Just went through some my degree notes and thought I'd stick some books on here, in no particular order:
Gerd Rainer Horn European Socialists Respond to Fascism: Ideology, Activism and Contingency in the 1930s A few interesting chapters on how French workers created the united front rather than their politicians.
Ilona Duczynska Workers in Arms: The Austrian Schutzbund and the Civil War of 1934 , About the SPOe's militia, demonstrates how mobilisation not unity is the key to effective antifascism.
Mark Mazower Inside Hitler's Greece , Account of resistance in Greece (against both the puppet government, the Nazis and the British sponsored government in exile), the struggle for Laokratia (people's democracy), the back tracking of the KKE and atrocities by the post-war government and the British Army.
Roger Magraw A History of the French Working Class Volume II: Workers and the Bourgeois Republic , exhaustive account of French working class struggle in the 20th Century.
L.Berlanstein (ed.) Re-Thinking Labor History: Essays on Discourse and Class Analysis, really interesing discussion by several authors of what labour history should do about the challenge from post-structuralism, post-marxism and the emergence of the radical democratic anti-globalization movement.
Barbara Mitchell, The Practical Revolutionaries: A New Interpretation of French Revolutionary Syndicalism , functioning as a retort to Peter Stearns Revolutionary Syndicalism and Labor: A Cause without Rebels , it asserts the importance of federalism and direct action in the CGT before WW1 against accuasations that it was essentially a reformist movement led by a minority of militants.
Chris Read , From Tsar to Soviets: The Russian People and their Revolution , 1917 as a people's revolution stifled by the Bolsheviks.
M.Nolan, Social Democracy and Society: Working-Class Radicalism in Dusseldorf 1890-1920
C.Patton Flammable Material! : German Chemical Workers 1914-24 , Chemical workers were among Germany's most radical during this period, in spite of non-existent unionisation.
A.Papayanis, Alphonse Merrheim: The Emergence of Reformism in Revolutionary Syndicalism , How the CGT turned yella'
D.Goodway(ed, For Anarchism, Couple of excellent contributions - Carl Levy's on Italian Anarchism and Nick Rider on the 1931 Barcelona tenant's strike
Martin Clark, Antonio Gramsci and the Revolution that Failed , Gramsci's former incarnation as council communist and Ordinivisti. Emphasis on the division between Torinese workers' control movement and the CGL bureaucracy.
Paolo Spriano, The Occupation of the Factories, an account of the Autumn 1920 factory occupation in Italy, particularly interesting is the implication that the CGL and PSI backed off because it felt that popular mobilisation was being controlled by Ordinovisti and the USI (Italian branch of the IWA)
Eve Rosenhaft, Beating the Fascists, brilliant work on physical resistance to fascism in Germany.