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Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit

Let's assume for a moment what you say is true. how many people does this apply to?
We know what they get coz we deal with their finances at times or they show you. Usually topped up with some drud dealing of course it would be a bit stupid to think they get 3k a week in just bebefits wouldn't it........but their benefits are more than some full time wages . I don't really care if u believe me or not 2 b frank
how much is the highest you have seen someone claim then? with your own eyes?
if it so important and such an outrage then surely you'd want to expose it? and prove it? :confused:
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either
So the system works then.
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit

2k a week for coke, plus the Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit, Child Benefit, DWA, JSA - where is the claim form? I want in!
Newspapers and the Police always underestimate - they said 25000 on the London March, I'm convinced there were way more than that - we were shuffling along, filled up Lincoln's Inn Fields - well the roads and pavements around there - and the procession along the Strand took about 2 pints
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit
If you actually believe this you are a complete fantasist.Anybody with a 2 grand a week coke habit is either/or a very successful dealer,other criminal,I've seen a few well paid people (architects,doctors et al ) keep it up for a short time but they soon wake up in a bare room and realise that losing their job was the least of what they'd lost.
Yep they often doget more in benefits
You said "most" originally, and now it is "often".

I am intrigued as to how you know this, if you are not a troll, how come you get paid so little compared to other nurses, and how come your patients are telling you how much benefits they receive. In many years' experience of the NHS, I have never been asked how much money I make/receive.
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit
How on earth would you know this about your patients? I have no idea if I am feeding a troll, here, but you certainly sound like a Daily Mail reader! :eek:
Ahh - got it - thanks.

I got into a bit of a debate with 'someone' earlier. I didn't go int uni today depsite the studios and the technical workshops being open. I would have been working in the technical workshops where the technicicans decided not to strike. I don't support their decision as I feel it undermines the rest of the union members who did decide to strike so I didn't go in. I also have a problem crossing a picket line - even if it's not me on strike iyswim. The person i was arguing with says I'm daft because my union wasn't striking. Am I daft? Is my support pointless?

Not at all pointless. If more people had the guts not to cross any picket lines, regardless of union membership, the boss class would have a harder time fucking people over than they do.

Passed this today and thought WTF. Police 'cordon' apparently.

Can see those "port-holes" getting paint-bombed in minutes at a less well-organised demo. :)
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either
DLA has got nothing to do with ability to work or not. Plenty of people claim DLA to help them GET to work. Why is there so much disinformation about this. Oh yes people like you.
I Will keep that in mind,however a bitter pill at the moment when their "pay" is I line with inflation and mine most certainly isn't forthe next few years.

The coalition are to blame for that. Benefits were tied to the RPI (retail price index), but the Treasury had a brainwave - why not link benefits to CPI (consumer price index), because that would mean lower increases?
Well, it would have meant lower increases if the Treasury and the Chancellor hadn't made such a hamfisted cock-up with the cuts and actually caused inflation to rise, which in turn caused the CPI to rise. :)
Don't hate the benefits claimant. Hate the economically-illiterate politicians.

Yep I do have proof as spend half my shifts listening to complaints about benefits or helping them fill out the bloody forms!y

That doesn't actually prove anything, youknow. Filling out a form doesn't mean the person actually has their claim accepted.
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit

Yeah, because most of us on DLA do that, don't we? :facepalm:

BTW, if you know people who do this, report them. They're fucking over people like me, with long-term disabilities and illnesses, who don't pretend to be ill, don't go out clubbing and don't have drug habits (except insofar as we have to take prescription drugs to keep us alive).

If you're not prepared to report such people, you've got no right whatsoever to moan about them, because your silence endorses their behaviour.
Copyright the Daily Mail and Daily Express (all editions ever)
Maximum DLA is £135 a week, and that is at the almost unattainable "high mobility component, high care component" rates, which less than a fifth of DLA claimants qualify for. The degree of disability you have to prove is massive, and agoraphobics don't tend to qualify for mobility component, so catgirlbullit1's "£2000 a week coke habit"schtick has a big hole in it. :)
What percentage of people on DLA have a £2000 per week coke habit?

Highest rate of DLA is £135 a week, or about 6.7% of what you'd need to support a £2k a week coke habit.

You'd have to be coining a fuckload of dosh from elsewhere to keep that sort of habit in play.
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either

You can't get DLA "coz your back aches". What weird ill-informed world do you live in?
We know what they get coz we deal with their finances at times or they show you. Usually topped up with some drud dealing of course it would be a bit stupid to think they get 3k a week in just bebefits wouldn't it........but their benefits are more than some full time wages . I don't really care if u believe me or not 2 b frank

I'm glad you don't care, because you're talking arrant shite.
You said "most" originally, and now it is "often".

I am intrigued as to how you know this, if you are not a troll, how come you get paid so little compared to other nurses, and how come your patients are telling you how much benefits they receive. In many years' experience of the NHS, I have never been asked how much money I make/receive.

It's not that uncommon for nurses to know about patient's finances if they're in for a long stay. Especially mental health nurses, often we help apply for benefits and help patient's manage budgets.
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