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Thatcher is dead

yeah, wonder has it anything to do with their shamrock emblem as well . Probably not though .
It's Omonia Nicosia... no Irish connections afaik, just use the Shamrock as an emblem (like Panathenaikos do). Bit stumped for a specific anti-Thatcher thing... maybe they're just enlightened :)
interested to know the impulse behind that?

Gate 9 has always been leftist.

From the first years of its creation, Gate 9 clearly showed its ideological direction which was radically leftist and communist. Within Gate 9 you would often see the red flags along with hammer and sickles, while the historical figure of Che was seen imprinted in flags, shirts, and scarfs all over the Gate 9 stand. Our chants, our banners and our actions would always give the stigma of the left, anti-racist, and oppressed. Our fathers nurtured us with those values of the left and the working class. We learned to respect our fellow human beings without distinguishing according to race, colour, social class, religion or sexuality. All these elements together resulted to a Gate 9 parted by different people, all seeking for a shelter within a world full of prejudice and racism in all fonts. Within Gate 9, all were made into one, to fight against a common enemy, racism. The oppressed, socially excluded, and misfits, had finally found a family and a home of their own.

The fact that the family of OMONOIA and Gate 9 embrace everyone, resulted to fans all over Cyprus joining this movement. Within all cities and districts the numbers of Gate 9 members were rapidly increasing while new divisions of Gate 9 begun to emerge. These new divisions are branches of Gate 9, all following the path of our main organized core. Gate 9 branches make their appearance to several cities of the country a fact which endorses the fanatic core’s diversity even further.

Next in the sights of the hate mob (there was a thread about this wasnt there?)

See,not all coppers are bad....
But at least Moore didn't let us down did he? Sputtering like an unhinged loon again on the same subject he'd embarrassed himself over yesterday (queue another paranoid rant about the BBC). Shame he didn't ever manage to stay awake through the haze of cigars and port each Christmas to follow the plot of that particular musical. The song in question is also sung when the wicked witch of the west dies.

e2a: for those who did not watch - he lamely attempted to mock the choice of the song because, so he thought, it is sung when the wicked witch of the east dies - clearly a reference to the collapse of communism meaning the newly enstiffened ex PM must be the heroine Dorothy (oh hang on, she had red shoes didn't she..?).
Two things on Moore's unhinged claims on question time that thatcher a) got mandela released and b) he flew to london to personally thank her for this:

1) Cameron apologises for Thatcher apartheid policies

2) Nelson Mandela and Margaret Thatcher: the meeting that never was

Nelson Mandela was "furious" when a top adviser stopped him meeting Margaret Thatcher two months after his historic release from prison.

A confidential US embassy cable says Mandela, visiting London in April 1990, was eager to spell out to Thatcher the recently unbanned African National Congress's objections to her policy on South Africa.
Technical question, if I buy the 'Ding Dong' MP3 from Amazon will it count towards the charts?

I presumed so but didn't want it to be an empty gesture if you're supposed to use itunes or somesuch.
I pondered over this, partly because I thought I would be more satisfied with her death than I had been. As a side, I think the inertia is because her legacy is going from strength to strength and we all know that. There are things going down she could never even of dreamed of.

I also wasn't sure outside of the politicos I knew, how acceptable it would be to go over her death as something positive. I don't like the left/right dichtomy thats being developed. Its fucking tedious. On a surface level arent the 'left' supposed to transcend this inhumane bullshit. Well here's the thing, Brecht put it aptly when he said "bread first, morals later" and that woman stole in abundance, not only people's livelihood, but also most damningly, peoples hope and concept of community.

We should leave moralising to people who can afford it.

I certainly was not appalled by people celebrating; nor do I find it inhumane. Wy pondering/reflection just took me down the route of thinking how loved my mother and brother are.
I was speaking to an older guy I know, bit of a drinker, knows loads of people, he said he had been surprised just how many people had told him they felt something like a sense of relief now she had gone, people he said he just wouldn't have expected such sentiments from, I suspect plenty who voted for her have a sense of guilt..
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