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Thatcher is dead

It's a well known fact that anyone who reads The Sun is a complete cunt
No, they're not, they really aren't. It's total daily readership is in excess, on average, of seven million - that's simply too many to write off in that manner. that includes all those with too little an interest in football to really get the Hillsborough thing, all those who read the copy lying about the office (or wherever), all those who buy it for reader offers, for the showbiz/celeb stories, for the other weird stories, and yes for Page 3.
It's also about 11.5% of the entire Uk population. All complete mindless cunts?
All the ex-colleagues that bought The Sun 'for the sport'.
I found this hard to believe as the broadsheets cover sport in a much more detailed manner than the Sun does
Discussion on PM (R4) this evening over a certain chart single continues, involving (I think it was) a Tory peer who is adamant that the BBC shouldn't be playing a tune from a particular MGM musical.

Despite her desperate wriggling to avoid using the term it doesn't appear to have dawned on her that censorship of said track from the historical record is as appropriate a reminder of the malevolence that is being recognised as is the playing of the track itself.
Discussion on PM (R4) this evening over a certain chart single continues, involving (I think it was) a Tory peer who is adamant that the BBC shouldn't be playing a tune from a particular MGM musical.

Despite her desperate wriggling to avoid using the term it doesn't appear to have dawned on her that censorship of said track from the historical record is as appropriate a reminder of the malevolence that is being recognised as is the playing of the track itself.
Good point actually. Its win/win whatever happens. :D
The whole Thatcher story seems to be one long facep:facepalm:lm - the latest is some bollocks about putting up a statue to her in Trafalgar square.

Setting aside my distaste for the vile woman and her politics for one moment, what exactly did she do that makes her so notable? Arguably, the benchmark for outstandingness (statue-wise) in PMs seems to be Churchill, who can at least be credited with leading the country through one of the most significant wars of its history - what's Thatcher got by comparison? A bit of strike-breaking, a minor skirmish over a bunch of far-flung islands that should never have happened, and the fucking Poll Tax.

If there's one thing Thatcher was good at, it was writing the legend of Thatcher. I'll grant that her sheer bloody-mindedness meant that she achieved things (the miners, the Falklands) that others may not have achieved, but I am not convinced that either of those achievements were a unilaterally Good Thing in any case, and I think there were so many other cases where her sheer bloody-mindedness resulted in fuckups we're still paying the price for that any possible (notional) benefits to it are well outweighed by the drawbacks.

Statue? The best public memorial to her (leaving aside Thatcher's-head toilet bowls et al) would be a bleak, empty space, inhospitable, wasted and useless. A metaphor for what she did both to large parts of the country and many people's lives. You could even have a big divide down the middle, to symbolise something else.
i know. but your post suggested an interest in football was necessary to understand why people might boycott the sun because of their hillsborough coverage. i'd suggest that's far from the truth.
yes, you have a point there, but i would argue that the more passionately interested you are in football, the more liikely you are to have fully grasped all of the pertinent facts and the conclusions that can - should - be drawn
Seven million read that rag?, it's an incredible figure, I wonder what the same sort of people read pre-The Sun
a nespaper that most likely closed decades ago, if anything at all, given that the Sun has been going in its' present Murdochian incarnation since 1969
More than 2,000 politicians, dignitaries and celebrities – from Hillary Clinton to Tony Blair, from Jeremy Clarkson to FW de Klerk, and from Jeffrey Archer to Shirley Bassey – have been invited to attend the funeral of Lady Thatcher at St Paul's Cathedral next week.

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