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The 7/7 Report

TeeJay said:
The point is that "media management" is just the information end of things.

A cover-up actually involves getting rid of hard evidence or avoiding leaving any evidence and witnesses in the first place.

It is one thing to put out wrong information. It is something else entirely to committ mass murder and implement complex plots involving hundreds of people and keep it all secret.
So you are saying that the getting rid of hard evidence implies such a cover-up and people wouldn't have other reasons for doing so as part of fitting into the system?
Prole said:
What is your definition apart from the nationalistic and militaristic characteristics then?

Robert Paxton, in the aforementioned "The Anatomy of Fascisms" defines it thus - "Fascism may be defined as a form of political behaviour marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity in which a mass based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion".

You should give it a read.
Prole said:
I do not know what acts would be carried out in the name of 'Islam' or if in fact any ever have been.

Can we have a banghead icon? Like this
Prole said:
I don't think it has been proved yet that the one (ONE) image from Luton hasn't been photoshopped.

You're fucking cracked. The onus is on you to prove it has been Photoshopped.
Yossarian said:
The same thing applies to every other image taken since Photoshop came into existence.

Or even before. Photographic compositing and fakery has been around a long time before Photoshop


For example John Heartfield's image from 1932 or Stalin having people airbrushed out.
Jazzz said:
It requires no active measures TeeJay. Once a lie is taken as the official line, witnesses with contrary evidence simply get ignored and awkward evidence gets shelved. It just happens. The people doing it don't have to be aware of any grand cover-up. They just fit into the lie.

and what makes you so sure that only you know the TRUTH?
Bob_the_lost said:

Jazzz, prole and badgerkitten (the cunning minx!)
And which of these three is saying "just believe me, because I know what happened?" :rolleyes:
Blagsta said:
You and prole.
Wrong; I don't tell anyone what to believe - that's their business. Neither does Prole. On the other hand Badger Kitten doesn't seem to accept at all that people might have different beliefs to her about what happened on 7/7 and indulges in browbeating of those who disagree.
Jazzz said:
Wrong; I don't tell anyone what to believe - that's their business. Neither does Prole. On the other hand Badger Kitten doesn't seem to accept at all that people might have different beliefs to her about what happened on 7/7 and indulges in browbeating of those who disagree.

Do holocaust deniers claim that survivors of the camps 'browbeat' their 'different beliefs' in your opinion then Jazzz?

There's some point to that admittedly (not that) hyperbolic comparison: show some respect and empathy for gawd's sake. One side's been involved in a terrifying physical attack, the other's all too prone to believing any of the latest conspiracy tosh from a circle-jerk of paranoid websites. You'll have to excuse most for finding your continued haste to find conspiracies near everywhere, regardless and in spite of the evidence, a little bit in bad taste here.

Jazzz said:
Wrong; I don't tell anyone what to believe - that's their business. Neither does Prole.
What you do is regularly present ludicrous, laughably unresearched 'facts' and declare them to be 'the truth' (e.g. "WTC Here's how they did it", "9/11 planes didn't exist", "Huntley Innocent!" "Soham murders link with 9/11"etc etc etc)....

Talking of which, whatever happened to that mysteriously invisible, untraceable anti-Semitic forensic pathologist 'expert' who posted up on those invisible, untraceable boards about Saddam's sons and then suddenly became an expert for the 9/11 Truth Seekers (or whatever that motley collection of non-entities, lab assistants and fruitloops were called)?

I can remember you getting quite excited when you saw his name on the 9/11 nutjobs list, but then growing strangely reluctant to contact him once you realised he didn't appear to exist.
axon said:
Well, I thought from the thread you might have gathered what I was talking about. But from your response it is clear to me that you are not willing to consider the possibility that four guys who were not part of a grand state conspiracy went to London and set off some bombs. Have you considered opening your mind to this possibility? And why is the demand for evidence so much more rigourous for the "four guys" theory than for the state conspiracy theory?

It actually reminds me of "debating" with creationists, a common tactic used by them is to spend the entire debate picking out wrinkles in evolutionary theory, completely ignoring the positive evidence for evolutionary theory, and offering no evidence whatsoever for creationism.

I spoke to 'Mauve', he can't get through to you for some reason ;) but he wants to reassure you that "everything's in hand" ;)
Jazzz said:
Wrong; I don't tell anyone what to believe - that's their business. Neither does Prole. On the other hand Badger Kitten doesn't seem to accept at all that people might have different beliefs to her about what happened on 7/7 and indulges in browbeating of those who disagree.

Care to issue a similar condemnation of the people giving Badger Kitten and other survivors a similarly hard time at at least one public meeting/booklaunch??

And care to issue a similar condemnation of those who accuse her of being a shill and a state asset on at least one ultra-barking conspiracist website? In their efforts to belittle and deny her experience and her interpretation of it, because her articulately written blog contradicts their pet theories?

(I followed one or two of the relevant links yesterday, quoted earlier by BK, and if anyone thinks Urban is a nest of weird people, they should take a look over on the sites around Loonside Close for REAL insanity!)

No of course you have nothing to do with such people and websites yourself Jazzz.

Of course not -- but you do very little to assist your own arguments by refusing to disassociate yourself from such arseholes. The sort of people who constantly undermine your case every time they pop up ...
editor said:
What you do is regularly present ludicrous, laughably unresearched 'facts' and declare them to be 'the truth' (e.g. "WTC Here's how they did it", "9/11 planes didn't exist", "Huntley Innocent!" "Soham murders link with 9/11"etc etc etc)....

Talking of which, whatever happened to that mysteriously invisible, untraceable anti-Semitic forensic pathologist 'expert' who posted up on those invisible, untraceable boards about Saddam's sons and then suddenly became an expert for the 9/11 Truth Seekers (or whatever that motley collection of non-entities, lab assistants and fruitloops were called)?

I can remember you getting quite excited when you saw his name on the 9/11 nutjobs list, but then growing strangely reluctant to contact him once you realised he didn't appear to exist.
My "9/11 - here's how they did it" thread as you know was several years ago. 2002? A shame we don't have it anymore. In it I posited that the flights were swapped for drone aircraft, they all fired missiles before impact, and the WTC was demolished. Years ahead of its time - these are now commonplace views in a movement which has grown several thousand fold where they were minority views among a tiny handful before - in fact the missiles into the WTC was my original based on what I thought had to happen - before www.letsroll.org went out and slowed down the footage or anyone noticed the 'pod'.

I am extremely proud of that thread; you heard it first on urban75. Maybe you'll appreciate it one day.

I can barely be bothered to rebut your other points, but the flights 11 and 77 mysteriously appeared on the BTS database (after you guys thought they didn't need to) and that research held up. I never proclaimed that Huntley was certainly innocent only that he might not be guilty and admitted corrections straightaway. Peter Kirsch is there to be contacted if you want to keep insinuating that he doesn't exist.

In the past, I may have used thread titles that were bold statements. This was in the spirit of attracting discussion rather than a claim they were certainly true.

You could add threads about vaccines possibly being the cause of Gulf War Syndrome - I was ridiculed for that one too. It's now a mainstream scientific view. You could add the thread about the US military setting fire to Kuwaiti Oil Well so they could earn megabucks putting them out later - I was ridiculed on there until someone came along whose uncle was out there and confirmed it.

I completely stand by the Uday & Qusay Hussein death sham and that the Saddam on trial is not the real one. This is what his wife said when she met him

Sajida arrived from Syria with her official escort Sheikh Hamad Al-Tani, and then entered the prison, emerging only moments later pink with rage and shouting, "This is not my husband but his double. Where is my husband? Take me to my husband".

American officials rushed forward to shield Mrs Saddam from perplexed Russian observers, trying to insist that Saddam had changed a lot while in custody and she probably didn't recognise him. This was certainly not the best way to handle the Iraqi President's wife. "You think I do not know my husband?" Sajida shouted furiously, "I was married to the man for more than twenty-five years!" Then she stormed off, never to return.

This remarkable confrontation was reported by Pravda and four other newspapers in the east between 13 and 17 April


But we digress.
tarannau said:
Do holocaust deniers claim that survivors of the camps 'browbeat' their 'different beliefs' in your opinion then Jazzz?

There's some point to that admittedly (not that) hyperbolic comparison: show some respect and empathy for gawd's sake. One side's been involved in a terrifying physical attack, the other's all too prone to believing any of the latest conspiracy tosh from a circle-jerk of paranoid websites. You'll have to excuse most for finding your continued haste to find conspiracies near everywhere, regardless and in spite of the evidence, a little bit in bad taste here.

I have immense sympathy for badger kitten and I have stated so many times. I also don't blame her for any emotional reactions on her part and have also said that. And I say it again. However she is more than capable of handling herself, and has certainly taken one hell of a fight towards any sceptics with immense vitriol (regrettably some retaliating in a way I do not condone).
Jazzz said:
You could add threads about vaccines possibly being the cause of Gulf War Syndrome - I was ridiculed for that one too. It's now a mainstream scientific view.

I don't know about the other watertight examples you gave but this is most certainly bollocks. It's things like this that don't endear your revelations to people.
Jazzz said:
I have immense sympathy for badger kitten and I have stated so many times. I also don't blame her for any emotional reactions on her part and have also said that. And I say it again. However she is more than capable of handling herself, and has certainly taken one hell of a fight towards any sceptics with immense vitriol (regrettably some retaliating in a way I do not condone).

Retaliating? Or launching an attack on her?

I can't be sure, but would like to hear her version too.

But nevertheless, respect to that post.
returning to the thread

I too would have liked to have seen an independent inquiry

I remember another "narrative" this government came up,
plagiarising a doctoral dissertation to prove Saddam had WMD

The report seems to be rewarding those who failed us.
The security services, their job, their watch, their failure

And in return..............we reward them with bigger budgets
Pentagon releases September 11 video

The hijacked American Airlines plane crashed into the US military headquarters, killing 184 people. The jet hit the south-west side of the Pentagon, shortly after two other hijacked aeroplanes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York.

The attack set off fires in a portion of the Pentagon and killed 125 people inside, in addition to those on board the plane.

"We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11," the president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, said.

The Flight 77 crash has spawned numerous conspiracy theories, including one from the French journalist Thierry Meyssam who suggested that a truck bomb or missile caused the explosion, not the plane. Most journalists, scientists and military experts have dismissed the conspiracy theories, but a minority of experts support them.

Anyone know where to find this footage online? Looking on You Tube now but not getting anywhere with it...
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