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The Green Party has some serious questions to answer

Nope I linked to some information he's posted up, you haven't discussed or debated that info just kept up a steady stream of posts about what a "transphobe" he is, you and your chums did that.
You linked directly to linehan who posted up his own comment and that from ‘a friend’. You’re either being disingenuous or naive.

As to AC, her case seems about as typical as that of far right ‘feminist’ Posie Parker. I’m sure you’d be delighted if we simply ascribed her views to you, in the same way you seek to imply all trans women are AC’s.
Can we talk about Reddit employing a person who employed a paedophile as their agent when they were standing for GP election and who is now married to a paedophile?

The Left? This is reddit, uber-libertatian free speech bastion (as they like to think of themselves)

I'm not talking about reddit - I'm talking about the usual idiotic chant of "transphobia" from the liberal left whenever this issue comes up, which it does with depressing regularity. In the case of Reddit it is the site's owners and upper echelons who have circled their wagons around AC, I'm sure they aren't just super-neo-liberal corporate wankers or anything. Same with twitter who'll ban you for saying you're a woman if a transwoman complains about it. But yeah, "most oppressed minority evah".
Can we talk about Reddit employing a person who employed a paedophile as their agent when they were standing for GP election and who is now married to a paedophile?

And how talking about it inevitably brings the usual barrage of allegations of "transphobia" in an attempt to shut that conversation down?
Can we talk about Reddit employing a person who employed a paedophile as their agent when they were standing for GP election and who is now married to a paedophile?

has nathaniel knight has been convicted of a sexual offence?
I assume to be consistent the people angry at Reddit hiring Aimee Challenor are also just as angry about India Knight working for the Times? (convicted paedo partner)

Challenor seems a damaged person who hasn't necessarily behaved well in the past but has she been convicted of a crime? Is she not allowed to work?
I assume to be consistent the people angry at Reddit hiring Aimee Challenor are also just as angry about India Knight working for the Times? (convicted paedo partner)

Challenor seems a damaged person who hasn't necessarily behaved well in the past but has she been convicted of a crime? Is she not allowed to work?
never mind india knight's partner, i'm angry that anyone works at the times. or the sun. or the mail.
I assume to be consistent the people angry at Reddit hiring Aimee Challenor are also just as angry about India Knight working for the Times? (convicted paedo partner)

Challenor seems a damaged person who hasn't necessarily behaved well in the past but has she been convicted of a crime? Is she not allowed to work?
I would say that an admin position on a social media platform is a particularly ill-suited job for such a person. Whoever in HR was responsible for hiring her seems particularly ill-suited for their job too.
I would say that an admin position on a social media platform is a particularly ill-suited job for such a person. Whoever in HR was responsible for hiring her seems particularly ill-suited for their job too.
It's not really clear to me what her job with Reddit involves tbh, and according to the article above they haven't said. Is she definitely an admin?
I assume to be consistent the people angry at Reddit hiring Aimee Challenor are also just as angry about India Knight working for the Times? (convicted paedo partner)

Challenor seems a damaged person who hasn't necessarily behaved well in the past but has she been convicted of a crime? Is she not allowed to work?

It's nothing to do with AC getting a job - at least it ain't for me (although the ease with which this rep of the "most oppressed group ever" managed to stroll into a major internet corporate is kinda interesting pinkwashing) - it's everything to do with her using that job to completely shut down a discussion of the pedophile ring centreing on her father and her husband and how for example people like AC were able to draft Trans policy for the Green Party - policy which directly impacted on safeguarding issues and which many people flagged up as problematic on safeguarding grounds. Also the way that the liberal-left has used the shout of "transphobia" to do likewise, including on this thread.

THAT is a problem for many people, yes. It's interesting again how when someone like AC collides with the real world a load of people end up with egg on their faces. I can see why the liberal left are not keen for any kind of discussion to take place on this, they end up provoking a lot of opposition.

It'll be fascinating to watch Reddit's weaseling on this over coming days.
It's not really clear to me what her job with Reddit involves tbh, and according to the article above they haven't said. Is she definitely an admin?
Not sure it matters. She was in a position through which she could have content removed and users banned for posting an article that mentions her name. Whatever the name is for that position in the company, she was clearly not the right person to be doing it.
Not sure it matters. She was in a position through which she could have content removed and users banned for posting an article that mentions her name. Whatever the name is for that position in the company, she was clearly not the right person to be doing it.
Reddit claim in their statement there was a complaint of doxxing from an employee, and an overzealous autodelete thing - I don't see anything that says she had control over the process. She could work in accounts for all we know.
It's not really clear to me what her job with Reddit involves tbh, and according to the article above they haven't said. Is she definitely an admin?
It's opaque, because reddit has a policy not to disclose the real world names of their admins. Much like here.
The activation of the automated system that enforces that policy is all the evidence we have here.
It's nothing to do with AC getting a job - at least it ain't for me (although the ease with which this rep of the "most oppressed group ever" managed to stroll into a major internet corporate is kinda interesting pinkwashing)
Trans unemployment runs at approximately 50% in the uk. But one trans woman has a job at a company you’ve heard of, so that must mean trans people aren’t really oppressed.
Trans unemployment runs at approximately 50% in the uk. But one trans woman has a job at a company you’ve heard of, so that must mean trans people aren’t really oppressed.
Yeah, leaving aside the rights and wrongs of this particular individual, I assume that this logic also means that (cis)women's oppression ended in the UK by 1979 at the latest, and it's ridiculous to talk about black people in the US being oppressed from 2008 onwards?
Trans unemployment runs at approximately 50% in the uk.

Whiff of bullshit here, who actually has these figures?

But one trans woman has a job at a company you’ve heard of, so that must mean trans people aren’t really oppressed.

I know you've no interest in finding any common ground, but for the benefit of others, the point is that major social media corporates like Reddit and Twitter are heavily in favour of Gender Identity theory and like to prove this with prominent public appointments of trans or very trans-friendly employees. It doesn't really fit with the "most oppressed evah" line and it sort of indicates that the stupid attempt to make this a left-right issue is also horseshit since these people are clearly aggressive neo-liberal capitalists.
I assume to be consistent the people angry at Reddit hiring Aimee Challenor are also just as angry about India Knight working for the Times? (convicted paedo partner)

Challenor seems a damaged person who hasn't necessarily behaved well in the past but has she been convicted of a crime? Is she not allowed to work?
Yes I am.

I don't think anyone who lives with a paedophile, convicted or self-confessed, should have access to vulnerable children (and it's unquestionable that there are huge swathes of vulnerable children posting on reddit).
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