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have been asked by my manager for my pay number to confirm who didn't come in on Weds :hmm:
surely they MUST know and are just getting us to confirm ourselves that we are STRIKERS!
tell the manager to find out the info himself ffs, that's their job
You get yourself a few different names and addresses.
It's not rocket-science.
And now ggetting a tad boring explaining what everyone knows goes on,which I guess is my own fault for mentioning it in the first place
it's not rocket science, it's fraud. Which if you've ever engaged in on any scale you'd realise that the time and effort it would take to defraud the dole for the amounts you are talking about is not worth it. There are far greater rewards to be had elsewhere if you want to go to the sort of lengths you are talking about. You're basically talking out of your backside and regurgitating shite from the newspapers owned by the mates of the people nicking your pension. They've distracted you from your real enemy. The one whose fiscal improprieties affect you personally and society as a whole. Don't be a mug 'everyone knows' is bullshit.
You get yourself a few different names and addresses.
And this is wide-spread, is it?

The problem is that the way you brought it up you seemed to be implying that this was the norm for people receiving benefits. That most are "at it". In fact, what you're really saying is that there are some thieving con artists in the world. We know. There are also medical professionals who murder people, but you'd be correctly pissed off if I started calling all employees of the NHS "Shiptons".
ok then
my last point, why don't you do it?
will you admit it's really not that many people is it?
thanks and still well done for striking
I can't even remember how I said to b honest,but I was extreemely angry so am certainly willing to accept that it came across badly and wasn't meant to offend the genuine article.And yep,there r badasses in every walk of life
Hehe.......no it's not that many people......but the day of the srike I was more than willing to put a gun to the heads of those that do
Did I say it was hundreds ?...
it's not rocket science, it's fraud. Which if you've ever engaged in on any scale you'd realise that the time and effort it would take to defraud the dole for the amounts you are talking about is not worth it. There are far greater rewards to be had elsewhere if you want to go to the sort of lengths you are talking about. You're basically talking out of your backside and regurgitating shite from the newspapers owned by the mates of the people nicking your pension. They've distracted you from your real enemy. The one whose fiscal improprieties affect you personally and society as a whole. Don't be a mug 'everyone knows' is bullshit.
M not spouting shit from papers,in my line of work we see this,I cudnt b arsed to come on here 4 that.
I was extreemely angry so am certainly willing to accept that it came across badly and wasn't meant to offend the genuine article.

I think you have to be a wee bit more thoughtful and careful who you rant about no matter how - completely understandably - angry you are about what is happening to you and the rest of us. And the rest of us includes the unemployed and the sick and ill. They have faced the sort of demonisation striking workers have faced recently - but for a decade plus - 'scroungers' this and 'spongers' that. Yep, there is always a few selfish tossers - including among the unemployed - among workers - among nurses - in any walk of life.

The biggest problem we face comes from the real parasites - the millionaires and liars running the show - a couple of dickheads on the fiddle don't begin to compare to the organised crime syndicates running the entire show. Our only weopan is our unity - we all have to be careful not to fall for the finger-pointing and scapegoating of the biggest criminals of all - the politicians, bosses, bankers and their hired lie-machine in the press. Its designed to keep folk like you and me under control and missing the real target.
[a few pages back]DLA has got nothing to do with ability to work or not. Plenty of people claim DLA to help them GET to work. Why is there so much disinformation about this. Oh yes people like you.

Is catgirlbullit1 a formerly banned returner do you think, perhaps? ;)
M not spouting shit from papers,in my line of work we see this,I cudnt b arsed to come on here 4 that.

can't be arsed to go back and look, so anyone want to tell me how many pages this time wasting 'look at me ' utter fake has been de-railing this thread for ? Fucking cringeworthy .
If you know someone is claiming DLA fraudulenty, surely you have a duty under the NMC Code of Conduct, to do something about it?

'She' (or 'he') would have such a duty sure, if 'she' (or 'he') knew that the NMC Code of Conduct existed, or what it actually fuckin was ... :) ;)
It's impossible to claim £2k a week in benefits, even including a mahoosive housing benefit claim in with that, and with 10 kids.

Yeah but!!!! :mad: :mad:

Some bloke down the pub told me what his sister's cat's grandmother had 'read' in the Sun, and some other feller had told the same Anecbloke about some other scrounging git :mad:

So!!!!! Must be all true!!!! After hearing that, I decided today (after my 5th Sat pint :p ) to resign from my shite job on Monday!!!

Then I'll be going down cushy street from Monday.

I'm a bit short of rugs right now, after all :D :cool:
can't be arsed to go back and look, so anyone want to tell me how many pages this time wasting 'look at me ' utter fake has been de-railing this thread for ? Fucking cringeworthy .

Far too many, and I've definitely been adding to it :oops:

My excuse it that it's Saturday and I'm pissed.

'Hers' is that 'she' hasn't been banned yet.
It's not just the taxpayer tho is it,it's everyone.....r u telling me you go running around outing anyone you know of who is doing it.........

I don't run anywhere. I'm disabled.

Have I "outed" people who I'm absolutely sure are making false claims for disability benefits? Yep, absolutely. Each chancer who pulls a fast one on the DWP makes it harder for the next genuinely disabled person to claim successfully. Fuck 'em, and fuck the people who enable them.
Yeah but!!!! :mad: :mad:

Some bloke down the pub told me what his sister's cat's grandmother had 'read' in the Sun, and some other feller had told the same Anecbloke about some other scrounging git :mad:

So!!!!! Must be all true!!!! After hearing that, I decided today (after my 5th Sat pint :p ) to resign from my shite job on Monday!!!

Someone told me that if you drink too many pints of Brains you start hallucinating. Must be true!

Then I'll be going down cushy street from Monday.

I'm a bit short of rugs right now, after all :D :cool:

Spray on some fake tan so you can claim your "free car for all asylum seekers" too, mate!
I don't run anywhere. I'm disabled.

Have I "outed" people who I'm absolutely sure are making false claims for disability benefits? Yep, absolutely. Each chancer who pulls a fast one on the DWP makes it harder for the next genuinely disabled person to claim successfully.

Fuck 'em, and fuck the people who enable them.

The Sun (etc.) very much included, as I'm sure we wouldn't disagree about.
Not all of us who are on D.L.A are out to scam and scrounge , or sell drugs on the side nor out to claim as much money as they can get from the goverment and honest workin tax payers who have worked there arses off year in year out in some underpayed job .(Oh and just for the record i would love to be one of them people if only for a day)I have been claiming middle rate DLA for last 2 years of my life after a psychiatrist diagnosed me with with my mental dissorder,I had to spend a year appealing against it, it was sent to a tribunal where a pannel of 3 judges who unanimously awarded me with this until early 2012.I wonder now what your thoughts are on my post .:hmm::hmm:
So here is the rest of my story , this is the 1st time i have posted about this on any forum i dont know why I chose this one Welll that is a lie i do as its so you can see that not all are out for what they can get or for an easy life , as belive you mine is not easy , some would say its not even a life or its one wasted. I agree to a point but when i have nowhere or nobody to turn to only a Dr whom says I should get over it and try move on and obviously does not understand the scars and memories It has left upon me I live in hope that tomorrow will be my last reminder or amnesia blesses itself upon me.
To look at me you would think that there is nothing wrong with me. I have not lost a limb , no dog that walks beside me, no wheelchair or any other kind of Disability that is visable to the eyes If you were fortunate to cross my path which would be when nobody is around late at night or early hours , you would not see my face i hide it even then ,i walk with my head down cap on so i am not seen this is on the rare occasions that when I do leave the prison of my own home I think the only thought you would have is i'm in need of a good meal .
My disability is Mentally .I suffer from Comple Ptsd , no I have not been in a war torn situation nor have I been in a disaster that involved any other form of Ptsd . I was sexually abused constantly from a family member and his friend as a child from the age of 5 until i was 10 .I was then given back to my mum and dad where for 2 years i was mentally abused, tortured and beaten by my father , whilst my mum sat back and watched . Following this i was then taken into care and made a section 2 ward of court until the age of 18 where I spent a few years going from childrens home to childrens home , until I was fostered out at 14 to a family where the kind dad sought it upon himself to abuse me some more. So i again was moved to another foster parent, until I moved out at 17 , thrown into a world with no support no counciling no help from family as i was disowned for the case that lead to the family member and his friend going to prison.
Two years ago i had to flee from my flat as i had to testify in court on behalf of my eldest sister for the fight to get back her daughter where they had put on the documents my home address . My eldest sister who stayed with my parents fled from the clutches of my dad ,nearly 3 years ago leaving her child behind ( my niece is also my sister as a result of my dad ) She did not leave her out of choice as this would of never been an option it was due to the lack of choices she had and knowing that he would not stop until he hunted her down . They have only now taken in last 5 months taken her daughter my sister and niece into care
I spend my days alone scared trying to fight the demons that others put in my head .Too scared to leave my home and walk around in the day as normal people who live a normal life ( well what only i can imagine can be as normal a life) To sacred to go to sleep as the nightmares i endure .Nor to try to block out the images that i live with constantly in my head from flashbacks to anxiety ,lack of concentration ( I started this post 4 hrs ago maybe more) and panic attacks ,this is just a few of the things i suffer as a result of my past.
I have been told that I can claim high care component which i should be claiming but I am still yet to fill out the online form as I feel what i have is enough , I do not ask for anything .If i was to ask for something it would be memory loss . The only thing that keeps me alive is that I above everything that i have endured over my lifetime i I actually do believe in god ,So i know what it is like to live hell everyday of my life live it after this life ( or not i here the athiests cry) i dont want.
If only we could swap lives for 24 hrs .Would you want to ? I know i wouldn't I would not wish mine on anyone .So if i suffered for another to live a normal life then i would not change one thing about it .So yes whilst you are at busting ya ass of at work these posts i type .WANA TRADE PLACES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've just sat in a first year nursing lecture about social and economic inequality and the impact on health and life expectancy. Most of my fellow students either didn't care and didn't see what relevance it has to nursing, or actively argued to justify continuing inequality. Catbuttgirl would have fitted right in.
When I was NUS part of my responsibilities was looking after the well being of the Nursing Students on my campus, 1994, they certainly weren't like that then...
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