Lo Siento.
Second As Farce
If there is a resurgence of republicanism among Spaniards, great! Roll on the Third Republic! But I've not seen anything to suggest that the question of the monarchy is any sort of priority among the protestors or the general public.
But he DID, FFS! I don't know how much you have ever done or expect to do in defence of democracy, but what Juan Carlos did in Feb 81 is rather more than most of us ever manage!
Because of his role in the transition and his role in thwarting the coup of 23F, Juan Carlos has quite a lot of respect, at least among people old enough to remember the period.
Juan Carlos' role in 23F is overrated (and lots of Spanish people old enough to remember the period would tell yout the same).
As an aside people with Republican flags (or any other flags) at the camp were told to put them away, as the idea was to try and undermine the old "two spains" narrative, and not relive the same old fights. Obviously the PP wanted it to go the other way.
Well, Lletsa asked how can the protesters expect to achieve any of their goals? Well, taking into account turnout, the two main parties persuaded about 38% of the electorate to vote for them. Despite the PSOE being wiped out, the rise in the PP's vote was pretty negligible (in fact it went down in their strongholds - Valencia and Madrid). I think the active support of the political class, as a whole, IS dropping.
If, IF, the movement can continue to push effectively the idea that both parties constitute, together, essentially one force, there's a possibility that when the PP do win the presidency (and its evident that it's a done deal now), when they become unpopular (and I think Rajoy will be the most unpopular politician in Spanish history within 12 months) it might not turn into, "quick get the other lot back". That is, they might be able to create a real space for discussing an economic alternative to the turning the country over to the banks. Of course, it's not impossible that Spain will default at some point, at which point laying down this marker beforehand is well worth doing.