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T2: Trainspotting sequel (as in Welsh's one)

Curious - in a non-huge-spoliery sort of way - how much sex there is in it, given Porno is to a degree the source material. Or is that very much a subplot in the film?
Curious - in a non-huge-spoliery sort of way - how much sex there is in it, given Porno is to a degree the source material. Or is that very much a subplot in the film?
They're not making porn films in this. Sick Boy's trying to open a brothel. It's very different to Porno. Almost a totally different story.
We enjoyed it - rare to see a sequel by the same people that is so different in tone, basically it has grown the story up with the characters, and they made the most of it with great performances, especially Ewen Bremner.
So so good. Loads of little nods to the first without being derivative. The 20-year-sequel aspect is novel and done brilliantly.

Danny Boyle is such an underrated director
I thought Ewen Bremner overdid it a bit at times tbh. Minor criticism mind, his storyline is ace. One of the best things in the film.
Is Morningside posh? I know in the books they talk about coke as 'Morningside speed.' I thought it was basically saying coke was just expensive crap for yuppies. Is that right?
Is Morningside posh? I know in the books they talk about coke as 'Morningside speed.' I thought it was basically saying coke was just expensive crap for yuppies. Is that right?
Morningside is about the poshest bit of Edinburgh at least historically anyway, there's more expensive places now to buy a house but yes. V middle class.
They filmed the scenes in Veronika's flat round the corner from where I used to work, in fact I saw some of the crew a few times on my lunch break. They used a Nardini's ice cream cafe to base the crew, which they refurbished to look like a Chinese restaurant for some reason :confused: anyway Nardini's is still not reopened yet and we all said at the time that they must have gotten a pretty good deal for allowing that. Well see the guy with the big beard in the opening scene in the NA group? He also appears as part of the building crew later on. He's Michael Nardini :D
At least Morningside has some soul, unlike new town

Morningside is a bit of a mix of a place really, bits of it are as posh as some other parts (Cramond, Trinity, Barnton) and not as posh as the New Town, and others are just usual Edinburgh tenement life. It does however have the worst pub in the the universe though - The Canny Man. A pub run by, and catering for, cunts.
Morningside is a bit of a mix of a place really, bit's of it are as posh as some other parts (Cramond, Trinity, Barnton) and not as posh as the New Town. It does however have the worst pub in the the universe though - The Canny Man. A pub run by, and catering for, cunts.

I went into the Canny Man's once many years ago. Drinks were v expensive. The barman came over at one point and asked us to move -- we had a table -- so some regulars could sit down. We refused, spent a very, very long time drinking our drinks and nicked the (fancy) glasses for good measure. Never went in there again, even when I was living just along the road.

(Did used to like the Waverly Pen ad outside though. Is it still there?)
Thoroughly enjoyed that. A very good sequel. Some of the plot was a bit forced, but it certainly captured the spirit of the original while bringing the melancholy of the passing of time and misplaced friendships to the to forefront of the story.

What were all The Shining references about?
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Really? Films tend to be hyped on his name. The majority of his films are average at best. IMO. ;)
Where's the hype? By all accounts he has struggles to get films greenlit (slumdog etc).

He's run the whole gamut of genres also from Bollywood, psych thrillers to biographies.

Turned down a knighthood

And he made Sunshine. Love that film
Where's the hype? By all accounts he has struggles to get films greenlit (slumdog etc).

He's run the whole gamut of genres also from Bollywood, psych thrillers to biographies.

Turned down a knighthood

And he made Sunshine. Love that film

He's made a wide range of films, but most are distinctly average, style over substance. Sunshine (for example) is just a mish-mash of ideas taken from much better sci-fi/horror films.
"Renton left spud two grand not four.... Also they sold it for 16k.....4k each, but they didn't take off the 4k they bought it for of which Rento paid 2k Just saying"
All the reviews on here are good, all the ones I've read in the press have been good, mine is about the least positive. I did enjoy it and thought it was a good effort. I was just a bit ambiguous about the tone. Dunno, the slapstick didn't quite sit with the poignant bits somehow, a case of being less than its parts? Also, felt a bit stop starty, along with a certain issue with the plot - see below. Suspect I'm in a minority of one on all this though.

The betrayal bit, played out with the development grant, was a bit obvious and tied the whole film too much to the first one. Felt like it restricted things to me.
i liked the mix of tones - it shouldnt work but it did...sometimes scenes were like staid theatre, sometimes action movie, sometimes comedy, sometimes gritty....the visual style changes, different effects, text on the screen - all very postmodern - realistic characters one second, total over-the-top archetypes the next .... its a weird brew. But it worked for me

Was the first one like that? I cant remember...I think it was

my biggest complaint was about Veronika, who felt too one dimensional and whose actions weren't given enough weight compared to the boys
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