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Suarez gets 8 match ban

You've bolded what i had already emphasised sleaterkinney - why?

And it's quite clear the independent panel believed Evra and rejected Suarez testimony as regards this as unreliable inconsistent and frankly came as close as they could to publicly calling him a bit of a bullshitter. This makes his version more reliable to you for some reason.
"Harold Shipman pleaded not guilty, which inclines me towards believing him. It's the family of those pensioners in Hyde who should be in the dock..."
sleaterkinney, said "It has, because they took Evra's word on the majority of what happened."

You've become more favourable to Suarez because the Commission rejected his evidence as unreliable??? Again, fucking Wow!!
No, it's because all they had to go on was Evra's evidence, and he's been branded - by the FA - as exagerrated and unreliable in the past. What makes you so sure he's correct this time?

Also... "194 The experts concluded their observations on Mr Suarez's account as follows. If Mr Suarez
used the word "negro" as described by Mr Suarez, this would not be interpreted as either
offensive or offensive in racial terms in Uruguay and Spanish-speaking America"

You quote this to suggest the Commission believed the friendly version of 'Negro' line - but missed out the relevant point that they actively REJECTED the idea that this was any any way a pally situation.
I'm not sure it has to be a pally situation, they're view seems to be, well he said the N word in the middle of an argument - he said he was trying to calm evra down
Comolli was not only caught out lying but went on to near enough call the ref a liar.

The referee recorded in his report that Mr Comolli spoke fluent Spanish. Mr Comolli
denied in evidence that he had told Mr Marriner that he spoke fluent Spanish, telling us
instead that he simply told Mr Marriner that he spoke Spanish. However, we do not think
that Mr Marriner would have recorded in his report that Mr Comolli speaks fluent
Spanish unless Mr Comolli had told Mr Marriner that he did. Mr Marriner did not know
who Mr Comolli was when he entered the referee's room, so it is unlikely that Mr
Marriner understood from any other source that Mr Marriner spoke fluent Spanish. Mr
Marriner says in his witness statement that Mr Comolli told him that he speaks fluent
Spanish, and Mr Marriner's witness statement was accepted by Mr Suarez. We accept Mr
Marriner's evidence that Mr Comolli told him that he spoke fluent Spanish. 73
288. In addition, the referee's report was made on the day of the match. It should, therefore, be
given some weight as a contemporaneous record of what people were told had happened
soon after the incident, rather than what they recalled at some later date.
289. With those matters in mind, we turn to consider what Mr Marriner was told. Mr Dalglish
told him that Mr Suarez had said "you are black". Mr Comolli told him that Mr Suarez
said "Tues negro". As Mr Dowd told us, Mr Comolli spelt "Tues negro" and Mr Dowd
noted it down. In cross-examination on this point, Mr Comolli agreed that he told Mr
Marriner that Mr Suarez had said "Porque tu es negro". But, he denied that he dictated all
the words. He said that he just said "negro", that Mr Dowd asked Mr Comolli to spell
"negro", and he did not remember dictating the full sentence. We were surprised by Mr
Comolli's evidence that he only dictated the word "negro" in view of the contents of Mr
Marriner's report, and his and Mr Dowd's witness statements. Mr Dowd stated that he
asked Mr Comolli to spell "Tues negro" and Mr Dowd then noted it down. Those words
appear in Mr Marriner's report. Mr Marriner's and Mr Dowd's witness statements were
accepted in full by Mr Suarez. We find that Mr Comolli told Mr Marriner that Mr Suarez
had said "Porque tu es negro" to Mr Evra, and that Mr Comolli spelt "Tues negro" for Mr
Dowd, who wrote it down.
290. The difficulty this presents for Mr Suarez is that it appears to be inconsistent with the case
that he advanced before us. He told us that all that he said to Mr Evra was "Por que,
negro", and not "Porque tu es negro" or "Porque tu eres negro". If Mr Suarez had said
"Porque tu es negro", then he would not be using "negro" as a noun to address Mr Evra,
but as an adjective, meaning "Because you are black". At the end of his cross-examination,
Mr Comolli agreed that he believed he was told by Mr Suarez that the words that he had
used translated as "Why, because you are black". Of course, it is Mr Evra's case that Mr
Suarez did say to him "Porque tu eres negro" meaning "Because you are black". It is,
however, right to point out that Mr Evra contends that Mr Suarez said this to him in
response to his question "Why did you kick me", whereas Mr Suarez maintains that he
said "Por que, negro" in response to Mr Evra's comment "Don't touch me, South
American". 74
291. By the time witness statements were served, Mr Suarez and the Liverpool management
had become aware of the apparent discrepancy between Mr Suarez's present case on his
use of the word “negro” on the one hand, and what Mr Comolli and Mr Dalglish had told
the referee on the other.
You've bolded what i had already emphasised sleaterkinney - why?

And it's quite clear the independent panel believed Evra and rejected Suarez testimony as regards this as unreliable inconsistent and frankly came as close as they could to publicly calling him a bit of a bullshitter. This makes his version more reliable to you for some reason.
It doesn't make his version reliable - but I can't see how it makes Evra's version reliable.
What sk is doing is the equivalent of reporting witness testimony in a trial as fact and ignoring the following cross examination that exposes the holes in it and the later judgment made as a result of this exposure. It's nutty and it's embarrassing.
I'm not sure it has to be a pally situation, they're view seems to be, well he said the N word in the middle of an argument - he said he was trying to calm evra down

And the FA said that they did not believe him when he said that he was trying calm Evra down.
It doesn't make his version reliable - but I can't see how it makes Evra's version reliable.

231. We found Mr Evra to be an impressive witness. He gave his evidence to us in a calm,
composed and clear manner. Due to the circumstances in which the tape of the FA
interview of Mr Evra on 20 October came to light, which we have described in paragraphs
18-19 above, we were able to listen to him giving his account of events on that previous
occasion also. So far as we could tell from listening to the tape, he gave his evidence in a
similar way to that in which he gave it at the hearing before us.
Jesus wept. Sk, leave it. You're entitled to believe that Evra lied and Suarez is innocent, but the fact is his statement sounds shite. Onwards and upwards.
I'm not sure it has to be a pally situation, they're view seems to be, well he said the N word in the middle of an argument - he said he was trying to calm evra down

Having said in his witness statement that he was trying to defuse the situation when he
touched Mr Evra's left arm in a "pinching type movement", Mr Suarez eventually
answered, after persistent questioning, that he was not trying to calm down the situation
by doing so.
What sk is doing is the equivalent of reporting witness testimony in a trial as fact and ignoring the following cross examination that exposes the holes in it and the later judgment made as a result of this exposure. It's nutty and it's embarrassing.
I told my wife that I came in at 10 p.m., having just had 2 pints. The fact that she saw fall out of a taxi at 3 a.m. and the pool of sick in the bedside bin only goes to strengthen my case. :)
248. It was plain to us that Mr Suarez's pinching of Mr Evra's arm was not an attempt to defuse
the situation. It could not conceivably be described in that way. In our judgment, the
pinching was calculated to have the opposite effect, namely to aggravate Mr Evra and to
inflame the situation. We infer that this was Mr Suarez's intention. Mr Suarez's face
reveals hostility towards Mr Evra, the pinching is preceded by Mr Suarez looking Mr Evra
up and down, and Mr Suarez steps away having pinched Mr Evra as Mr Kuyt steps in to
face up to Mr Evra.
To be honest as a life long fan I think the whole thing is a shambolic mess. He used the word Negro on the field of play to wind up/gain a psychological advantage over someone who is black. If that's not racism then I'm sorry we must have slipped through a time warp and ended up back in the 50's without me recognising it.:rolleyes:

I can understand the players and Kenny initially swallowing the cultural misinterpretation bollocks and supporting him but having read the report my belief is he's been found out and the club should act accordingly. We're an English club and one which resides in a city which has one of the longest established black community's in the UK. If any community understands the disastrous mistake he's made it should be one that was built on the back of the slave trade. As a footballer I think he's one of the brightest talents we've had for ages but that doesn't excuse what he's done. I don't give a flying fuck what country he's from. You can't behave like that and expect to get away with it.

I think the club need to draw a line under it now and accept the decision and admit that whilst we accept that there is some slim possibility that Suarez thought what he was doing may not have been so racist in the context of his own native culture, it definitely is in ours.

If he was fined by Liverpool as well I think we could at least hold our heads up and admit we got it wrong.
Frieda has it about right. But I think Liverpool need to fine themselves tbh for the way they carried on. At least they need to accept the verdict asap. Tomorrow morning preferably
Nice one friedaweed - sums up my feelings (inc. the bit about the players and manager being initially entitled to go along with the 'cultural defence').
Jesus wept. Sk, leave it. You're entitled to believe that Evra lied and Suarez is innocent, but the fact is his statement sounds shite. Onwards and upwards.
I know, but i can't help feeling he's been fitted up by a known bullshitter and this mud will stick to him.
I know, but i can't help feeling he's been fitted up by a known bullshitter and this mud will stick to him.
Stitched up by a bullshitter? Suarez has been caught out using racist language and telling lies, Comolli has been caught out telling lies and calling the referee a liar, your whole fucking club, from top to bottom, including many of your supporters have been made at best to look like cunts and at worst as racists or apologists for a racist and you blame the victim of racist abuse for all of this????
Stitched up by a bullshitter? Suarez has been caught out using racist language and telling lies, Comolli has been caught out telling lies and calling the referee a liar, your whole fucking club, from top to bottom, including many of your supporters have been made at best to look like cunts and at worst as racists or apologists for a racist and you blame the victim of racist abuse for all of this????

I think a lot of fans would have been quicker to climb down hadn't it been for muppets like yourself.
I know, but i can't help feeling he's been fitted up by a known bullshitter and this mud will stick to him.

Really? I think you've probably got yourself into a "woods for the trees" situation here. Liverpool have become a huge embarrassment over this. Don't follow suite!
You're calling anyone who doubted Evra cunts at best.
It was me who said from day one to keep an open mind when liverpool fans were declaring Suarez innocent and Evra a liar, and most of what I have had to say has been said on this forum where most people including yourself refused to accept the findings of the inquiry and quite frankly have acted like cunts. Do you really hold me responsible for the actions of the deranged supporters?
Can I just ask, given evra's track record, why are people so sure he's telling the truth this time?. Should the fa have taken his statement as fact?
Can I just ask, given evra's track record, why are people so sure he's telling the truth this time?. Should the fa have taken his statement as fact?
Give it up, eh?

Whatever the truth of what Evra said, Suarez was clearly caught bullshitting. For that alone, he and the club should accept this judgement, imo. You seem to be missing this point.

Lesson to anyone in any kind of civil law dispute, too: if you're innocent, don't tell lies that can be proved to be lies - the judge will end up believing the other person and not you!
Can I just ask, given evra's track record, why are people so sure he's telling the truth this time?. Should the fa have taken his statement as fact?
They should have asked an independent panel to review the evidence, interrogate the parties to the row, examine witness testimony and call for independent expert advice. They they should have deliberated on what they've seen and been presented with and then reached an informed verdict. I wonder what such a process might result in?
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