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The Brazilian renaissance, or Lula, your time’s up.


fluttering and dancing
Hopefully the Bolsonaro thread can whither and die now so it’s time to move on to the new Brazilian administration. Thieving old Lula is back!

So far, we have a plan to have a common Mercosur currency to ensure Argentina be our local Greece, and I’m sure Chile will love even more punishingly high Brazilian interest rates.

He’s wanting to “invest” everyone’s FGTS (the 8% of everyone’s salary that funds the development bank) in Cuba and Venezuela. That’s really going to help people when they retire and they find their fund has been stolen.

Lula’s sitting firmly on the fence about Ukraine. No surprise there, Brazil did the same in WW2 until Hitler forced Vargas’s hand by sinking too many ships and Walt Disney made Zé Carioca.

I’m my industry, he’s wanting to reopen the shipyards that went bankrupt due to the Lavo Jato. It’s a nice idea but unfortunately it will be pissing money away so Transpetro can buy one Brazilian made oil tanker instead of 3 Chinese ones. Useful stuff like infrastructure probably won’t be in the agenda…highway spending would go through the state governors, a lot of whom are Bolsonaristas…yesterday it took my 2.5 hrs to drive from Aracruz to Vitória ES, a rural journey of 56km on BR101, one of the main highways along the coast. No crash, just shit roads..it takes literally weeks to move stuff around the country by truck.

On the positive side, the environmental protection agency might actually be protecting the environment again, and started clearing the wildcat miners out of the Amazon. The poor indigenous peoples might get access to some healthcare too.

So…Brazil…the land of the future. As it always has been. It’s carnival and I’m personally optimistic. I must be turning Carioca and always looking to surf the wave!

View attachment WhatsApp Video 2023-02-07 at 20.52.51.mp4

Just a minor note, when he says “my dear” (querida) it is not patronising or sexist. Colleagues call each other querida/o. I have to keep reminding my colleagues of this when speaking in English as it sounds horrible.
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