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Thatcher is dead

In what way are Sun readers mindless?

In this way...


Anyone who still reads The Sun, after that, is a mindless prick... IMHO
She read it daily since it was started until she died earlier this year. She rarely agreed with a damn thing in it, but it was her paper.

My deepest condolences for the loss of your grandmother... but I lost a relative @ Hillsborough and The Sun accused me of killing him, so forgive me if I believe that anyone who continues to buy The Sun is a cunt!
Good work steps, that poll is an excellent illustration of how fiercely opinion is divided
First the Poll asks a meaningless question what does 'Good for Britain' actually mean? Does it mean those who control Britain or who consider being 'British' more important than other aspects of their personality (being sociable, a skilled worker, contented) - under those circumstances I can agree that thatcher was good for people with a narrow patriotism and controlled society - but I still hate Thatcher. And the poll was taken, in the immmediate aftermath at a time when the media was at its hysterical and almost unremittingly uniform pro-Thatcher. Even then less than half thought she was a 'good for Britain' whatever that means....
When are those two fucking bastards going to fuck off and die I hope they have a helicopter crash or better still get chucked off their yacht into the sea where they die agonisingly slowly with albatrosses pecking out their eyes and then eating their fetid brains while they still breathe.

You really are a total fucking liberal, aren't you? :mad:

If you want them to die in a helicopter-related tragedy, a crash on its' own isn't the way to do it, Mr. Clegg, it needs to be acrash that leaves them, with severe injuries including at least a leg amputation a piece, alive on a barren and hard-to-reach freezing mountainside, with a working radio so that they can summon assistance. Then, due to a change in the weather, assistance is rendered unable to reach them for at least 2 weeks, during which time the Barclay Bros are reduced to the sort of mean Hobbesian existence that should be the lot of all exploiters, especially ones who fairly obviously commit incest with each other on a regular basis.

I bid you adieu, good sir!
Aren't people mistaking the views emerging from national polling published in a newspaper, with the views of a newspaper's readership here?
I am very pleased that only one person in my Facebook timeline has posted anything positive about Thatcher:
I chose just the right to buy fiasco to point out that the article was nonsense and now she's banging on about strikes and bodies in the streets. Is there much point in continuing the debate or shall I just write her off as an idiot?
tell her that if she's ranting about strikes and bodies in the street because someone disagreed with her on facebook, what will she do when something serious happens? she'll be the woman who tweeted rubbish.
I am very pleased that only one person in my Facebook timeline has posted anything positive about Thatcher:
I chose just the right to buy fiasco to point out that the article was nonsense and now she's banging on about strikes and bodies in the streets. Is there much point in continuing the debate or shall I just write her off as an idiot?
Can be a chance to get the facts out there for other people reading the debate though. Some of those myths are persistent even for people who understandably haven't been arsed to look upp the actual history.
Front page story in my local rag (Edinburgh Evening News) today is that the big screen in the city centre which shows big sporting events but otherwise sits on BBC News 24 is going to be switched off for the duration of the funeral 'amid fears it could become a focus for unrest'.
Front page story in my local rag (Edinburgh Evening News) today is that the big screen in the city centre which shows big sporting events but otherwise sits on BBC News 24 is going to be switched off for the duration of the funeral 'amid fears it could become a focus for unrest'.
Nearly a week then to fund who controls it...
Here is something that went through my head as I was lying [sp?] in bed on Monday evening.

I did ponder on people's joy at her death. Thatcher wouldn't have cared anyway but,you know, when my Mama died people were sad and when my brother died recently (I have not mentioned it before on here, only alluded to: he died at the end of January; like my mother of cancer) people were sad. I am sure not everyone liked them but I cannot think of a single person who would have jubilated (is that a verb?) their death.
I know what you are saying, 'no man is an island' and I think it going to have some consequences for the left, but thatcher just was different:, I am personally scarred by my long periods of youth unemployment, I saw whole factories literally end overnight, one minute there was a whole ecostructure of jobs, pubs/social clubs, local shops, kids xmas parties, etc the next nothing, then of course there was the Miners which I didn't experience but was very aware of, etc

awfully sorry to hear of your sad loss, that is two members now who have experienced close bereavement in the last few months.
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