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Summertime fun, possible picnic and Northern drinks meet-up

Dates that suit

  • 19th May

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • 26th May

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • 2nd June

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • 9th June

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • 16th June

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • 23rd June

    Votes: 12 85.7%
  • 30th June

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters


So then, it's that time of year when northern urbs get the urge to meet up for a pint or two (or ten). Being northern, it takes a lot of time and effort to come to a decision as to where and when.

Barleybabes seems to have decided on where for us already. It's going to be in Hebden Bridge, unless everyone decides they'd rather stay home and rearrange their cutlery drawer than visit Hebden.
There's good pubs, the best WMC in the world with very cheap beer, good walks for them that fancy a walk first and excellent train services from Leeds, Manchester and Blackpool so no excuses for not being able to get there.

Next bit is the hard bit. When?
Summer sometime is the vague plan. I'm fancying May or June myself before everyone beggers off on holiday.
Anyone planning on coming stick your two penneth in now and tell us when you can and can't come. I'll do a poll if I can master the technicalities of one.

Posting this a few hours early to stop Barleybabes nagging me to get on with it :p :D

I've added a poll with far too many options but there you go.
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Yes please :) need to double check dates although 19th may I’m busy in Haworth
Haworth is 10 minutes away over the hill. You sneak off and come with us :D
Although in reality maybe we avoid the 19th. I think June will be better anyway.
Like the sound of that. I stayed in haworth in the white horse last year and visited Hebden for the second time. Got a friend in Liverpool who would be up for it and a fairly local lad from Queensbury.
I'm only confused because someone in your group is friends with a friend that I have from elsewhere :D
I really want to come to this, if the poll can be concluded fairly quickly then I can request my shifts around the date. I also have holiday booked including may 26 so that would be great.
Any idea where it's gonna be? As would want to check out a place to camp in the van. X
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