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Strictly Come Dancing 2021

AJ's worst dance, sadly. Which is not to say that it was dreadful, at all; just very stiff and lacking shape. Hamstrung by a terrible song and outfit too.

Dan - absolutely flavourless, even for him.

Rhys brilliant, but didn't deserve Craig's ten if AJ didn't get one for hers - he was slightly ahead of the music at the start. I did vote for him though as it was very good and very enjoyable.

Rose and Gio, just lovely, emotional, and they look like they're totally in love with each other which always melts my stony heart.

Tess looks like she's just back from disciplining Tory MPs in some upmarket sex dungeon. Which is a look I can get on board with, tbh.
I too am furious, having just caught up. For fucks' sake, can SOMEONE explain to the producers that describing every disabled competitor as inspiring is like saying the black competitors have a great sense of rhythm. We get this utter bollocks EVERY fucking YEAR.

No disabled people can't achieve anything they feel like if they just get their attitude right. Stop saying it every year. The biggest problem disabled people face isn't in their own heads but in other people's.

In her talk to the children, Rose says to them "the acting industry is changing and will hopefully have more diversity". That is the key point here.

Please, someone sit the BBC down and explain the social model of disability to them.
aqua agree so much about the music this series, it's been largely rubbish.
It's been awful, and really makes some dances look bad when they haven't been, it's just that they look wrong with that music. Argentine Tango with zero passion etc. Christ if I have to watch this shit they need to at least stop making it even worse to watch.
Urgh, the paso is and was fairly annoying. Feel for AJ.

Rhys was adorable again. Although really fucking gutted that they said it was easily the best Charleston when AJ did a brilliant one last week! I want to smash Craig’s face in for not giving AJ a 10 last week.

Another John and Johaness dance where I couldn’t keep my eyes off Johaness and John was decent but slightly lagging behind and just can’t match the energy.

I did love Rose and Giovanni’s couples choice, and I’m not normally a fan of deliberate soppiness. I love their connection.

Dan or Tom to go please God. I will be livid if AJ is out.
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