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TfL bringing 20mph limit to many major London roads

I can visualise both quite happily. However when it comes to weight I can only do kg I just don't get stone and imperial cooking measurements baffle me, I have no idea how many oz in a lb. I'm in my mid 30s, I was basically taught metric for anything that wasn't travel distance which is miles and fractions of a mile although I I have no idea how many feet or yards there are in a mile. Once I'd drop to those distances I think in meters.
still do pounds and stone - can do a rough calculation of kg - but it still doesn't feel right (but then I am staring 60 ahead so that's how we were tought) Miles are more familiar than KM, but I can do the conversion quickly , but don't ask me about shillings, thrupenny bits, sixpences, farthings or anything - remember them as a kid but I was 5/6 when we got proper money.
Americans don’t use ‘Stone’ in their version of the imperial system. I had a medical for my year at college over there and got a very strange look for saying I was ‘about twelve stone’, as though I was using some kind of primitive form of measurement (which I guess I was). Being an NHS frequent flier I’m more than used to Kg now, would struggle with anything else.
Outside of Holland being two metres tall is very rare. I'm just under and I see people taller than me maybe a couple of times a year.
There was a bloke around where I used to live in Leeds who was 7’5”. Built like Peter Crouch with an apple for a head. First time I saw him was when I stopped at a Zebra crossing on Tong Rd and he crossed it in about two strides, like something from outer space, proper wtf moment. On a later occasion he turned up at one of our street parties in a mini metro and kind of unfolded himself out of the passenger seat. Also did a stint in jail and they had to custom make him a bed, which made the local paper.
There was a bloke around where I used to live in Leeds who was 7’5”. Built like Peter Crouch with an apple for a head. First time I saw him was when I stopped at a Zebra crossing on Tong Rd and he crossed it in about two strides, like something from outer space, proper wtf moment. On a later occasion he turned up at one of our street parties in a mini metro and kind of unfolded himself out of the passenger seat. Also did a stint in jail and they had to custom make him a bed, which made the local paper.
Was his name Danny?
20 mph road signs were being installed today on the South Circular, at least on the stretch between Tulse Hill and Clapham South.

Other than in the immediate vicinity of speed cameras, I’d be surprised if the percentage of vehicles religiously adhering to the new speed limit at all times will ever reach the 10% mark, frankly. Certainly along certain sections such as this

Maybe I'll take a zipcar out for the day and go back and forth along the south circular at 20mph to educate drivers stuck behind me.
20 mph road signs were being installed today on the South Circular, at least on the stretch between Tulse Hill and Clapham South.

Other than in the immediate vicinity of speed cameras, I’d be surprised if the percentage of vehicles religiously adhering to the new speed limit at all times will ever reach the 10% mark, frankly. Certainly along certain sections such as this

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Will depend on whether the cameras work , when they made the Lea Bridge Road 20, most drivers ignored it , after a few months of points & fines , it is not ignored any more.
Will depend on whether the cameras work , when they made the Lea Bridge Road 20, most drivers ignored it , after a few months of points & fines , it is not ignored any more.
Average speed cameras are extremely efficient. Single speed cameras, all painted yellow and made prominent on purpose, are not much of a deterrent to anyone with less than nine points on their licence. Even less so if you commute along the route every day and know it well.
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