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The Green Party has some serious questions to answer

Is Graham Linehen really a reliable source on this topic?

(no. no he is not.)

He's partisan of course, as are you. I doubt whether he's making up the fact that a load of sub-reddits have been locked as a protest about AC using her position to censor any discussion of her connections to known pedophile rings, and how she's used allegations of "transphobia" to shut people up from talking about this.

In other words, the exact thing she did before, as was pointed out by people back at the beginning of this thread in 2018. It's almost like she's just gone and done exactly the same thing again, and I guess the usual useful-idiots will be along to accuse everyone of transphobia again for daring to say this. And round we'll go.
He's partisan of course, as are you. I doubt whether he's making up the fact that a load of sub-reddits have been locked as a protest about AC using her position to censor any discussion of her connections to known pedophile rings, and how she's used allegations of "transphobia" to shut people up from talking about this.

In other words, the exact thing she did before, as was pointed out by people back at the beginning of this thread in 2018. It's almost like she's just gone and done exactly the same thing again, and I guess the usual useful-idiots will be along to accuse everyone of transphobia again for daring to say this. And round we'll go.
One way of avoiding being accused of transphobia by the usual idiots would be not to use a deranged and obsessive transphobe as your source on a story.
One way of avoiding being accused of transphobia by the usual idiots would be not to use a deranged and obsessive transphobe as your source on a story.


There is no way of "avoiding being accused of transphobia" unless you simply stand and chant stupid mantras with the rest of the idiot-left. The word is losing its power, although I'm sure that pedophiles will still be hurling it at anyone who exposes them, and of course their chanting chums will join in.
https _bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_5fe7860f-...pnghttps _bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_5fe7860f-...png

You'd get extra information, like this ^^, if you dare to click on the Linehan link, but obviously you'll also be exposed to a different point of view on gender politics so it could be literal violence and utterly terrifying etc
Or he’s just a monster. But his bizarre crusade has cost him his family and his career
Linehan's behaviour in relation to this issue has often seemed like that of a person of in the grip of a pathological obsession. But I'd reserve a term like "monster" for a person who rapes and tortures a ten year old girl, or a person who appears to have tried to cover up for that person, and who then goes on to marry a self-confessed paedophile.
Linehan's behaviour in relation to this issue has often seemed like that of a person of in the grip of a pathological obsession. But I'd reserve a term like "monster" for a person who rapes and tortures a ten year old girl, or a person who appears to have tried to cover up for that person, and who then goes on to marry a self-confessed paedophile.

Yes and then use their new job to shut down any public discussion about all of the above. It's not more or less than you'd expect from a pedophile ring. The truly weird bit is the way that huge chunks of the left have circled their wagons around AC and people like her and forbid any discussion about wtaf is going on in TRA-land and how it impacts on people outside it. What do we call these people? "Fucking idiots"? Doesn't seem quite strong enough to me.
Funny how once again, a transwoman - ie a member of the group who we are constantly exhorted to regard as the most oppressed group evah - has managed to walk into a plum job with a multi-billion dollar social media/internet company who are now actively closing down discussion about her extremely dodgy past. Doing this so crudely that they have created a grassroots rebellion against them.

Why's it always this way round? It's almost like the narrative is bullshit and the "transphobia" argument collapses on contact with real life people who aren't in corporate, governmental or political elites. FFS the state of the left on this.
It does mean that policies to combat such oppression should be designed so that they can't be "leveraged by wrong 'uns".
Sure. I don't have an overview of Reddit's polices or procedures, or the full background of what's actually gone on here, so it's pretty difficult to assess whether that's been done. It looks like they're in a difficult position though - if one of their employees is being doxxed on their site as they claim, they need to act don't they?

It looks like a fucking mess anyway, and I'm glad I'm not having to try and sort it out.
Sure. I don't have an overview of Reddit's polices or procedures, or the full background of what's actually gone on here, so it's pretty difficult to assess whether that's been done. It looks like they're in a difficult position though - if one of their employees is being doxxed on their site as they claim, they need to act don't they?

It looks like a fucking mess anyway, and I'm glad I'm not having to try and sort it out.
I was speaking generally, not in relation to Reddit.
I think wrong 'un's leveraging real oppression for their own ends doesn't make the real oppression not exist tbf.

Of course it doesn't but it means that if the word "transphobe" is thrown at anyone who raises any questions about it that you completely discredit the word - and yourself. Literally the fact that the first reaction of swathes of the liberal left to any raising of the clear presence of safeguarding issues here is to shout "transphobia" and to shut the conversation down IS ITSELF A SAFEGUARDING ISSUE, it's an absolute red flag.

Anyone who tries to shut down a safeguarding discussion is enabling abuse, deliberately or not is irrelevant. That's the net effect. The mess the left is on this issue is unbelieveable.
Setting aside the fact that Challenor/Knight is trans, which is irrelevant really, there is a worrying pattern here. Her father is a convicted child rapist who had fantasies of being a little girl, and she may not have known what he was doing at the time but we know that she was at the very least in denial over his crimes after he was arrested. And she has now chosen to marry a man who has very similar fantasies to those that her father acted out. Whatever else is going on, these are very damaged people.

Sorry for the mumsnet link but the Coventry Gazette that originally published these tweets from Nathaniel Knight has subsequently deleted them. He chose to make this debate public, so I don't feel bad about repeating it here. I am hesitant to judge people on the basis of 'thought crimes' alone, but I wouldn't want Nathaniel Knight anywhere near children ever. And by her ongoing actions, Aimee Knight does massive harm to the cause of trans rights.

If you scroll down the thread, you'll find the tweets in screenshots.

Nathaniel Knight (partner of Aimee Challenor); worrying twitter admissions | Mumsnet
Of course it doesn't but it means that if the word "transphobe" is thrown at anyone who raises any questions about it that you completely discredit the word - and yourself. Literally the fact that the first reaction of swathes of the liberal left to any raising of the clear presence of safeguarding issues here is to shout "transphobia" and to shut the conversation down IS ITSELF A SAFEGUARDING ISSUE, it's an absolute red flag.

Anyone who tries to shut down a safeguarding discussion is enabling abuse, deliberately or not is irrelevant. That's the net effect. The mess the left is on this issue is unbelieveable.
But Linehan is a transphobe. A vicious and obsessed one at that. By introducing him to the discussion, you made it - inevitably - about him, and not about safeguarding or whatever. You did that.
Setting aside the fact that Challenor/Knight is trans, which is irrelevant really, there is a worrying pattern here. Her father is a convicted child rapist who had fantasies of being a little girl, and she may not have known what he was doing at the time but we know that she was at the very least in denial over his crimes after he was arrested. And she has now chosen to marry a man who has very similar fantasies to those that her father acted out. Whatever else is going on, these are very damaged people.

Sorry for the mumsnet link but the Coventry Gazette that originally published these tweets from Nathaniel Knight has subsequently deleted them. He chose to make this debate public, so I don't feel bad about repeating it here. I am hesitant to judge people on the basis of 'thought crimes' alone, but I wouldn't want Nathaniel Knight anywhere near children ever. And by her ongoing actions, Aimee Knight does massive harm to the cause of trans rights.

If you scroll down the thread, you'll find the tweets in screenshots.

Nathaniel Knight (partner of Aimee Challenor); worrying twitter admissions | Mumsnet

And why apologise for a mumsnet link? It's one of the few places where this kind of information is not being actively suppressed. If you think it's relevant to your opinion then you should be thanking them, not holding your nose.

AC/AK/whatever was also a mod for subreddits for teenaged children. That also sounds like a really shit idea to me.
But Linehan is a transphobe. A vicious and obsessed one at that. By introducing him to the discussion, you made it - inevitably - about him, and not about safeguarding or whatever. You did that.

Nope I linked to some information he's posted up, you haven't discussed or debated that info just kept up a steady stream of posts about what a "transphobe" he is, you and your chums did that.
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