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The 'I have some sort of lurgy but don't know if it is corona or just a cold' thread

Anyone had bad hay fever today? Can't work out if it's that or a delayed reaction to the vaccine, but it's more severe than i've ever had it and have taken to my bed
It's not too early for hayfever, tree pollen starts in February.
Possibly but plants seem to be running a month late this year.

I always have some hayfever tablets in all year round just in case. Take a tablet and see what happens as they won't have an effect on a cold or flu.
Feeling 100% now after a good sleep. I’m not gonna go outside today. Yesterday as cycling beside a canal with my niece, so maybe I’m allergic to ducks and jolly dog walkers.
A friend told me that vaccines can heighten one’s response to allergies while your immune system is working so hard to create those antigens. Makes sense.
A friend told me that vaccines can heighten one’s response to allergies while your immune system is working so hard to create those antigens. Makes sense.

Vincent Racaniello has coined the phrase "7 day itch" for a delayed reaction at the vaccine site - it takes that long for the body to be in a position to object to it..
As I've said on testing thread, just had another test as I had a hot, sweaty, sleepless night and I'm supposed to have a decorator from tomorrow and I don't want to risk it. Feeling OK, but temp still on high side.
Test was negative - temp seems to be returning to normal, slept better but still a bit broken up last night so tired and headache-y, but that might just be two nights of wonky sleep. Glad I checked though.
Has this been posted on this thread?

Apologies if I’m repeating old news; I only heard of it today.

Exposure to pollen can make you more susceptible to COVID-19, and it isn’t just a problem for people with allergies, new research released March 9 shows. Plant physiologist Lewis Ziska, a co-author of the new peer-reviewed study and other recent research on pollen and climate change, explains the findings and why pollen seasons are getting longer and more intense.

What does pollen have to do with a virus?
The most important takeaway from our new study is that pollen can be a factor in exacerbating COVID-19.

Has this been posted on this thread?

Apologies if I’m repeating old news; I only heard of it today.

Corona viruses have been around for ages so why hasn't a link been seen before now between pollen and colds/flu? :confused:
I've been slightly unwell for the last week, have been doing regular lateral flow tests which are all negative, so it likely isn't Coronavirus.
Saw a bit on breakfast telly (I know, I know), that there is a massive spike in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) right now, that it normally affects the under 3s but is more prevalent in adults this year than it has been in decades due to lack of exposure - the symptoms (in adults) match what I currently have exactly.
99% sure I have rsv

I hope you feel better soon!

Mine seems to be pretty mild but persistent (doesn't feel as if it is starting to clear up yet), in normal times I wouldn't have worried about it and just taken it easy for a few days but of course when I first got ill I was concerned because the symptoms I started out with were very similar to what a mild Covid case might look like - so on days where I've wanted to leave the house I've been doing lateral flow tests just in case (it is of course also possible to get one then the other, so better safe than sorry wrt testing).
OH has it (probably RSV caught off me, not Coronavirus) now and it is causing his asthma to flare up
This thing seems to have badly affected my ears right now, I am just sitting here but feel like I am on a rollercoaster due to vertigo, I might need to go and be sick soon.

This is NOT fun. Anyone who thinks RSV is a mild toddler virus probably needs to pick up their toddler and give them a big cuddle and lots of understanding if they get sick with it. (OH is at work but I so want a big cuddle and some comforting words right now!)

Seriously my sinuses are full of shit and hurting and I can't stand up straight without feeling as if I am going to fall over due to it affecting my ears.
Not actually 100% sure I can make it to the loo without falling over... wish me luck

"Symptoms in adults are like having a mild cold" my arse.

I hadn't been feeling very unwell, but it seems to be affecting my ears and balance now, which is horrible.
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Are you sure it's not covid? It might be an idea for you both to get a PCR test. Anyway look after yourself.

Well unless the lateral flow tests are lying, it isn't Covid.

There are other viruses in the world.
Well unless the lateral flow tests are lying, it isn't Covid.

There are other viruses in the world.
Lateral flow tests aren't very accurate. My boss just had negative lateral flows for almost a week, an inconclusive PCR and then finally a second PCR was positive.
You shouldn't really use lateral flow tests if you are ill.
If lateral flow tests aren't picking up a covid infection, why the fuck are people required to swab their tonsils twice a week for work purposes?

And accepted for work or denied work on that basis?

I am sorry but what the fuck?
My 2 year old niece spiked a temp and had breathing difficulties last week with RSV. 2 nights in hospital on 02 and abx.
Public health England have issued a warning now. Sharp increase in cases likely due to lower immunity levels in the community because of lockddown
If lateral flow tests aren't picking up a covid infection, why the fuck are people required to swab their tonsils twice a week for work purposes?

And accepted for work or denied work on that basis?

I am sorry but what the fuck?
They are better than just guessing if you have it or not, so if you have no symptoms, they will pick up some cases that otherwise wouldn't be. Better than nothing basically. If you get a positive lateral flow you still need to take a follow up PCR to confirm.

If you are ill though you need a more accurate test.
So I have done 5 lateral flow tests over the last week, they were all negative.

What do you think is the likelihood that I actually have Covid that has been missed by 5 tests, rather than RSV - which is what I think I have and we know is a prevalent virus right now and also matches my symptoms (whereas Covid doesn't).

IC3D - I hope your niece recovers quickly, there is a massive spike in cases but it can be more serious in babies and toddlers so best wishes for the little'un. xx
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