Military defence of protestor camps
... it may be time to start thinking of inviting the military to join the protestors with their guns to function as a camp guard.
Hey Spanish protestors, do you know why?
The military before a revolution begins, start on the side of the establishment because whoever they backed in the past has become the establishment of today.
In a revolutionary situation, the military were all conservatives, backing the existing king and their generals but now they are looking to revolutionaries to see what they have to say. You need to win support in the military along with support from other sections of society.
The general population includes the military and includes the brothers and sisters of those in the military, the parents of those in the military. If you win over the families of the military then you can win over the military themselves.
So if you are winning the general population then you are making inroads into the winning the military.
Beforehand the military had never heard of you. They were conservatives. They backed the king and their generals.
Now they have some sympathy for you. Good. See that as an opportunity to turn their sympathy into positive support - helping to guard the protest camps.
Absolutely do not throw away any sympathy you have earned with the military by calling them all "fascists".
Instead, call them "patriots" who are the only ones who can come to the defence of the people and their rights as citizens to protest.
Say, the honour of Spain is at stake. Spain must be a proud democracy to stand tall in the world, with our military proudly defending our democratic rights. The Catalan police shamed Spain by attacking protestors. This must not be repeated. A police state is bad for Spain.
Build a narrative for the military to believe in.
Don't shout at the military and spit at them if they offer you help. Embrace them, say that they are your national army, the army and the people are one, the army must come and defend the people.
Right now, the forces of conservatism are bad-mouthing you all to the military. You must anticipate those lies. Counter the lies which the conservatives will tell about you. Do not embarrass the military by burning national flags.
If the military are not allowed to come to guard the camp initially in full uniform with their weapons then invite them down in plain clothes disarmed the first time. Get to know them. Let them get to know you. The next time they can come with their weapons and in uniform to defend the camp.
Especially find good sympathetic military officers who know the military and who know about democracy and the rights of the citizens to protest. Liase with these officers. Those good sympathetic officers are your best hope of winning the army. Treat them well.
Large numbers of protestors are good but if the police have weapons they can defeat any number of peaceful civilians so you need military support just in case the police turn nasty again.
The Spanish protestors have the higher moral ground and that is very useful in a revolution, if you know how to use it. You need to appeal for support from the military to get a self-defence force loyal to the protestors, organised and in place 24/7 as soon as possible.
The higher moral ground without a loyal defence force is not a strong position.
The conservative opponents you are protesting against right now have state police commanders saying to your political opponents -
"No worries, we are not concerned if they have the higher moral ground, they will bleed just as easily, just let us attack them, round up their leaders, we know how to eliminate these protestors."
That is being planned and talked about now. Right now. You are in danger, all of you.
But don't panic, if you secure your defence as soon as possible you will do better.
But think of all those protests who had the higher moral ground yet were shot by the military. Remember the Tiananmin Square massacre in China.
At about 1:00 am, the army finally reached Tiananmen Square and waited for orders from the government. The soldiers had been told not to open fire, but they had also been told that they must clear the square by 6:00 am – with no exceptions or delays. They made a final offer of amnesty if the few thousand remaining students would leave. About 4:00 am, student leaders put the matter to a vote: Leave the square, or stay and face the consequences.
Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) rolled up the roads, firing ahead and off to the sides, perhaps killing or wounding their own soldiers in the process. BBC reporter Kate Adie spoke of "indiscriminate fire" within the square. Eyewitness reporter Charlie Cole also saw Chinese soldiers firing Type 56 assault rifles into the crowd near an APC which had just been torched and its crew killed; many were killed and wounded that night.
Students who sought refuge in buses were pulled out by groups of soldiers and beaten with heavy sticks. Even students attempting to leave the square were beset by soldiers and beaten. Leaders of the protest inside the square, where some had attempted to erect flimsy barricades ahead of the APCs, were said to have "implored" the students not to use weapons (such as Molotov cocktails) against the oncoming soldiers. Meanwhile, many students apparently were shouting, "Why are you killing us?" Around 4 or 5 am the following morning, 4 June, Cole reports to have seen tanks smashing into the square, crushing vehicles and people with their treads. By 5:40 am 4 June, the Square had been cleared.
Do not be ignorant my friends. Ignorance, naivety can get protestors killed.
Protestors must be prepared. They must secure their defences. Protestors must ask the military to secure their defences. They must do this while there is still time.