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Summer drinks-picnic-fishing trip-get together or just general Northern piss up?


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I'm going to listen in, I'd like to come along if I can but quite busy this summer so depends when.
I'd love to make it to one of these, but dates are a problem. I'll be in the UK in July and August. But I don't think I'll be in the right part of the country.
Don't get your hopes up - we don't even have a proposed location yet, so god knows whether this will actually happen. :D
What shall we do then? We could have a picnic in a leafy Manchester park. We could go fishing off the end of Blackpool pier with a picnic on the beach. We could have booze and a picnic in Hebden (again, yawn) or we could sit in Piccadilly Gardens swigging beer from a bottle and eating Greggs pasties :D
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Hopefully us southern softies can do this as a day trip :)
I think you could do Manchester as a day trip and Leeds too although I know nothing of Leeds apart from the shops so someone would need to sort Leeds.
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