Where's the bloody sun?
Do read what farage said
I did, it's bollocks.
The electoral commission decides what entities are political parties, they are the gate keepers.
Do read what farage said
Might need to change the thread title. Apparently it’s not a political party, it’s a company...
Farage calls for private health firms to 'relieve burden on NHS'
The thing people always forget about nazism is that it was effectively a system of state capitalism, where the state was run by companies. That’s what we’re now walking into.
In the last year I've had an endoscopy and ultrasound imaging. Both these referrals have been carried out by private companies. A colleague who suffered a stroke spent some weeks in a private hospital following time in an NHS hospital. It's become much more obvious to me that a vast array of roles are now filled by private companies. If the NHS is still struggling, bring the services back in house, reduce the number of bean counters and the duplication caused by the number of trusts and return to a view of the NHS not driven by profit and loss
As others have said; hope you get the treatment you need to resolve the issue.In the last year I've had an endoscopy and ultrasound imaging. Both these referrals have been carried out by private companies. A colleague who suffered a stroke spent some weeks in a private hospital following time in an NHS hospital. It's become much more obvious to me that a vast array of roles are now filled by private companies. If the NHS is still struggling, bring the services back in house, reduce the number of bean counters and the duplication caused by the number of trusts and return to a view of the NHS not driven by profit and loss
The electoral commission decides what entities are political parties, they are the gate keepers.
He's in Wales this week, only £2:50 a ticket, might book one and not go?
someone tried to block them from getting in or something.
Hmm...but look at that age profile, they are the 'grandads' now...the boomer generation holding onto the legacy asset bribes of the long-gone 'social contract' between capital & labour. Fear of asset loss/erosion/theft etc. has been whipped up to spectacular effect.Its not really funny, Merthyr Tydfil was once called Red Merthyr, their grandads will be looking down in shame and anger.
Wrong move that. At least some are going to look at that and think "well, insurance is a good thing, innit? Good old Nigel's the boy for me".
Its not really funny, Merthyr Tydfil was once called Red Merthyr, their grandads will be looking down in shame and anger.
The loony also wants us to adopt the USA's lax gun laws - presumably so we can import American-made guns ...
Win Win !
I have now received mailshots from both these clowns and the UKIP clowns. My g/f on the other hand is receiving guff from the lib dems. Target demographics.
When people challenge my opinions I shrug, said Vladimir Nabokov. When people challenge my facts, I reach for my dictionary.
Brendan O’Neill, formerly of the Revolutionary Communist Party and Living Marxism, now of Spiked, has had me reaching for mine. He accuses me of lying, a charge which might send a less liberal journalist than me to his lawyers. He says my charge that his comrades and the Brexit Party’s European Parliament candidates Claire Fox, James Heartfield and Alka Sehgal Cuthbert are cavalier about the abuse of children “are lies, straight-up, low-down lies,” “character assassination”, and an act of desperation by the remain side.
The desperation is all his. For mysterious reasons it might be worth journalists getting to the bottom of, Farage has picked candidates who used to belong to the RCP – despite the group’s long history of defending the IRA – a history I notice Comrade O’Neill does not deny. I cannot imagine Brexit Party voters being happy with that. Or voters from any other party.
Perhaps wisely, O’Neill passes over it. Instead he wants us to concentrate on the opposition to the censorship of child pornography on the Web. It’s not true. Lies, lies, all lies, he cries. Really?
Here is the evidence. First Fox. To give O’Neill his due, she does twist and turn like a true politician in her recent interview with the Daily Telegraph‘s Christopher Hope. (As O’Neill did not provide a link, here it is). But when cornered she says that she does not want child pornography banned.
“But do you still agree though that there should be no censorship of the internet?” asked the interviewer.
“Yes,” replied Fox
“And that includes child porn?”
Asked again if child porn videos “should be banned” she replied “no”. She does say she finds child porn vile and I suppose deserves some credit for that. But then she goes and spoils it all by adding “actually most child porn is not child porn because it’s simulated.” Well some is, some isn’t.
O’Neill suggests that it is a “lie” and not just any lie but a “straight-up, low-down lie” to accurately transcribe the verbatim comments of a political candidate seeking office. I am sorry if this makes him clutch his pearls and reach for the smelling salts, but this is what a free press in a free country does.
Lying, or editing so selective it comes close to lying, is on display in O’Neill’s defence of Alka Sehgal Cuthbert, his old friend and a Faragist candidate in London. All his comrade had done in his Spiked magazine was argue “that it is wrong to describe young people’s watching of general porn as a form of child abuse”.
Here are the facts that O’Neill does not mention. Sehgal Cuthbert was responding to an NSPCC definition of child abuse that includes adults “involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.’
To which she fulminates “in what world is enticing a child into prostitution or anal intercourse in any sense equivalent to kissing or looking at pornographic images?”
I can’t imagine any parent thinking that a man showing their son or daughter pornography was innocently exercising his rights to free speech. I imagine they would call the police, as would I.
But notice O’Neill so edits the passage that he would have you believe that his RCP comrade was just saying that do-gooding charities had ruled it was child abuse for children to watch porn on the Internet. He removes the adults from the scene entirely. As I said, if this is not quite lying, it is most certainly not telling the truth.
Finally to James Heartfield, who O’Neill paints as another victim. Once again, I provide links to his contribution on the subject of child abuse.
He has written against “the myth of the ubiquitous and incurable predatory paedophile” and said “the argument that the [sex offenders’] register provides for greater safety makes little sense”.
He added that “fears of child sex abuse are deeply atavistic and rarely susceptible to reasoned argument.”
He has argued that the sex offenders’ register would “encroach upon the freedom of movement of sex offenders”.
And he said the “Tory Party had great success in the 1980s in characterising the problems of paedophilia and other abuses of children as a terrible threat to society…this is of course fantasy politics.”
Now he is Nigel Farage’s candidate in the European elections. Vote for him and the rest of Farage’s apologists for the IRA if you must. But journalism’s purpose is to ensure that you vote knowing who and what you are voting for. It is that purpose O’Neill, like Trump, Corbyn and so many others is trying to scream down.
Surprised more hasn't been made about Claire Fox defending the right of people to watch child porn, to be honest. Admittedly this has been mentioned in a Nick Cohen article in the Spectator (and in a Telegraph podcast) so I can understand if people haven't read/heard about it:
edit: no surprise who made it into the list of demons at the end, of course
He's at it again:Crispin Blunt was on ‘Newsnight’ saying how a Tory party refashioned under a true believer leader as a Brexit party would come to an electoral agreement with the Brexit party and not stand against each other. The implication being that Farage would only stand candidates in non-Tory held seats. Sounds like the ERG have already worked out their next Conf & Supply arrangement and reckon on wiping out Labour in the North into the bargain.
Surprised more hasn't been made about Claire Fox defending the right of people to watch child porn, to be honest.