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The Dominic Cummings file

It's a sign of how desperate things have become that I have a nano-second of pleasure every time I hear phrases like 'Piers Morgan takes minister to task/calls on on boris johnson to/eviscerates minister' etc. A very desperate place. :(

But yeah, I agree, they'll be delighted to avoid that cunt on cunt action.
Strange Days we live in Wilf, Strange Days indeed.
It's a sign of how desperate things have become that I have a nano-second of pleasure every time I hear phrases like 'Piers Morgan takes minister to task/calls on on boris johnson to/eviscerates minister' etc. A very desperate place. :(

But yeah, I agree, they'll be delighted to avoid that cunt on cunt action.

They've not let a cabinet minister anywhere near Morgan for nearly a month now anyway so it's a moot point. It's a shame he's such a fucking bulldozer because he is actually a good interviewer when he sets his mind to it without interrupting all the time, a la his life stories series.
They've not let a cabinet minister anywhere near Morgan for nearly a month now anyway so it's a moot point. It's a shame he's such a fucking bulldozer because he is actually a good interviewer when he sets his mind to it without interrupting all the time, a la his life stories series.
Yeah, it rarely works well, I prefer a bit of forensic outrage to interrupting. One of the few times it did work was O'brien on farage, but few and far between


I just keep seeing it when I see Cummings in those sunglasses.
If that's the case its a big fuck up by Labour. Starmer has forgotten that he's not here to make money for lawyers

Perhaps. Alternatively, Labour's thinking may be that the longer they drag this out the more damage it will do. At the end of it the Cabinet Secretary either has to exonerate Cummings, which would look like a stitch-up, or Johnson will have to sack him anyway and he'll look like a clown* for having tried to hang on to him. Could be quite a smart move.

*As if he doesn't already.
Place your bets does the invisible pm actually appearing on tv mean he’s sacked or does it mean the opposite? I’m thinking more likely he’ll stand there and try to charm and bluster it under the carpet because he needs him and thinks that might be enough to keep his fans onside. Very not sure though.
What Johnson will we see today? The serious statesman schtick? The classic mumbling buffoon distraction?

If I had to take a bet, I'd go for it being the buffoon distraction announcing some way of trying to kick the issue into the long grass. Cabinet Secretary investigation obviously one way of doing that. But I wouldn't put more than a few quid on it.
Place your bets does the invisible pm actually appearing on tv mean he’s sacked or does it mean the opposite? I’m thinking more likely he’ll stand there and try to charm and bluster it under the carpet because he needs him and thinks that might be enough to keep his fans onside. Very not sure though.

not sacked, and his advisers have advised him to avoid looking like a yellow belly custard he needs to go and explain the reasoning himself.
Remember all the furore when Boris published the letterbox article? There were loads of calls for him to go or be sacked by the same quarters who are calling for Cummings head.
He just kept his head down and carried on regardless.

Remember the Tories only need to please tory voters, not Guardian and Mirror journalists and readers
He will have a one or two sentence coment on the subject. Something like 'he believed he acted i a justifiable manner and the cabinet office are investigating' and refuse to say any more than that on the subject. Which means he'll end up saying it forty or fifty times and look ridiculous. But I predict he will succesfully Trump it out. Anyone raising it in future will be accused of politicising things and not given the time of day.
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