One on one? You're crazy.
still do pounds and stone - can do a rough calculation of kg - but it still doesn't feel right (but then I am staring 60 ahead so that's how we were tought) Miles are more familiar than KM, but I can do the conversion quickly , but don't ask me about shillings, thrupenny bits, sixpences, farthings or anything - remember them as a kid but I was 5/6 when we got proper money.I can visualise both quite happily. However when it comes to weight I can only do kg I just don't get stone and imperial cooking measurements baffle me, I have no idea how many oz in a lb. I'm in my mid 30s, I was basically taught metric for anything that wasn't travel distance which is miles and fractions of a mile although I I have no idea how many feet or yards there are in a mile. Once I'd drop to those distances I think in meters.