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Suella Braverman's time is up.

I would have thought you would need a court order; not just random binmen picking up tents.
" We thought it had been abandoned and was litter".
I wasn't aware of that. I know lots of anti homeless measures have been taken like the arm rests on benches and pavements being hosted down though.
Surely it's theft or criminal damage. It is a person's property. If I walked onto a campsite, stole and destroyed a tent, then I should expect a visit from the police.
If they pitched up the tent in your garden? Genuine question, don't know if there are different rights on what you can do with someone else's property if it's on 'your land'.

Don't get me wrong, I think it' absolutely heinous, just trying to figure if the theft or criminal damage would actually stick in this situation and under current laws? Don't know if it was on hospital grounds or public land, but either way I'm assuming the council has jurisdiction?
If they pitched up the tent in your garden? Genuine question, don't know if there are different rights on what you can do with someone else's property if it's on 'your land'.

Don't get me wrong, I think it' absolutely heinous, just trying to figure if the theft or criminal damage would actually stick in this situation and under current laws? Don't know if it was on hospital grounds or public land, but either way I'm assuming the council has jurisdiction?
I think you would need to get bailiffs in to do it, and I don't think they can deliberately damage the evictee's property.
I've had a quick Google, but it doesn't seems that clear, though it is not a police matter of the eviction.
Tents even being barely tolerated is a fairly recent thing, ten or fifteen years ago you'd barely have time to pitch one before filth were there threatening to arrest you and there's no way you could leave one and expect it to still be there when you got back unless it was hidden well out of the way. This is just what's mostly always happened, because who are you going to complain to the 99% of times it doesn't become a news story?
Tents even being barely tolerated is a fairly recent thing, ten or fifteen years ago you'd barely have time to pitch one before filth were there threatening to arrest you and there's no way you could leave one and expect it to still be there when you got back unless it was hidden well out of the way. This is just what's mostly always happened, because who are you going to complain to the 99% of times it doesn't become a news story?
To be fair, it's not just the view of raging right-wingers. Then-mayor of Manchester Richard Leese faced w huge backlash after trying to ban/criminalise tent encampments in the city centre and fringes.

Weirdly, I just did a quick Google search for Richard Leese tents homeless and was surprised that there weren't more headline stories from Manchester Evening News, Guardian etc at the top of the results because it was a huge story at the time that led to an embarrassing (for Leese) backtrack, after the public basically responded to his initiative/crackdown with 'Wtf, why's a Labour politician attacking and criminalising homeless people?'

But then again, there's that statement further down about how some results might have been removed... Maybe Leese and/or his minions didn't like how badly it affected people's perceptions of him?

[Aside: Not me, though, I'd already concluded he was a cunt after he accepted a caution for assaulting his partner's teenage daughter, temporarily stood down then resumed office to great fanfare a few weeks later. Fucking cunt. And his Labour Party and local media enablers were all cunts too. How can someone guilty of assaulting a child, child abuse, using physical violence against a child, remain the head of local authority that acts in loco parentis to 'looked after' children? What message did it send to abuse kids that the leader of the council that is required to step in to prevent and respond to abusive situations they might find themselves in is guilty of abuse himself?!? How could children have any faith or trust in that authority to act in their best interests over and above that of their abusers when everyone in positions of authority in that authority had backed a child abuser, ie someone who had accepted a caution (ie admitted guilt) for hitting a child? Cunts, the lot of them, but especially him.]
I found an article further down the results page though.

She'll blatantly be sacked tomorrow eve once this march and remembrance Sunday is over. The gov blatantly just dont want anyone cheering about it this weekend.
She'll blatantly be sacked tomorrow eve once this march and remembrance Sunday is over. The gov blatantly just dont want anyone cheering about it this weekend.
If the somewhat larger reshuffle rumours are true then we may have to wait longer than that.

eg if the front page of the i is right.

Braverman is so thick. She thinks she can repeat what Trump did in stirring up the far right, and actually get the leadership from it. But the big difference between the US and here is that there is a huge Christian right that is fash-adjacent and that votes in enormous numbers. That bloc has been cultivated ever since the 80s and has significantly infiltrated/taken over the Republican party. The success of stirring up the far right in the US is almost entirely down to the fact it stirs up the powerful Christian right bloc, which, and this is really important, DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS COUNTRY. And thank god ;)

Sunak looks pretty bad here too. She was obviously promoted far above her capabilities and he can't really blame anyone else for that.
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