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Highest rate of DLA is £135 a week, or about 6.7% of what you'd need to support a £2k a week coke habit.

You'd have to be coining a fuckload of dosh from elsewhere to keep that sort of habit in play.
I know. My guess is that the %age I was looking for was 0%.
It's impossible to claim £2k a week in benefits, even including a mahoosive housing benefit claim in with that, and with 10 kids.
butbutbut with all those brand new big flatscreen televisions and vouchers they get, it all adds up downt it? :(
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either
You do realise that DLA is non means tested and having a job is irrelevant to whether its awarded.

As a nurse Im fucking embarassed by you and for you.
What a spiffing idea!! :D

As a parent I think it's important not to spoil a child by getting them new toys when they have hardly played with their old ones.

So in a similar fashion, no water cannons for the police until they've got some use out of their fire retardant boiler suits.
I was on local TV for a fraction of a mini-microsecond yesterday, well done to them as spotted it :D ;)

I picketted -- just for a couple of hours in my case -- with a fair few harder working reps who were there for longer. We're a big centre, and most driving through were contractors (ie not direct employees) which was not great that they did. But they're on completely different (company based) arrangements and -- it was rumoured -- were earning more to do 'maintenance work' than usual because so many of the regular workforce were out. And of those contractors, probably somewhere around half of them were happy to take leaflets through their car windows. We reckoned that most of those driving through who were grim faced or even hostile, were guilty/pissed off direct employees, or in more cases, managers.

To put the above into context, the estimate from my local floow reps was that of the directly employed woprkforce, casual contract people included, well over three quarters were out -- a few on long-in-advance booked leave, but most losing a day's pay. OK, I saw oen or two people I recognised shopping in town later but they weren't crossing picket lines!,

Whiole the picket was going, it would seem that we managed to persuade a tiny number of actual employees to turn round and go home, we definitely persuaded a delivering lorry driver not to cross the line :cool:

I managed to get to the pub before 11 am (Spoons yay!) before we went along to join the City Centre bound march (festivaldeb is Unison).

To my surprise I saw a local estimate of 5,000 on the march/rally -- my own guess was lower, hope I'm wrong ...

Big general positivity to all those on here and beyond who took any kind of action, or were just supportive in general :)
have been asked by my manager for my pay number to confirm who didn't come in on Weds :hmm:
surely they MUST know and are just getting us to confirm ourselves that we are STRIKERS!
have been asked by my manager for my pay number to confirm who didn't come in on Weds :hmm:
surely they MUST know and are just getting us to confirm ourselves that we are STRIKERS!
I am not sure what a "pay number" is, but you do have a duty to tell your manager if you were striking, after which they will deduct a day's pay. So I guess that is what they are doing?
I am not sure what a "pay number" is, but you do have a duty to tell your manager if you were striking, after which they will deduct a day's pay. So I guess that is what they are doing?
Employee number on your pay slip, presumably. Not sure why that's necessary, though.
yes i know
just the doing there job for them really
i will let them know at some point, maybe today
wtf, ive just seen this :D

It's not a workplace for him is what I meant. But I concede your point about him enabling others to break the pick-line.

I don't understand how the parliament is not his workplace, when he's an MP. If it's not his workplace then what is his workplace then? And while he may not be on strike and therefore not doing the work of a striking worker, he's helping the parliament to stay open, whereas the aim of the picket line is to shut it down.
I know it's the governments fault re:pay! To go into how I know how much people get takes too bloody long,I can't report DLA fraud as I have confidentiality issues,and it's doctors who end up signing these things.they point I was obviously failing to put across very well was why I was pissed off,why I was striking and that when you see people screwing the system at times like this it makes it doubly annoying,and whoever posted sumut about being disabled shud b annoyed too as it's taking possible funds away from you
And anyone spending that much clearly has a job!
As 4 the burnout comment u r probably right,the whole ward has it as this job doesn't at times seem valued.
Oh....and I think my supervisor is as pissed off too ,so not much cop there.
I actually love my job believe it or not...................but was looking at a big cloud of red infront of my eyes after that statement and any fucker in my orbit got it..
I know it's the governments fault re:pay! To go into how I know how much people get takes too bloody long,I can't report DLA fraud as I have confidentiality issues,and it's doctors who end up signing these things.they point I was obviously failing to put across very well was why I was pissed off,why I was striking and that when you see people screwing the system at times like this it makes it doubly annoying,and whoever posted sumut about being disabled shud b annoyed too as it's taking possible funds away from you
And anyone spending that much clearly has a job!
As 4 the burnout comment u r probably right,the whole ward has it as this job doesn't at times seem valued.
Oh....and I think my supervisor is as pissed off too ,so not much cop there.
I actually love my job believe it or not...................but was looking at a big cloud of red infront of my eyes after that statement and any fucker in my orbit got it..
I know it's the governments fault re:pay! To go into how I know how much people get takes too bloody long,I can't report DLA fraud as I have confidentiality issues...

No, you don't. You're not a priest or a lawyer. You have no legal or moral obligation to cover up for thieves and cheats.

and it's doctors who end up signing these things.they point I was obviously failing to put across very well was why I was pissed off,why I was striking and that when you see people screwing the system at times like this it makes it doubly annoying,and whoever posted sumut about being disabled shud b annoyed too as it's taking possible funds away from you

Yes, which is why you piss me off by using the excuse of "confidentiality issues" to escape reporting the people you claim are ripping off the taxpayer.
It's not just the taxpayer tho is it,it's everyone.....r u telling me you go running around outing anyone you know of who is doing it.........and we do do what we can when we think it's gonna have any effect.We get far less in now anyway or it's often short stay as now the bebefit stops after a few weeks and staff can focus on those with a genuine need
You do realise that DLA is non means tested and having a job is irrelevant to whether its awarded.

As a nurse Im fucking embarassed by you and for you.
I know I already mentioned this, but it does need saying again. DLA is not an out of work benefit.
My friend works as an OT assistant and has seen a lot of her patients who clearly do have a need, having their DLA claims rejected en masse.
If you really believe that there aren't people using this to top-up their income or as a means of not working then I am clearly not the only fool out here.
Anyhow I'm off to meet some other fools,order enough food to feed a small country,go through a few holiday mags and see how many I can book on my massive pension,and if I'm really lucky I may get to drown a few kittens and puppies on my way home
no one has said that there aren't people out there taking the piss
you made some outrageous claims that you haven't or won't back up

do you or do you not know of an individual getting over £2000 a week in benefits?

and as others have said, you are looking in the wrong place
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