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Scotland v Hungary, 23JUN 8pm

Yeah, having a Europe based ref would surely be a bit complicated with all the permutations and last games.
Not sure what that's got to do with anything.

Well for one they've only been using VAR in Argentina for a short time relative to Europe. God knows why the VAR didn't get in the ref's ear and say, mate, you've made a massive fuck up there. Go look at the screen.
If only Scotland had played for the full match like they did in the final 10 minutes.
The final 10 minutes when Hungary hit the post then scored?

tbf near the end, both teams were going for it because they had to, so things opened up. I don't think Scotland failed due to lack of effort. They failed due to lack of incisive passing and running. Andy Robertson, of whom I'm a huge fan, had a really poor game. He's potentially their bit of quality, and it wasn't there.
The final 10 minutes when Hungary hit the post then scored?

tbf near the end, both teams were going for it because they had to, so things opened up. I don't think Scotland failed due to lack of effort. They failed due to lack of incisive passing and running. Andy Robertson, of whom I'm a huge fan, had a really poor game. He's potentially their bit of quality, and it wasn't there.

This. Effort and "Fight". grit whatver only gets you so far. As agasint switzland - Scotland just didnt have enough skill to make the most of the oppotunities they had - and on that count Hungary were the better team. Sure - they should have had a penalty - but even with that they would have had to hold onto that lead.
Stop with your xenophobia now

“It was 100% a penalty,” Clarke said. “Somebody, somewhere has to explain to me why that is not a penalty. It was, 100%. It was a one-goal game; if we get the penalty it can be a different night. I have other words but I am not going to use them.”

Clarke was pressed on the rare use of a referee from another continent. This has happened before in the European Championship but is unusual. “European competition, might have been better to have a European referee,” the manager said. “But we had European VAR. Maybe the referee didn’t see the challenge clearly on the pitch so what’s the purpose of VAR if they are not going to come in on something like that? It was a penalty.”

Yeh, I'm a xenophobe. So is Clarke apparently. Btw, I lived in Argentina. I love the place but it's really really weird they drafted in a reffing team from there.
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