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The 'I have some sort of lurgy but don't know if it is corona or just a cold' thread

I tried to go back to work yesterday. Did my shift but called in sick for today on my way home. Another worker who is usually keen for everyone else to do the work said I looked rough and actually seemed concerned. I've still got hacking cough, retching, headache, aches and fatigue. Still waiting for my PCR results from Monday to come back as I can't book a doctor's appointment until I know if I'm negative.
I tried to go back to work yesterday. Did my shift but called in sick for today on my way home. Another worker who is usually keen for everyone else to do the work said I looked rough and actually seemed concerned. I've still got hacking cough, retching, headache, aches and fatigue. Still waiting for my PCR results from Monday to come back as I can't book a doctor's appointment until I know if I'm negative.

surely you should be self isolating until you get the pcr results?

and hope you feel better soon
surely you should be self isolating until you get the pcr results?

and hope you feel better soon
Work complications. Plus I've been isolating since symptoms started with a vengeance over 2 weeks ago and had a negative LFT. And thank you. I feel a fraud just loafing about but after how shite I felt yesterday I'm clearly not up to much yet.
PCR result is in and it's inconclusive :hmm: We could not read your coronavirus PCR test. This means it's not possible to say if you had the virus when the test was done.
got up with the intention of going back to work today. still feeling faintly crappy.

went to get the milk in and had to stop for a rest coming back up the stairs (i'm in the sort of upstairs flat where the front door is downstairs)

don't quite think i'm going to manage it...
Well I'm just bloody fed up now. Cough is still a cough but an average tickle one rather than a barking one. I've rung to trace my PCR test results from Thursday and after 45 minutes on hold there's no sign of them so that's triggered an investigation and I'll know within 3 days the result of that. I'm assuming then that it's "inconclusive" again which does seem to be code for we lost it. Next one, assuming I do have to do another, I'm going to a different post box.
Well I'm just bloody fed up now. Cough is still a cough but an average tickle one rather than a barking one. I've rung to trace my PCR test results from Thursday and after 45 minutes on hold there's no sign of them so that's triggered an investigation and I'll know within 3 days the result of that. I'm assuming then that it's "inconclusive" again which does seem to be code for we lost it. Next one, assuming I do have to do another, I'm going to a different post box.
I'm beginning to despair at the overall lack of competence in anything in this country
I reported the result to big boss and they have come back and said they've had a number of inconclusive results this week and it's taking longer than usual. My suspicious mind said maybe someone is fiddling with things at the lab but someone more sensible has said it could be a newer variant the tests are equipped to detect clearly.
but someone more sensible has said it could be a newer variant the tests are equipped to detect clearly.

The theoretical possibility of that has always been on my pandemic radar, and it is something authorities are supposed to keep an eye out for. But its not something I'm likely to be able to predict, I am reliant on the picture emerging via authorities.
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The theoretical possibility of that has always been on my pandemic radar, and it is somethign authorities are supposed to keep an eye out for. But its not something I'm likely to be able to predict, I am reliant on the picture emerging via authorities.

Sarah Vine is on the case

Sarah Vine is on the case

At least they point out that even without some change to the virus, a negative pcr result is not conclusive proof that a person hasnt been suffering from Covid.

I'd be happier about things if we had routine tests for a range of other illnesses, and if antibody tests for those who suspect they've had it in the past were more widely available.
dunno really

from a fairly non scientific perspective, other (non covid) bugs still exist, and now there's less social distancing, they are going to be spreading.

in news here, i still feel fairly crap. going to have to try and get back to work tomorrow, or i probably won't have a job to go back to...
Might be nothing at all but worthy of note I think is that just as this lurgy started my resting heart rate bounced up dramatically, Fitbit measure so nothing guaranteed, and in the last couple of days it's dropped closer to where I started, today particularly. Maybe I just like looking for patterns but it's strange how it correlates.
Confirmed second inconclusive PCR this morning so rather than try another organisational PCR kit I'm off to the walk in later and I've agreed to antibody tests so we can get to the bottom of this once and for all. If nothing else it might flag a problem with the test kits we've been using but I'm hoping to get a clear positive or negative result so I can get back to work and life!
Confirmed second inconclusive PCR this morning so rather than try another organisational PCR kit I'm off to the walk in later and I've agreed to antibody tests so we can get to the bottom of this once and for all. If nothing else it might flag a problem with the test kits we've been using but I'm hoping to get a clear positive or negative result so I can get back to work and life!

Unclear whether its a bit early for it to show up in antibody test, so you may need to repeat that exercise again after more time has passed.
Booked a flu jab for tomorrow. I've never had one before but figure there's nothing to lose and work is paying for it anyway.

It's been so long since I've been unwell with anything I'm almost paranoid about getting something now.
Unclear whether its a bit early for it to show up in antibody test, so you may need to repeat that exercise again after more time has passed.
I had a positive PCR earlier in the year with no symptoms, had both vaccinations well over 3 months ago it's just this niggling bit now which has been with me nearly a month. It's more for work than me as knowing won't get rid of it whatever it is but it's good to know that elbows so I can pass that information on with my antibody result once taken.
Booked a flu jab for tomorrow. I've never had one before but figure there's nothing to lose and work is paying for it anyway.

It's been so long since I've been unwell with anything I'm almost paranoid about getting something now.
I had mine yesterday. Same reasons.

Whatever I had last week didn't stick around too long, I'm pleased to say. And I've not got anything weird happening after Mu flu jab other than the usual sore arm.

I feel normal again! 🙌
Here's how to tell if it's a cold or Covid.

Thanks for that Maggot.

Interesting that fever isn't a major symptom if you're vaccinated now. I thought that was still a major tell-tale sign and the lack of it in my recent symptoms did make me wonder if I was overreacting a bit. Apparently not, according to that.
At no point have I lost my sense of smell or taste which is a shame cos I've got all the best noodles in to try and see what Scoville I can crank it up to before crying.

Generally I'm a medical conundrum anyway. I've had glandular fever that wasn't that but they didn't know what it was. I've had a rare rash as a kid as well that had the medical books pulled out. I've got a reasonably rare kidney disorder. My back doesn't bend correctly...

So frankly this doesn't surprise me.
Get well soon Mogden btw. Not knowing either way must be incredibly frustrating!
Thanks Voley. Hope your mum is okay.

I'm feeling much better now save for the cough and sensitive throat. It was quite the retch I did at the walk in centre! I'm just bored and annoyed I've lost a week of annual leave to this plus sick time.
Booked a flu jab for tomorrow. I've never had one before but figure there's nothing to lose and work is paying for it anyway.

It's been so long since I've been unwell with anything I'm almost paranoid about getting something now.

Definitely a good idea if you can get a flu jab, a) estimates are that it will be a brutal flu season this winter, b) you don't want flu and Covid - anyone who can get the flu jab should.
Definitely a good idea if you can get a flu jab, a) estimates are that it will be a brutal flu season this winter, b) you don't want flu and Covid - anyone who can get the flu jab should.

Secondary school children round my way are being routinely offered the flu jab. First time that's happened. My youngest missed hers as she was at home with a nasty cold
I had a positive PCR earlier in the year with no symptoms, had both vaccinations well over 3 months ago it's just this niggling bit now which has been with me nearly a month. It's more for work than me as knowing won't get rid of it whatever it is but it's good to know that elbows so I can pass that information on with my antibody result once taken.

Ah, your history with that stuff probably complicates any conclusions that could be drawn from an antibody test.
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