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The Dominic Cummings file

What time is the press conference tonight? This is going to be unmissable.

Normally at 4 pm on weekends, 5 pm weekdays.

However, Grant Shapps is on the Sophy Ridge Show, Sky News from 8.30 am this morning, which should be a early morning treat.
Jonathan Hallam former No 10 director of communications. Just been on BBC Breakfast and finished with ‘as Nixon found out it’s not the offence that sinks you it’s the cover up’.
He also questioned whether we were getting VFM from Cummings advisory capacity seeing as how we have had 36,000 deaths. ‘He’s an advisor and can be replaced’.
I wish that I could share the sense of jubilance about this because I can see a certain joy in him being bang to rights but this actually made me weep last night when I thought of those whose lives were turned upside down by not being able to be near loved ones who were scared and lonely as they died of this horrible disease who then realised that it was all a sham.

Where is the fucking leadership? Why is this whole fucking stitch up reliant once again on the people with a fucking conscience doing the right thing. I feel like I've been in this position all my life, making up for people with no moral code at all. Fucking Tories. FUCKING Tories. And there I go again. :thumbs:
Cummings very likely justified his viral spreading jaunts up and down the country as helping build herd immunity. And it would have chimed with his own self image as a maverick genius not bound by the petty rules of society that serve only to hold down such heroic titans as himself.
No idea who Steve Baker is, but a Tory MP opening calling for Cummings to go? Could just be an outlier, could be part of something else?

Apart from calling for Cummings to go, which I'll bet you a lot of money is caused by something personal, not ideological, that article is fucking dreadful.
Apart from calling for Cummings to go, which I'll bet you a lot of money is caused by something personal, not ideological, that article is fucking dreadful.
Oh, I didn't bother reading the article :D

Majority of the replies are in support of Cummings, interestingly enough. Still a lotta folks thinking he did the right thing, it's a Lefty agenda, because of Brexit :facepalm: :D
Can't wait for his top tips on Myspace
I might get told off for this but am I the only one that thinks that Cummings looks like the sort that is going to be outed as a casual coke user?

Would be surprised. I think he is just one of life's eccentrics. The kind of person who is probably good to bounce ideas around with but should be given no power and little influence.
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Apart from calling for Cummings to go, which I'll bet you a lot of money is caused by something personal, not ideological, that article is fucking dreadful.
A cunt calling for a cunt to go. Cumming's shat on so many on the way up that quite a few have guts ready and willing to shit on him now. With him out of the way, they are one seat closer to the crown. Baker is the Brexit boot boys unofficial chief whip so his bilge carries some weight. Cumming's definitely a goner now I would think.
Former chairman of the ERG. The balance of power lies with the swivel-eyed loons again.
Suspect there's a large dose of anti PRC/Huawei Atlanticism swirling within the ERG sect and they've viewed Cummings as a liability for some time.
Apart from calling for Cummings to go, which I'll bet you a lot of money is caused by something personal, not ideological, that article is fucking dreadful.

How the fuck can you say that when he points to possibly the only way out of our present difficulties?

Third, everyone in senior political office must make the right decisions, for the right reasons, in the right way and carry them to completion with the right techniques.

The man's a genius, as is that whole article - worth reading. Although it does annoy me when the cunts keep calling it "our" NHS.

How could a Government so focused on our NHS have allowed waiting lists to increase by millions?
Seems to be making a bit of a ripple on Twitter, is he the first Tory MP to outright call for it? Thought he might be when I posted it, but figured there was also a significant chance I missed/forgot someone else.
Seems to be making a bit of a ripple on Twitter, is he the first Tory MP to outright call for it? Thought he might be when I posted it, but figured there was also a significant chance I missed/forgot someone else.
Tory twitter is surprisingly quiet for a politics morning.
Aaron banks totally losing his mind on the twitter last night going on about this being a culture war fight to the death with the left, reads like he started drinking early afternoon.
Given the size of his wedge, why is it he always comes across as someone who drinks meths and Flavor Aid?
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