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The American mass shooting thread

Yuwipi Woman

Whack-A-Mole Queen
NEWTOWN, Conn. — Some children were among those killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Friday, The Hartford Courant reported.

The number of victims is unclear, but the local ABC affiliate says at least 12 dead have been confirmed and that the gunman, who has been confirmed dead, was likely a parent of one of the students. Many of the shootings took place in a kindergarten classroom, the Courant reported.

An official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is still under way told the Associated Press the gunman apparently had two guns. The school district remains on lockdown as police investigate the shootings. There are unconfirmed reports of two shooters, according to the paper


Some news sources are saying up to 27 people shot and more than 100 rounds fired in a classroom.

Look for some idiot saying that if the Kindergartners were armed, this wouldn't have happened.
2nd amendment, whatever it is ...no one needs assault rifles, 100 rounds fired so they are saying tis fucking madness.

latest news is that there were definitely at least 2 gunmen. police searching for a third.

This is the most shocking part, imo. suggesting that these people got together and decided to shoot a bunch of kids at an elementary school.
latest news is that there were definitely at least 2 gunmen. police searching for a third.

This is the most shocking part, imo. suggesting that these people got together and decided to shoot a bunch of kids at an elementary school.

Its just unfathomable.:(
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