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The Cranberries are a Top50 band in History

I like the way the Cranberries megafan hasn't aimed too high. Not best band in the world, or even top 10. Top 50 is aiming pretty low. I'd probably struggle to name fifty bands I liked without checking the internet.
Was just thinking that. It's quite a low bar. I think several bands in my lower 40s should it be possible to make such a list would be bands i quite like but realistically only listen to one album or even song
Was just thinking that. It's quite a low bar. I think several bands in my lower 40s should it be possible to make such a list would be bands i quite like but realistically only listen to one album or even song
I think there'd be bands in my low 40s that I would struggle to convincingly argue that they were better than the Cranberries.
Dire Straits? Say no more. You are allowed to like what you want but don't be surprised if others think you choice in music is shite.

Good luck otherwise and enjoy listening to other music. :thumbs:
Nothing wrong with Dire Straits. The soundtrack to family holidays,
always on the car tape deck together with Pat Benatar :D
Yes, insulting someone's choice of music isn't like insulting someone's choice of football team. It's telling them they shouldn't be listening to the music they like. I think it's a cunt's trick tbh, verging on bullying - rather than enjoying their music they're likely to focus on the criticism and enjoy their music less.
Music can provoke strong emotional reactions. That's why it's so brilliant.

If you don't like the sound coming out the speakers it's natural to have a response. It could be a simple exclamation of 'that's shit'. It could be an excoriating denunciation of why you think it's shit. It could be a deep dive into music theory to attempt to prove it's shit. That's all natural and good.

If you do like the sound coming out the speakers - if it takes you to a happy place and fills your heart with bliss - then someone slagging it off can feel like a personal affront, like an attack on those feelings of joy you've experienced. It's not bullying though - it's just the depth of emotion that music can bring.
Music can provoke strong emotional reactions. That's why it's so brilliant.

If you don't like the sound coming out the speakers it's natural to have a response. It could be a simple exclamation of 'that's shit'. It could be an excoriating denunciation of why you think it's shit. It could be a deep dive into music theory to attempt to prove it's shit. That's all natural and good.

If you do like the sound coming out the speakers - if it takes you to a happy place and fills your heart with bliss - then someone slagging it off can feel like a personal affront, like an attack on those feelings of joy you've experienced. It's not bullying though - it's just the depth of emotion that music can bring.

Ah yeah...I think everyone gets that.
But when the slagging off extends to ripping into the singer because of their mental health issues and religion...
It can become very unpleasant.
What an odd thread. :D

This idea that it's a personal insult if someone is mean about music you like is bizarre. I quite like a bit of old gabber or breakcore but I certainly don't expect everyone else to like it, that would be weird.

You need to read the other thread to get what was actually going on...
What an odd thread. :D

This idea that it's a personal insult if someone is mean about music you like is bizarre. I quite like a bit of old gabber or breakcore but I certainly don't expect everyone else to like it, that would be weird.
It's not other people liking or not liking it that I find the problem but the insults. It comes across to me as really superior and almost smug that the insulter has better taste than the insultee. It's obviously different from insulting someone's body shape, but music is part of how someone sees themselves so the effect can be similar. I think a better approach than saying 'your music is crap because ...' would be to say 'have you listened to this? I love this music because ...'

Eta: I hate arguments and conflict generally whenever it can be avoided, from when I was a kid, so that's possibly why I feel the way I do.
But what if I really do have better taste?
Can't argue with that :)

And yes some people here have an incredible depth of musical knowledge that leaves me bewildered. But some people like the energy of punk for example. Or just like easy listening - not my type of music but I don't feel the need to insult them or it. They like what they like, I like what I like.
The fan clubs for the Cranberries are massive though. There are people who read everything about them.

Eta that was in reply to Sol.
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