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The 'I have some sort of lurgy but don't know if it is corona or just a cold' thread

I don't have any of the major 3 symptoms for covid, I'm certain that I have a cold (it's mainly face-based but I'm knackered - no temperature though.) My whole family have had this and all tested neg on twice weekly lfts. My son's mate tested positive (PCR, symptoms etc) a few days ago but we've not been contacted by anyone about that other than the boy's mum. All in all according to the website I shouldn't get a PCR. I'm swithering to be honest. As above, I have none of the main 3 symptoms and it feels like a head cold.
The website just tells me I'm not eligible and they won't send me one because I don't have any of the main 3 symptoms. Like I say, it's almost certainly a cold.
Luckily for me I'm still on a vaccine trial study, so I've left a message with the team asking for some advice. But that's interesting Puddy_Tat - and infuriating!
PCR test done at local surge testing centre (couple of tents in part of park + ride site, you stay in your car and attempt to communicate through closed windows other than for actual handing over of test kit / bunging completed test kit in to bucket held at arms length by site worker.

would have thought that the staff there ought to have been issued with something a bit more than the bog standard blue disposable masks - :hmm:

i feel bloody exhausted and my legs are aching after driving (about 15-20 minutes each way) - don't usually get that sort of thing with a cold. :hmm: again
PCR test done at local surge testing centre (couple of tents in part of park + ride site, you stay in your car and attempt to communicate through closed windows other than for actual handing over of test kit / bunging completed test kit in to bucket held at arms length by site worker.

would have thought that the staff there ought to have been issued with something a bit more than the bog standard blue disposable masks - :hmm:

i feel bloody exhausted and my legs are aching after driving (about 15-20 minutes each way) - don't usually get that sort of thing with a cold. :hmm: again
I hope you feel better soon - and a quick result.

My vaccine trial team are doing me a PCR. What I hadn't realised of course is that when you're part of the trial there's a million pieces of paperwork to fill in, including appointments on site that I have to drive to when I just want to be horizontal. And I still think it's just a cold.
Daughter sent home with a snotty nose yesterday, she is very bunged up. I've developed a very sore throat and ear, headachy, bit hold and increasingly snotty. If it's not covid it's the grimmest cold I've had in over two years. We've all had a pcr test this morning. Drive in testing centre was absolutely rammed at 8.30am which is ominous.
Yeah you just have to tick yes for the symptoms.
Tempting isn't it? I mean, I don't want to waste their time or anything but I don't want to give covid to anyone just because their website doesn't recognise the Delta variant symptoms.
I think you should get a test Voley because you're currently looking at a government website. You know the government, right? Also it's rampant around here.
Yeah seriously best to just get a pcr test if you feel at all under the weather at the moment. Better safe than sorry!

Hope eveyone starts feeling better soon. Sounds rubbish being dragged out to a drive through when you're poorly.
Booked in for a PCR tomorrow.

Weird symptoms right now: real fatigue then wide awake (hence this 4am post), fluey achey stuff, a temperature sometimes, headache, odd intermittent pains in my shoulders. Peculiar.

Anyhow. Back in Covid self-isolation jail and we'll see what this PCR comes back with. Ho hum.
We're a house of snot this week. Just head symptoms so it seemed unlikely to be covid. The zoe app invited me to have a pcr yesterday. Got the invitation at midday, went to local drive through at lunchtime and got ( negative) result this morning.

Still feel snotty though and youngest child is off school
Sore and swollen throat here again. I don’t feel I’ll but definitely not right. Gone for a PCR as seeing heavily pregnant friend and others Friday. On duty so don’t need to leave the house until then.

Hope everyone with the lurgy feels better soon.
I'm still fairly crappy - slightly less worse than yesterday though.

not quite sure how this is going to go down, two and a bit weeks in to new job (probably better than going in and sharing whatever the heck i've got with others but no idea whether management will see it like that)

how's everyone else?
how's everyone else?
Better today, thanks. PCR was negative, too, I'm pleased to say so I'm no longer self-isolating.

Weird bug. I was on the max dose of Paracetamol and still had a thumping headache. And waves of fatigue that floored me. Only minor congestion- occasional sneezing. Similar to the only cold I've had during the pandemic back in January- none of the hacking cough or anything but a lot of just feeling wiped out.

Sorry to hear you're still feeling crap Puddy_Tat must be a weird one with a new job. My management are 100% behind 'If you're feeling ill at all, stay home' now but it wasn't always like that.
Better today, thanks. PCR was negative, too, I'm pleased to say so I'm no longer self-isolating.

Weird bug. I was on the max dose of Paracetamol and still had a thumping headache. And waves of fatigue that floored me. Only minor congestion- occasional sneezing. Similar to the only cold I've had during the pandemic back in January- none of the hacking cough or anything but a lot of just feeling wiped out.

Sorry to hear you're still feeling crap Puddy_Tat must be a weird one with a new job. My management are 100% behind 'If you're feeling ill at all, stay home' now but it wasn't always like that.
Yeah, I feel so tired. I party put it down to not being massively busy in new job so feeling sluggish but I do feel wiped out.

Slight sore throat, headache and generally been sinusy for a few weeks again.
Yeah, I feel so tired. I party put it down to not being massively busy in new job so feeling sluggish but I do feel wiped out.

Slight sore throat, headache and generally been sinusy for a few weeks again.
Quite a common story atm isn't it? I hadn't had the 'worst cold ever' that Gromit's article mentions but it certainly sounds like there's some weird things out there making the most of our low immunity just now.
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