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The Dominic Cummings file

It’s like an idiot or a double agent wrote his notes for him, the things he repeated the most often were the worst. Cummings drove there in order to stop the spread of the virus is just baffling. He repeated about 50 times that the man had isolated ‘for 14 days or more’ which can so easily be proved wrong. Very peculiar. Just stupid is my overriding impression tbh not dastardly at all.
Most disappointing thing was the missed open goal. 'Prime Minister, you said you believe Mr Cummings driving 250 miles with his wife, who had confirmed symptoms, and his child in the confined space of a car was a reasonable course of action. Can you see any correlation between this and your belief that visiting various hospitals and shaking hands with Corona patients, which likely led to your infection and near-death experience, was a reasonable way to behave?'
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He didn't answer any questions he didn't like
Yeah, he deflected and neutralised - like I said not a bad performance.
Mate that was a grade A shitshow; not sure why you can't see that.
How so? Which of the question asked really discomforted him?
The government presented a loophole that they might be able to manage to throw Cummings a line on. Will it satisfy most people? Probably not but it's thrown up smoke to partially neutralise the story, now they are banking on people seeing it as a political fight, for the media to move on.
Yeah, he deflected and neutralised - like I said not a bad performance.
How so? Which of the question asked really discomforted him?

The questions, the prevaricating, the filibustering on the public's questions, the technical problems with the BBC bloke were all part of the grade A shitshow. That's what I mean.
Yeah, he deflected and neutralised - like I said not a bad performance.
How so? Which of the question asked really discomforted him?
The government presented a loophole that they might be able to manage to throw Cummings a line on. Will it satisfy most people? Probably not but it's thrown up smoke to partially neutralise the story, now they are banking on people seeing it as a political fight, for the media to move on.
But he could’ve done those things without repeatedly saying idiotic stuff like that C’d isolated for 14 days and that any good parent would do the same etc. Not really sure how it could have been done worse tbh apart from if he’d started obviously losing his temper?
Maybe he can’t sack Cummings so has to duke it out, I can imagine Cummings in a meeting this afternoon just laughing it off and saying ‘what are you going to do, sack me? Have you told your missus about who else you’ve shagged this year?’. Reckon he could drop the government in shit if he felt like it, and has enough contempt for a lot of them to do it.
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