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Crown and Sceptre is a decent spoons, but given the size of the building, it could clearly be turned into a more profitable venture- i.e flats.

Has the old Greyhound reopened yet? Opposite the Mere Scribbler, it was due to be turned into some kind of Alice in Wonderland themed pub, which actually sounded quite interesting. i know in the past they have had some psy trance raves in that (huge) pub and garden.
Has the old Greyhound reopened yet? Opposite the Mere Scribbler, it was due to be turned into some kind of Alice in Wonderland themed pub, which actually sounded quite interesting. i know in the past they have had some psy trance raves in that (huge) pub and garden.

Yeah, don't think it closed whilst they transformed it - all they've done is add massive pictures from Alice In Wonderland. The murals are fantastic though. Called the Rabbit Hole now.
I had a response back from CAMRA. They referred me to the amendments to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) which came into force in May 2017 and which removed permitted development rights that previously allowed the demolition/change of use of pubs. They also referred me to Lambeth policy ED8 (public houses) (page 65 of this huge document if anyone's interested: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015.pdf) which sets out the steps a developer has to go through if they want to apply for change of use. Pretty difficult these days.

If we want to apply to register C&S as an Asset of Community Value then it needs 20 of us (residents of Lambeth) to put our names to it and we can do it directly through Lambeth's planning website. Although ACV listing remains a material consideration in planning applications, CAMRA don't think it is as important as it used to be with the new legislation and current Lambeth policy. Pity this legislation wasn't around when they came for the Grosvenor.

Hopefully the C&S will be with us for a while yet...
I wouldn't be as worried about the Crown & Sceptre remaining as a pub as i would have been a few years ago. But still don't understand why Wetherspoons would want to dispose of it - read an interview with Tim Martin a few weeks ago where he was banging on about continuing to increase the total number.
I wouldn't be as worried about the Crown & Sceptre remaining as a pub as i would have been a few years ago. But still don't understand why Wetherspoons would want to dispose of it - read an interview with Tim Martin a few weeks ago where he was banging on about continuing to increase the total number.
It needs a hell of a lot of money spent on it. The interior is very tired and they've also had quite a few lumps dropping off the exterior recently. Years of neglect have taken their toll, and being such a large building it will be an absolute money pit putting it right. With property values around here being what they are he'll probably be able to pick up a couple of pubs elsewhere for what they'll get for that (assuming they can find a buyer - i'm told their pub in mitcham has been on the market since April '16)
As I mentioned earlier, there are a few Spoons due for closure. The Railway in Putney went last weekend. It was always very busy and unlikely to be redeveloped as
it was on the apex of a corner of two major streets with adjoining shops on either side. I guess the thing is there is another Spoons, The Rocket, at the other end of the High Street.
On the other side of the coin, I understand the biggest ever Spoons opened just days ago in Ramsgate.
I liked the Railway, i used to drink in there almost every Friday when i was underage. For some reason, that was the pub we settled on, as the bouncers were lax and the prices cheap.

The Rocket is a swanky spoons, and is around £1 per drink more expensive than the Rocket, which i always thought was a pisstake.

I drank a lot in the Balham spoons a couple of years ago, that was another one up for the chop, but apparently has now been spared.
Has the old Greyhound reopened yet? Opposite the Mere Scribbler, it was due to be turned into some kind of Alice in Wonderland themed pub, which actually sounded quite interesting. i know in the past they have had some psy trance raves in that (huge) pub and garden.

Psytrance raves in an Alice and Wonderland-themed pub. Sounds like just my thing.
Crown and Sceptre is a decent spoons, but given the size of the building, it could clearly be turned into a more profitable venture- i.e flats.

Has the old Greyhound reopened yet? Opposite the Mere Scribbler, it was due to be turned into some kind of Alice in Wonderland themed pub, which actually sounded quite interesting. i know in the past they have had some psy trance raves in that (huge) pub and garden.

The curry in there isn't too bad. Although they served it instead of sunday roast, so it was bitter sweet.
Wasn't the Capitol at Forest Hill similarly meant to have been up for sale last year?
Sure it was still trading as a 'Spoons the last time that I went past???
Wasn't the Capitol at Forest Hill similarly meant to have been up for sale last year?
Sure it was still trading as a 'Spoons the last time that I went past???
I think Tim Martin is the Tiny Rowland of our age. No property is beyond buying or selling - for profit or on a whim.
Meanwhile in Streatham non-Spoons prices are apparently spiralling out of control
Not sure if I should pop this here or in Brixton as it's on the border, but theres a lot of rumours about the Crown and Sceptre being put up for sale. In fact, it's all anyone was talking about in there at the weekend. I did ask the manager but he got quite angry about it (presumably because everyone had been asking him) and denied all rumours, which I'd expect him to do.
nooo! not another lost pub! I'm no longer a near local to to the C&S - but still call in now and then and have drunk in there on and off since 1985ish. We used to call it the crap and cesspit, but in an affectionate way.

If there is any community action please pm me.
I had a response back from CAMRA. They referred me to the amendments to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) which came into force in May 2017 and which removed permitted development rights that previously allowed the demolition/change of use of pubs. They also referred me to Lambeth policy ED8 (public houses) (page 65 of this huge document if anyone's interested: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/pl-lambeth-local-plan-2015.pdf) which sets out the steps a developer has to go through if they want to apply for change of use. Pretty difficult these days.

If we want to apply to register C&S as an Asset of Community Value then it needs 20 of us (residents of Lambeth) to put our names to it and we can do it directly through Lambeth's planning website. Although ACV listing remains a material consideration in planning applications, CAMRA don't think it is as important as it used to be with the new legislation and current Lambeth policy. Pity this legislation wasn't around when they came for the Grosvenor.

Hopefully the C&S will be with us for a while yet...
Pm me if you need another Lambeth member to sign anything. I'm a CAMRA member too.
From the Spoons disposal text:

RateaBLE VaLuE & Epc
2017 Rateable Value – £115,000
pREmisEs LicEncE
The property benefits from a premises licence
permitting the sale of alcohol until 12.30am Sunday
to Thursday and 1am on Friday and Saturday.
Our verbal enquiries of the local authority have
revealed that the property is not listed or within
a conservation area. The property does however
have a local listing.

£115K :eek:

What does Local Listing mean? I think given the local climate Lambeth won't see it torn down for flats but long term not sure.

I remember going years ago in early afternoon in cold winter, it was like a kind of social centre really. Where are people supposed to hang out if it closes.
From the Spoons disposal text:
£115K :eek:

What does Local Listing mean? I think given the local climate Lambeth won't see it torn down for flats but long term not sure.
I remember going years ago in early afternoon in cold winter, it was like a kind of social centre really. Where are people supposed to hang out if it closes.
The issue could well be one of business rates making the Wetherspoons pricing model non-viable.
Wasn't there lots of fuss about new business rates coming in about 6 months ago?

Whenever I go in there its pretty quiet.

Local listing
The car park behind the beer garden is not something protected by any planning policy so I wouldn't be surprised if some developer tried to get flats into that space and then resell the remaining pub with curtailed garden (and difficult relationship with new residential neighbours).
A spoons was sold near me last year (was always rammed), to some Isle of Man company who have put it on the market. No one is going to buy or rent this pub as an ongoing concern, so it will be left to rot and the then the council will let them redevelop the site with the very generous car park in tow.
The launderette on the main road between Downton and Cricklade has gone on fire, the road is closed.
I think Tim Martin is the Tiny Rowland of our age. No property is beyond buying or selling - for profit or on a whim.
Meanwhile in Streatham non-Spoons prices are apparently spiralling out of control

£5.25 for a pint is pretty steep but there are plenty of "Balham/Nu Brixton" types living in Streatham now so I'm sure this place will do well. There are still quite a few "down to earth" pubs in Streatham so the whole community is still served quite well and besides I can't see Streatham "aggressively" gentrifying like Brixton recently has done and like how Balham did do many years ago.
It's near-vertical to me.

For sure, I wouldn't pay it, there is no need to when there are plenty of other pubs in the area where you can get a decent pint for a lot cheaper than that.

From what I know of this place they have a Balham branch, they are just laying their roots down in Streatham Hill too as there is a market in the area for this kind of thing.
Police are appealing for assistance to help trace a vulnerable elderly woman missing from Streatham.

Dorothy Decarish, 73, was last seen at approximately 10:00hrs at her home on Saturday 23 September 2017.

She is a black woman, approximately 5ft 8ins tall with grey hair.

When last seen, Dorothy was wearing a black and white gown and sandals and was carrying a bag.

Officers are concerned for Dorothy’s welfare as she can become easily confused and is not wearing warm clothing.


Anyone who has seen Dorothy or knows of her whereabouts is asked to contact officers at Lambeth via 101 or 07785 774 447. Alternatively contact the charity Missing People on 116000.
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