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I am saddened to report that resident unison rep was struck down all night by intense leg cramp and is in a foul mood this morning. It was quite cold yesterday morning, and all the standing must have triggered some old peoples problem whereby you cramp up for no reason.

However, a nice turnout all round- have yet to check the hospital pickets and wider picture reports from northampton as a whole.

Just caught that cameron called millibot 'weak, left wing and irresponsible' at PMQ's

2 outta three aint bad...
Maybe it's already been posted around here but which public sectors are being referred to this morning as getting more than their private sector equivalents?

afail that's true of more senior teachers, some full-time social/health care professionals working in the 'voluntary' sector
afaik that's entirely untrue of doctors, lawyers (e.g. public sector solicitors), independent social workers etc

The general issue about "public sector = better paid" seems like a divide and rule tactic to avoid talking about whether pay for different traces/professions allocated to the public sector are adequately renumerated, or whether there's a concession made in pensions to offset poorer rewards in service.

Didn't the pension entitlement age for some public sector workers used to be lower than for those with private pensions? Or did they just have the option of taking less at 60 than if they retired at 65, like people with private pensions?

And is the gender differentiation on age now at parity between public and private pension providers, in the new proposals?
Which bit that I said isn't true?.always open to an opinion to think about provided free speach isn't critisised.
Free speech is when even people you disagree with get to have their say. Nobody here is criticising free speech, they're just disagreeing with your downer on unemployed people.

It's important not to fall into the trap that successive governments have laid by demonising people on benefits. Demonising those on benefits has a number of effects.

First, it is divide and rule. We resent Them because they are seen to be scrounging and having a nice time off our labour (it diverts us from the fact that the bankers etc are the ones having the really nice time at our expense).

Second, demonising the unemployed helps to make it harder to get out of that ghetto. Why is that useful to business? Having a large unemployed pool means that, through the laws of supply and demand, wages can be attacked. Wages can be lower because there is over supply of labour. (Just like a glut of tomatoes lowers the price of tomatoes).

Thirdly, as well as wages, conditions and security can be attacked. You'll have noticed the Tories and LibDems saying how making it easier to sack people is "good for business". That sort of thing is a direct result of demonising the unemployed. Increasing fear of unemployment (we don't want to be One Of Them) and antipathy towards those on benefits means it it easier to attack conditions and security.

The vast majority of claimants are desperate for work. Living on benefits is not fun; it is miserable. Stories attacking disability benefits is just another way of attacking disabled people. And remember also that there are "acceptable" benefits. Tax credits are benefits. These are usually exempt from the disapprobation.
yeah, Royal Mail fairly dependable on for solidarity
never seen them cross a picket i've been on, only had probs with ups and them types
'i can see what you're saying but i'll lose my job mate'
I Will keep that in mind,however a bitter pill at the moment when their "pay" is I line with inflation and mine most certainly isn't forthe next few years
Yep I do have proof as spend half my shifts listening to complaints about benefits or helping them fill out the bloody forms!y
so why don't you swap with one of them then? :confused:
if you'll be better off and have more 'free' time, then they can be the unfortunate one with a job
Free speech is when even people you disagree with get to have their say. Nobody here is criticising free speech, they're just disagreeing with your downer on unemployed people.

It's important not to fall into the trap that successive governments have laid by demonising people on benefits. Demonising those on benefits has a number of effects.

First, it is divide and rule. We resent Them because they are seen to be scrounging and having a nice time off our labour (it diverts us from the fact that the bankers etc are the ones having the really nice time at our expense).

Second, demonising the unemployed helps to make it harder to get out of that ghetto. Why is that useful to business? Having a large unemployed pool means that, through the laws of supply and demand, wages can be attacked. Wages can be lower because there is over supply of labour. (Just like a glut of tomatoes lowers the price of tomatoes).

Thirdly, as well as wages, conditions and security can be attacked. You'll have noticed the Tories and LibDems saying how making it easier to sack people is "good for business". That sort of thing is a direct result of demonising the unemployed. Increasing fear of unemployment (we don't want to be One Of Them) and antipathy towards those on benefits means it it easier to attack conditions and security.

The vast majority of claimants are desperate for work. Living on benefits is not fun; it is miserable. Stories attacking disability benefits is just another way of attacking disabled people. And remember also that there are "acceptable" benefits. Tax credits are benefits. These are usually exempt from the disapprobation.
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit
so it is about 1 person is it? not 'people on benefits getting more than i do in pay' now?
why don't you grass them then? if it is real and you have actual proof

can you see how you projecting your views/experience of one person onto benefit claimants in general is a bit unfair?
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit

Copyright the Daily Mail and Daily Express (all editions ever)
Fair enough,but it pisses me off when someone is on full dla because they pretend to be scared to go out of ttheir house and when being given help are constantly AWOL at night clubs,return off their heads and expect other people to pay for their £2000 a week coke habbit
What percentage of people on DLA have a £2000 per week coke habit?

Just as there are those who want to divide public sector workers (like you) from those of us who work in the private sector (like me), by saying you've got a cushy pension at our expense, so the powers-that-be would just love us to think all disabled people are coked-up scroungers. Solidarity means we need to tell the powers-that-be to piss off.
I know nothing about cocaine apart from I think it'sillegal, white powder and shite(imo) but wouldn't £2k a week kill you?? :confused:
My best mate's a nurse. I've never heard him talk about his desire to swap lives with a doley.
oh well he obviously needs the scales lifting from his stupid caring eyes!
he could be living it up, going to clubs and having all the recovery time in the world
it's just soooo easy I don't know why we're not all doing it!
Yep the nurses.......but I guess a lot of the time we are seeing the bad side of the whole DLA thing not the ones who do need it therefor it pisses us off.especially at the moment.
My brother's a nurse; he's missed out on this cunning scheme to sit around on his arse snorting lines too.
Yep the nurses.......but I guess a lot of the time we are seeing the bad side of the whole DLA thing not the ones who do need it therefor it pisses us off.especially at the moment.
or...you are making up drivel. And probably not just at the moment
Yep the nurses.......but I guess a lot of the time we are seeing the bad side of the whole DLA thing not the ones who do need it therefor it pisses us off.especially at the moment.
so is this just one person?
how do you know how much they get? do they really get more than £2000 a week? as obviously you'd need a bit of food and drink to go with the £2k's worth of coke wouldn't you...

maybe you can get a bung from the Sun or Daily Fail for this amazing story
"Sick Snorting Scrounger Scuppers (s)Caring Staff"
A benefit scrounger claiming nearly £3000 A WEEK! isn't even turning up for their hospital appointments leaving poor nurses at a loose end and WASTING EVEN MORE of YOUR TAX MONEY.
the person, not yet named, LIVES A LIFE OF LOUNGING in the day and PARTIES the night away.
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either

Take this "fact" and the others to the British "Democracy" Forum - they'd love you there. Really :rolleyes:
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either
yes dear, and we also all know that there a million completely bullshit stories about people claiming £3000 a week to sit on their arses, bleeding hard working tax payers dry. Its all part of exactly the same argument as the one that hard working taxpayers are subsidising the gold plated nurses pension.
We all know there are people who screw the system...they are the people de-valuing disabled people. The girl nxt to me tried to get DLA, coz her back aches,was refused it,so got a job instead,and she's a bloody nurse. It didn't stop her paragliding either
so do you know of someone claiming over £2000 a week or not?
are they a patient of yours or not?
We know what they get coz we deal with their finances at times or they show you. Usually topped up with some drud dealing of course it would be a bit stupid to think they get 3k a week in just bebefits wouldn't it........but their benefits are more than some full time wages . I don't really care if u believe me or not 2 b frank
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