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Afghan woman stoned to death for supposed 'adultery'

This is a semantic argument, not one about whether women get a raw deal internationally. I'd suggest that patriarchy is defined by what happens in the public sphere and where authority sits. I'm sure that there are ways of twisting that definition to prove that you are a better feminist than me and win whatever points you're after; I also think it's handy to have a word that describes exactly the power disparity between old men and young women in tribal Afghanistan.
Tribal afganhistan is backward and savage one theory ghengis khan genocided the place and the only people left were the rednecks in the hills hence a rather fractured society
Male-only panels at conferences, for instance. I've seen this described as patriarchy. Recently, in some benighted corner of the world, a man participated in stoning his daughter to death, because his sense of honour was offended. It might be useful to have enough terminology available to preserve the distinction.

The frequency of male only panels or more commonly the panel with the token woman reflect the fact men still dominate the society in which we live. Look at the cabinet and the shadow cabinet; the boards ofmajor companies; statistics onwexual offences; or the number of men who kill their partners, expartners or children and you see the same reality.
Are the British military savages also? Or are they the wrong skin colour? Or does it just depend on the level of technological advancement used for the brutality?

fuck off cunt.
how the fuck can a discussion about people stoning to death a woman for adultery have anything to do with the british military?
likesfish - I suspect what c66 is alluding to is the attempts by the British to "pacify" the whole area - including the Kurds and Afghans, when villages were bombed etc for harbouring dissidents / freedom fighters.
A bit like American policy in Latin America, Indonesia, Vietnam/Cambodia when trying to suppress the "great communist plot to take over the world" and currently the fight "against drugs/global terrorism".
[try Blum's books "Rogue State" and "Killing Hope" for more details]
This is a semantic argument, not one about whether women get a raw deal internationally. I'd suggest that patriarchy is defined by what happens in the public sphere and where authority sits. I'm sure that there are ways of twisting that definition to prove that you are a better feminist than me and win whatever points you're after; I also think it's handy to have a word that describes exactly the power disparity between old men and young women in tribal Afghanistan.
i would suggest a definition of patriarchy ought to take into account what happens in the private sphere. the public sphere so beloved of eg habermas doesn't cut the mustard when it comes to looking at the family.
the kenya rape claims farce British soldiers cleared of rapes in Kenya
rocking up in a 3rd world country claiming the british will pay compensation is not exactly the way to gain reliable evidence the RMP may not be able to investigate there way out of a wet paperbag but they hate the rest of the army and of they could stitch someone up they would.
this has all the hallmarks of the danny boy fiasco:mad:
the kenya rape claims farce British soldiers cleared of rapes in Kenya
rocking up in a 3rd world country claiming the british will pay compensation is not exactly the way to gain reliable evidence the RMP may not be able to investigate there way out of a wet paperbag but they hate the rest of the army and of they could stitch someone up they would.
this has all the hallmarks of the danny boy fiasco:mad:

Thete is a Savillesque feel to that article. Too late after the event; unreliable witnesses; probably prostitutes etc.
But bombing weddings is fine.
sadly not always



"is that a bomb or are they just pleased to see us?"
Thete is a Savillesque feel to that article. Too late after the event; unreliable witnesses; probably prostitutes etc.

its kenya rolling in after the payouts for the range saying theres money to be made :mad: means any evidence was completely crayoned all over
The rape investigation was launched following allegations made by Martyn Day, a criminal injuries lawyer, who helped to secure a £4.5 million compensation package from the Government for 233 Masai killed or maimed by munitions left by the British Army after exercises in northern Kenya.
2,000 rape claims against British soldiers in Kenya 'were fabricated'
In January Mr Day admitted that many of the rape allegations were probably false and had been made by "opportunist" women hoping to claim compensation.

Mr Day has previously said that although 2,000 women claimed they had been raped by soldiers the actual number was much less and that he had uncovered substantial supporting evidence in 12 cases.

its danny boy all over again:mad: make outrageous claims lie lie and lie again and then still claim it was justified fuck off you ambulance chasing bastard.:mad::facepalm:
quitting is for losers we are playing the long game:D
Third time didn't prove to be any luckier did it?
Hopefully, cheap as chips oil and the move to RE will allow us to leave these places to find their own equilibrium.
What does"Danny Boy" refer to here?
Al-Sweady Inquiry: UK army murder claims 'deliberate lies' - BBC News

In a statement, national firm Leigh Day admitted it ‘did not get things right’ over the disclosure of a document given to its lawyers by a client in Syria seven years ago, but which was handed over to the inquiry only in September 2013.

‘The falsity of the overwhelming majority of their allegations, the extraordinarily late disclosure of a document showing the nine detainees to have been insurgents and the delay by their lawyers in withdrawing the allegations of torture and murder have prompted the SRA to investigate possible breaches of professional standards.’
Iraqis' solicitor 'shredded' torture file

paid witnesses so called farmers turned out to be members of the mahdi army nobody murdered or mutilated leigh Day knew their claimants had been fighters and that nobody had been murdered before the enquiry began
It's difficult to understand what women in Afghanistan are allowed to do these days, other than breath.
BBC News - Taliban order Afghanistan's hair and beauty salons to shut

Some of these are the breadwinners for the family. Without an income what other option will some have other than to sell their daughters to old men?
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