don’t think they work like that)? Some new strain that the PCR isn’t getting but the lft is?
I feel so poorly, I’ve just come here to moan.
I’ve got a cough, cold, sore throat and horrendous ear pain.
Mr Looby is off to get me a cocktail of stuff. Antibiotics, a spray and a medicated mouthwash for my throat.
I feel wretched.

ETA The fucking pharmacy only have the antibiotics.
Sympathetic virtual hugs to you Looby - I've managed to avoid colds so far. Hope you're feeling better very soon.

Can you get him to get you Sambucol from Boots? It's a fab anti viral and really does cut down the duration of a cold.
Sympathetic virtual hugs to you Looby - I've managed to avoid colds so far. Hope you're feeling better very soon.

Can you get him to get you Sambucol from Boots? It's a fab anti viral and really does cut down the duration of a cold.
Thanks, I’ll get him to grab some tomorrow when he collects the rest of my prescription. The ear stuff is likely bacterial but worth throwing something else at it because I’m well fucked off with being ill.
I have felt kinda crap since monday - headache / tired / minor aches and pains / minor sniffle.

did a negative LFT on monday (the throat + nose type) and again today.

The chronic sinusitis I've had for two years is still giving me moderate grief. It gave me almost comical labyrinthitis in 2020 ...
It flared up again over Xmas almost to the same extent that saw me getting a PCR test in the autumn - but not remotely like the excruciating acute attacks I used to get.
It's somewhat in my ears at the moment.
Yesterday it briefly made it painful to eat.
I had a massive prophylactic dose of antibiotics in June for something else which didn't seem to touch it.
All I'm left with now is my "theory" that what I need is a dose of flu to flush everything out.
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I feel really weird this evening, I don't know what is going on - just absolutely horrendous vertigo that started mid afternoon and has been getting worse and worse.

OH had the same this morning (and actually threw up after hours of vertigo and nausea) but after a good few hours sleep he felt fine.

LFTs all negative, and none of the "classic" symptoms of Coronavirus, or cold symptoms that might indicate Omicron variant. I am aware though that vertigo can be caused by upper respiratory/ENT type things. It's odd (if it is Covid, where it is a less common symptom) that we both experienced the same today, me a few hours later than OH.

I am supposed to be having lunch with my parents on Thursday but I think I'll postpone it just in case. I am due to see them again in a couple of weeks anyway for my mum's birthday.
I'm just getting over the first cold I've had for over two years.....so about time. I've been lft daily - all negative, which was the same for my friend who I caught it from.
I feel really weird this evening, I don't know what is going on - just absolutely horrendous vertigo that started mid afternoon and has been getting worse and worse.

OH had the same this morning (and actually threw up after hours of vertigo and nausea) but after a good few hours sleep he felt fine.

LFTs all negative, and none of the "classic" symptoms of Coronavirus, or cold symptoms that might indicate Omicron variant. I am aware though that vertigo can be caused by upper respiratory/ENT type things. It's odd (if it is Covid, where it is a less common symptom) that we both experienced the same today, me a few hours later than OH.

I am supposed to be having lunch with my parents on Thursday but I think I'll postpone it just in case. I am due to see them again in a couple of weeks anyway for my mum's birthday.
I'd get a PCR test. I tested positive three weeks ago and vertigo is one of the symptoms that is still lingering. Vertigo/dizziness seems to be quite common with Covid.
Hope you feel better soon either way.
I'd get a PCR test. I tested positive three weeks ago and vertigo is one of the symptoms that is still lingering. Vertigo/dizziness seems to be quite common with Covid.
Hope you feel better soon either way.

I've only just got up and am not sure how I feel yet, but if symptoms persist today I'll book a PCR.

I cancelled seeing my parents Thursday just in case, they are elderly with heart conditions and that is not a risk I am prepared to take regardless of test results.
I'm in that weird "Is it Covid or not?" limbo now too.

Negative LFT but aches, headache, upset stomach and just zero energy. Spent all morning asleep. My other half is the same.

I think we've all got a bit of this ahead of us until we get some immunity to run-of-the-mill colds/viruses back.
I'm in that weird "Is it Covid or not?" limbo now too.

Negative LFT but aches, headache, upset stomach and just zero energy. Spent all morning asleep. My other half is the same.

I think we've all got a bit of this ahead of us until we get some immunity to run-of-the-mill colds/viruses back.

There's a lot of it about! I'm going to do a LFT shortly - I'm not planning on going out today anyway but OH is due at work tonight, so need to check just in case.

I don't feel unwell other than vertigo.
(I mean to say, that is not at all pleasant, makes it difficult to do anything when the room is spinning)
That sounds bloody horrible Epona. I hope you're over the worst of it soon.

Thank you, you too!

It is something I tend to get anyway when I have a cold (I recall a few years back a particularly unpleasant time as passenger in my dad's car on the motorway after a cold the previous week had left me with a bit of vertigo - no need for rollercoasters) so it could be any sort of upper respiratory thing that has caused it or just something that comes on randomly sometimes - what is odd and makes me think virus of some sort is that OH had it yesterday with related gastric symptoms too (basically, motion sickness), and he doesn't tend to be prone to it. He had a negative LFT.
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I had a negative LFT yesterday afternoon too, and OH's vertigo cleared up and he feels absolutely fine.

This morning he got a positive LFT, he's ordered a PCR test.

I won't get one myself, safe to assume that I'm infected too and we'll both be self-isolating anyway.
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Productive day chez Voley today. Got up at 10am, watched the Olympics, ate a pasty, slept all afternoon. Don't know wtf this thing is but, bloody hell, it knocks you sideways.
I felt rubbish for days before the first, feint line appeared on the LFT...FWIW.
I had a negative LFT yesterday afternoon too, and OH's vertigo cleared up and he feels absolutely fine.

This morning he got a positive LFT, he's ordered a PCR test.

I won't get one myself, safe to assume that I'm infected too and we'll both be self-isolating anyway.
Shit, that's all you need. 🙁 Hope it won't be too bad for you both.
Shit, that's all you need. 🙁 Hope it won't be too bad for you both.

Thanks - He's feeling quite rough now, maybe has a bit of a fever, and has taken to bed.
I've started feeling a bit headachy/congested/scratchy throat but am still up and about.
Good job we do regular LFTs and that I cancelled meeting my parents just in case.
Also we're both triple-vaxxed so hopefully that will stop it from being too severe (still a worry with OH's asthma mind you).
First day I've felt human again today. 3 negative LFT's so reasonably convinced it wasn't Covid but God it was tiring. Nice to feel normal again.

How are you and your other half getting on Epona ?
First day I've felt human again today. 3 negative LFT's so reasonably convinced it wasn't Covid but God it was tiring. Nice to feel normal again.

How are you and your other half getting on Epona ?

Absolutely shit tbh, he got confirmation of his positive PCR earlier today and I got my first positive LFT (despite being ill for several days, presumably that means there just wasn't enough of it on my tonsils and in my nasal passages to be reliably picked up on the swab before now - I've been self-isolating since Wednesday (edit - I think Tuesday, I'm confused now) night anyway).

I currently feel less unwell than Swine Flu/Scarlet Fever/e-coli (all things I have had to compare it to!) but significantly more unwell than a bad cold - I'd rate it at mild flu + mild chest infection so far.
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Had my first real lurgy bout since the middle of 2019. Sore throat when I swallow, coughing, bunged up head but not my nose and I feel pretty blah all round. I've had it over a week now and it's stayed more or less the same. I've had 4 LFTS and 1 PCR and they're all negative.
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