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stoning in Sudan

The stoning is so abhorrent it almost dwarfs the notion that any death penalty for adultery is appalling.

Quite apart from the disgraceful lack of proper judicial process for something that shouldn't even be the business of the criminal court in the first place.
I'd no idea Sudan had 'morality police'. Fuck 'morality police'. (And isn't it weird that 'morality' in this context seems to be all about keeping women 'in their place'. :mad: )
Yes, not forgetting that rape victims get accused of adultery by fundamentalist misogynists morality police. :snarl:
Yes, not forgetting that rape victims get accused of adultery by fundamentalist misogynists morality police. :snarl:
As awful as these are, reading the last one I can't help thinking that if the sex had been consensual the women didn't do to bad on the punishment stakes.

The woman, who was not present for Monday's hearing in a Doha court, was handed a one-year suspended sentence and also fined 3,000 Qatari riyals (£564).

The male defendant, also not in court, was sentenced to receive 100 lashes for adultery and 40 lashes for consuming alcohol.

I assume the not in court bit means that neither are in the country and these only matters if they ever go back.

I don't get why anyone goes in holiday to these fucking places.
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