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Thatcher is dead

"Unique Pullout Inside"?

The dark decayed mass where her heart should have been?

I was going to get that when I thought it was 10p because it's bloody good in cat litter trays
I was going to get that when I thought it was 10p because it's bloody good in cat litter trays

My cats are impressionable, there's no way I'd expose them to that sort of rubbish while they're having a shit. Fullers clay is a perfectly acceptable and less politically-charged alternative if you're on a tight budget.
I am having real issues with this thread and all this talk about someone who deserves nothing.

On the one hand I wanted her burnt at the stake when she was alive.

Now she's dead I just want her body to be weighed down and pushed into the Thames to be eaten by fish. I want her passing to be nothing more than small ad in a local paper. I want the country to forget this odious person. Rise above what she did and take back what she took away.


People still buried and forgotten by a regime she supported.
I spent most of my life outside of Scotland, away from my home town and family. We had to leave when I was young during the 81 recession because there was fuck all work and fuck all hope. I dont hate Thatcher because of some abstract idea of what she represents, I hate her because of the years living alone as an outside and often fucking close to absolute poverty. I hate her because an uncle of mine with good trade papers ended up delivering pizza for a couple of years to make ends meet. I hate her because my family ended up broken up and all over the world. Steel works, ship yards and coal mines that generations of our extended families had toiled in till it broke there health and all for a pittance were undergoing waves of redundancies when we left and generally all shut down a few years later.

Its far from all being Thatchers fault.... but that fucking horrible horrible hoor enjoyed it, reveled in the decimation of industrial Scotland

And you know what, she funded it on natural resources found of off our coast. The financial south east boomed while the working people who had built this country on back breaking labour, hours of toil and black lungs and white fingers were tossed on the scrap heap.

From the bottom of my Clydeside heart.

nice to see Lord neil kinnock 's been covering himself in glory as ever, claiming Scargill did more harm to the Trade Union movement than Thatch ever did - actually, might have been a replay from a docu, bu same difference , what an absolute loser of a human being, a backlsliding lickspittle who acheived little as a politician, nothing as a labour leader .
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