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The 'I have some sort of lurgy but don't know if it is corona or just a cold' thread

I tested first day of feeling wonky.
Thin line but clearly positive.
Day 5 - similar.
Day 7 - instantaneous red line thick like something out of a Steven King novel.
Day 10 (today) - almost gone.

I think it was this new variant going by the symptoms - maybe it shows up faster.
How did this information influence your day to day life?
I had it for about 5 days and I feel the shittiest today. The Storm Vixen has had it for 13 days and is starting to improve.
Both of us have been sniffling on and off since the weekend. Nothing drastic but very tiring.

A thing I've noticed since having Covid is that even little sniffles seem to kick off some very Covidesque fatigue symptoms. I had a brief half hour walk on my lunchbreak yesterday and it absolutely knackered me.
Someone spun me a 'theory' that our good work in isolating during the lockdowns had caused problems for our other (non-covid) bugs and some sort of 'survival of the fittest' had left us with some right bastards.

No idea if there's any truth to that, but this one seem especially nasty & resilient.
Someone spun me a 'theory' that our good work in isolating during the lockdowns had caused problems for our other (non-covid) bugs and some sort of 'survival of the fittest' had left us with some right bastards.

No idea if there's any truth to that, but this one seem especially nasty & resilient.
I've wondered about that too. I remember the "cold from hell" that did the rounds after lockdown. It wasn't Covid but totally floored you nonetheless.
I've had some sort of sinus bunged-up-ness for a month now. :eek:

Although the gadolinium enhanced MRI I had at the beginning of Nov can produce cold / flu like symptoms. :hmm:
Someone spun me a 'theory' that our good work in isolating during the lockdowns had caused problems for our other (non-covid) bugs and some sort of 'survival of the fittest' had left us with some right bastards.

No idea if there's any truth to that, but this one seem especially nasty & resilient.

There might have been a selective pressure in favour of increased transmissibility (if that's a word) but that wouldn't necessarily correlate with more severe symptoms.

I also have a particularly stubborn and miserable cold atm though.
I have yet another cold, started yesterday. It's my 3rd since the start of October. I've never had anything like this before. Why is this happening? 😭 😭

Since covid lockdown I barely had anything, I mean, I had covid a couple of times but it was very mild. I had the flu jab in mid-september as well, so these are just common cold viruses I keep catching... I think.

edit: I had the horrible cough one already - so hopefully this one is milder. So far it's been swollen sinus, streaming nose, feeling tired, a bit of coughing and sneezing. I even took a nap yesterday afternoon, I never nap during the day, even if I have a cold...
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I don't know what I have at the moment but I feel like I've had the same thing every other month.

Very dry back of throat, dry nose holes covered in a thin layer of dried snot which blocks my nose but also tends to give me nosebleeds when I blow my nose. It's definitely worse over night so I cough a lot so not sleeping well.

It's weird. It doesn't feel like a cold but I guess it must be? The very dry back of throat is just weird

I blame COVID. I think it destroyed something in my nose/throat junction and now it doesn't work properly :(
I don't know what I have at the moment but I feel like I've had the same thing every other month.

Very dry back of throat, dry nose holes covered in a thin layer of dried snot which blocks my nose but also tends to give me nosebleeds when I blow my nose. It's definitely worse over night so I cough a lot so not sleeping well.

It's weird. It doesn't feel like a cold but I guess it must be? The very dry back of throat is just weird

I blame COVID. I think it destroyed something in my nose/throat junction and now it doesn't work properly :(
i have a smilair thing for a couple of months but not as bad as you i dont think
basically very dry sinuses...blood if i blow nose, but not nosebleeds...
dry back of mouth can come from not being able to breath properly through nose so mouth is open to compensate and gets dry
simplest advice i;ve read is drink lots of water, avoid putting the heating on, sleep with window open, sniff something like olbas oil to help decongest, blow nose as softly as possible
..but worth reading about dry sinuses in general...there are sprays and such
I've had no breath when I do anything for the last five? days. The dog is totally unsympathetic and still demands I attend to his every need :rolleyes: So I've started with the amoxicillin and prednisolone today see if that shifts it. I'm hopeful although it's either worked really quickly before or it hasn't at all. We shall see. Lucky really I don't have to do much.
Well that was a bit of a turnaround :eek: A couple of hours after the first doses I went for a bit of a kip and when I came round my legs weren't aching, my breathing after exercise was much better and I didn't feel altogether shit. Meaning that I've finished the writing work I've had hanging round all week and sent it off :thumbs:
Argh, I do know now that my random sniffle is actually covid because the test came up bright red in real time as the liquid was travelling up!

I was quite shocked because I did not suspect it to be covid at all. I'd still been trying to dodge my colleagues with the most rampant colds at work in the past few months, but coming back after a week's holiday this week to so many colleagues sniffling all over the place, I kind of gave up, accepting that I'd inevitably catch one of the bugs.

I only tested because I was due to meet someone today and wanted to give them the option whether to meet regardless of my "cold-but-not-covid"..!
I tested first day of feeling wonky.
Thin line but clearly positive.
Day 5 - similar.
Day 7 - instantaneous red line thick like something out of a Steven King novel.
Day 10 (today) - almost gone.

I think it was this new variant going by the symptoms - maybe it shows up faster.
I try to do this with any cold and sniffle because it helps keep things in perspective. It's like a basic graph but as long as it's a curve it's going okay.
I have yet another cold, started yesterday. It's my 3rd since the start of October. I've never had anything like this before. Why is this happening? 😭 😭

Since covid lockdown I barely had anything, I mean, I had covid a couple of times but it was very mild. I had the flu jab in mid-september as well, so these are just common cold viruses I keep catching... I think.

edit: I had the horrible cough one already - so hopefully this one is milder. So far it's been swollen sinus, streaming nose, feeling tired, a bit of coughing and sneezing. I even took a nap yesterday afternoon, I never nap during the day, even if I have a cold...
Same. Keep getting hit by fluey/cold viruses. Have passed through me relatively quick but then hit by another one. My partner mean while has had a cough for about a year.
first "cold" in a few years (a couple of covid infections in the meantime) tested negative this morning, mostly all good but had that "I am coming down with something" feeling yesterday then woke up to that "taste in the back of my throat when I cough" followed by oysters/yellows expectoration this morning, pretty much OK though, got one test left before I go to work at an hospital on wednesday.
Feeling like absolute dogshit.
Everything hurts from my head to my toes including really achy fingers. Hot and cold.
Sore throat, headache, dry cough, vertigo. All feels very like Rona to me.

Covid test negative so far but friends and colleagues seem to be getting quite delayed positives so I’m not convinced.

Mr Looby has been for supplies.
Feeling like absolute dogshit.
Everything hurts from my head to my toes including really achy fingers. Hot and cold.
Sore throat, headache, dry cough, vertigo. All feels very like Rona to me.

Covid test negative so far but friends and colleagues seem to be getting quite delayed positives so I’m not convinced.

Mr Looby has been for supplies.
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i've started with something today - came on fairly suddenly this afternoon / evening - sneezing and snotty and yuk and general crappy feeling.

and i travelled by train to a 'real world' work meeting + xmas lunch today. trains weren't that busy, and was quite a big table at the meeting, less so for lunch.


if i'd felt half as shit this morning as i do now, i'd not have gone.
i've started with something today - came on fairly suddenly this afternoon / evening - sneezing and snotty and yuk and general crappy feeling.

and i travelled by train to a 'real world' work meeting + xmas lunch today. trains weren't that busy, and was quite a big table at the meeting, less so for lunch.


if i'd felt half as shit this morning as i do now, i'd not have gone.

i'm still coughing and intermittently feel kinda shit.

i had two negative covid tests before xmas

whatever the heck it is, i'm pissed off with it
Only had Covid for the second time in Sept, but right now I feel utterly wretched. Everything is exhausting, I'm congested as billy-o, there's a rattle and catch in my chest, I have a swimmy head, random bits of me ache and my torso feels prickly. I've got no tests but I reckon I might have it.
Been ill for a good ten-eleven days now. I did two tests last week which were both negative but I could swear I've had Covid again. Started with streaming nose and eyes, headache, generally feeling crappy, diarrhoea etc. Progressed into a hideous chesty cough and achey body. I twice blew my nose and got a nosebleed and the only time that's happened before is when I definitely did have Covid. I've still got a really tickly chest and am getting out of breath on mild exertion, feeling tired etc. Bag of shite. Is this just what we're all going to have to put up with every few months forever now?
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