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I am a neewbee to all of this,only found this site a week ago.....about the same time I suddenly decided to have a definate(if poss) political view. I am a nurse and had to think very hard about what to do with this strike,however the autumn statement managed to clarify how I felt and left work this morning 3hrs early so pissed off!!this is a government who wants to encourage people to go out and work??.....I"m finding it very hard to believe when most of my patients get more in benefits than I do working every shift man sends and then gett to pay tax on my SMALL pension and receive no benefits when I retire and if I'm really lucky get to pay tax on what is left ... AGAIN.......I am furious!
Sorry 4 any spelling mistakes,don't have computer,can't afford one,and it's like working with a postage stamp on my mobile.

First up, nice one for taking a stand. I'm a student nurse, I wish more of us took a stand, I was the only student at the university picket line today. I would say though, don't fall into the "divide and rule" trap in thinking that people on benefits are better off than you and living the life of Reilly. They're not.
Ahh - got it - thanks.

I got into a bit of a debate with 'someone' earlier. I didn't go int uni today depsite the studios and the technical workshops being open. I would have been working in the technical workshops where the technicicans decided not to strike. I don't support their decision as I feel it undermines the rest of the union members who did decide to strike so I didn't go in. I also have a problem crossing a picket line - even if it's not me on strike iyswim. The person i was arguing with says I'm daft because my union wasn't striking. Am I daft? Is my support pointless?

not at all, i didnt go in today.
Ahh - got it - thanks.

I got into a bit of a debate with 'someone' earlier. I didn't go int uni today depsite the studios and the technical workshops being open. I would have been working in the technical workshops where the technicicans decided not to strike. I don't support their decision as I feel it undermines the rest of the union members who did decide to strike so I didn't go in. I also have a problem crossing a picket line - even if it's not me on strike iyswim. The person i was arguing with says I'm daft because my union wasn't striking. Am I daft? Is my support pointless?

Not at all; the lecturers from my uni on the picket really appreciated the student presence, I actually think student presence outnumbered those lecturers who had turned up to picket. They were as upset with students crossing the line as they were with fellow colleagues.

View attachment 15025View attachment 15025nov 30 strike.jpgnov30 clegg and cameron.jpg

nov 30 crowd 2.jpg
To marty1...how cute is she in 1st photo!.....good wrk.mate just phoned about her day sounded great,sadly I was wrking nites and also look after my mum who is unwell.
Yep they often doget more in benefits

How much are you paid and how much do they get in benefits? How many people are dependent on your wage, and how many people are dependent on their benefits, or what services do they have to procure with their benefits for instance for a disability?
we had to book a different room at the last minute for the rally because it was about ten times bigger than expected.
Romanians know where it's at:

http://www.ziare.com/europa/marea-b...ugetari-in-strada-1136908#adaugare-comentariu Loo kat the highest rated comment.

La noi se inghesuie la promotii etc...si se mai si danseaza PINGuinul....

Sa intelegem ca le convin Epoca Securista Interlopa a Actualei Coaliti care ne mandrim cu ei cum DISTRUG aceasta natie.

Mult a fost putin a mai ramas , eu stiu ca cetateanul Roman TRAIESTE mai PRO_st ca inainte de 89 . Este CONDAmnat la Moarte cu acte normative = Genocid.

Aloooooooooooo Serviciilor care va Tradati acest POPOR si sustineti actuala Coalitie Interlopa TREzitiva - NU veti lua nimic in GROAPA cu voi....

Opriti mafia actualei Coaliti Interlope Securiste de la Distrugerea Romaniei , puteti lua exemplu de la SERVICIILE din Marea Britanie...

Heres a rough translation

Our flock to promotions etc is just leading to a penguin dance. We need to understand that the current mafia "security" coalition is proud to destroy this nation. I was less than the left, but I know that a romanian citizen is living on "pro_street"(??) but is sentenced to death with all these regulations, it's like genocide. Helloooooooo, services that sustain people and which the current coalition has betrayed, wake up - you [i presume he means the coalitio nhere] will not take anything with you in the pit! Stop the current mafia "security" coalition of Romania from destroying the country, you can take an example from workers in the UK!
A good turn out in Dundee where the adjacent shopping mall Overgate decided that anyone who was sporting strike apparel such as high viz stewards jackets and/or armbands would be refused entry - including an obviously pregnant woman who wanted to use the loo - given the rabid expansion of the private sector into 'management' of public space most city center facilities are within these places. Whilst not a fan of public witchhunts their Facebook page which was all 'come and see santa' 'buy this party frock' is now all 'disgraceful' and 'shame on you'.
Sorry for being a bit late to the party, here's an update from huddersfield


Huge turnout, biggest demo in my lifetime in sleepy little Huddersfield, very militant and very jovial. No bother at all. Examiner and police both say about 2,000 people, I reckon maybe more close to 3,000, which is beyond what anyone expected. Prior to this the people organizing had liased with the police and said they expected about 500 with 1,000 max, so this turnout pleased everyone. The demo was great, lasted for age, and there was huge support from members of the public. People stood at the sides of the street applauding us and cars beeping their horns! I can't remember a strike this popular before, it makes you wonder why the Labour Party is trying to distance itself from it, because certainly up here backing the strike is a vote-winner, not a vote-loser. Obviously Labour council leader Mehboob Khan knows that, and gave a speech at the conclusion of the rally, just next to Harold Wilson's statue, which was a bit hard to stomach for some when you consider the cuts his administration is passing through.

Majority of the schools were closed, plenty of schoolkids on the demo, job centre had a good picket line and a majority were out but they managed to stay open like most Job centres in the country on a skeleton staff. Lots of picket lines in the town centre, and a really good feel about the whole thing. There was even a rousing chorus of "I'd rather be a picket than a scab" as we passed an office block full of scabbing council workers, which was met with hearty approval by the marchers and general public. Nice to see there's still some militancy kicking around amongst everyday people!

After asking around apparently the turnouts to events today has been excellent, and the sort of surprise we had in Huddersfield with the size of the demo has been repeated all over the place. The Demo in Manchester was massive, so was Sheffield, so was Glasgow. Today will do wonders for the confidence of the movement at-large, and it should send a clear message to the govt that we're not gonna take this lying down!
First up, nice one for taking a stand. I'm a student nurse, I wish more of us took a stand, I was the only student at the university picket line today. I would say though, don't fall into the "divide and rule" trap in thinking that people on benefits are better off than you and living the life of Reilly. They're not.
First up, nice one for taking a stand. I'm a student nurse, I wish more of us took a stand, I was the only student at the university picket line today. I would say though, don't fall into the "divide and rule" trap in thinking that people on benefits are better off than you and living the life of Reilly. They're not.
I Will keep that in mind,however a bitter pill at the moment when their "pay" is I line with inflation and mine most certainly isn't forthe next few years
any proof? how do you know? :confused:
Yep I do have proof as spend half my shifts listening to complaints about benefits or helping them fill out the bloody forms!y
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